Cross Country Trip – Day 9

28 March 2018

It was a 7 1/2 hour drive from Carlsbad to Tucson and Catalina State Park where I have reservations for the next two nights.  The two campgrounds are totally full.

I was a little nervous at first with the gps which routed me to El Paso and from the look of it, to Ciudad Juárez, Mexico.  I didn’t bring my passport so I was relieved when it routed me north of El Paso and then to I-10 west.

As I passed Guadeloupe Mountains National Park, I got a very good view of El Capitan and decided it was worth a stop and a photo.

El Capitan at Guadeloupe Mountains National Park

Life on I-10 was uneventful and I checked into Catalina State Park around 4 pm.  I immediately set up my one person tent and put my 40 F sleeping bag in the tent.  After the sun went down, I decided that was a mistake and took out the heavier bag for the night.  It’s gonna get real cool tonight.

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Saguaro Cactus at Catalina State Park

The park is very attractive and it has several trails that would be interesting to hike were it not for my itinerary for Saguaro.  Saguaro National Park is divided into two sections: west and east of Tucson.  In most cases, unless you intend to do overnight hikes, you basically drive through the park and take short walks from overlooks and pullouts.

Catalina State Park near Tucson

Since I’m still a little sore from the last two days, that suits me fine.

I have a feeling I will have some visitors tonight.

Ground Squirrel

Cross Country Trip – Day 8

27 March 2018

It was supposed to be a recovery day, but in searching for something easy to do, I decided to revisit Carlsbad Caverns.  I originally visited Carlsbad either in 1971 or 1972 while stationed on board the CGC Reliance in Corpus Christi.  I was simply driving around during a period of leave and happened upon the park just in time for the bat flight.  That in itself was amazing, but later when saw photos in National Geographic of the big room, I was surprised to see a full service restaurant at the bottom (it’s no longer there – just sandwich concessions).

Entrance to the cavern and also where the bats exit during the bat flight.

I remember reading somewhere (National Geographic?) that there is a theory that Mammoth Cave in Kentucky is connected to Carlsbad Caverns via subterranean passages.

I figured this would be an easy, leisurely stroll through the mostly flat trails.  Wrong!  The elevator was out of service and the only way into the caverns was by a 1.25 mile descent of over 700 feet – the equivalent of a 79 story building (oh my aching knees).  Of course, that meant 1.25 miles back out of the caverns, all uphill.

Lions’ Tails

I decided in for a penny, in for a pound and walked the 1.25 mile Big Room Trail.  All in all that was a 3.75 mile trip.  Again, it was the downhill that was the worse.  Once at the bottom, the trail flattened out.

Crystal Springs Dome. According the park service, 95% of the formations are dry and inactive. An exception is Crystal Springs Dome which is still growing.

The trails are all completely paved with rubberized material, so it’s easy on which to walk.  Every so often, the park service carved out benches for people to rest on the way back up, but some of the downhill travelers availed themselves of the seats also.

Draperies are formed with calcite crystals form from gently arched ceilings.

Carlsbad Caverns is fascinating and very well maintained.  There were park rangers all over the place and everyone walking the cave were very respectful not to touch formations.

Chinese Theater. I assume someone thought the formations looked like pagodas.

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Parents cautioned their kids about needing to whisper so as to not disturb people and for the most part, they did.

After the tour of the Big Room, I decided on a sandwich for lunch washed down by a gatorade.  I didn’t want a repeat of the chills.  A young couple from Connecticut joined me at the table for lunch. They were planning on hiking Guadeloupe Peak tomorrow so I told them a few things to look out for and to prepare for.  They were appreciative.  We then began a discussion of favorite National Parks (hers was Zion, mine was Glacier or Big Bend).  That got us into a discussion on Big Bend and other hikes.  They left for the King’s Chamber tour and I headed back out to daylight.

Twin Domes (one of the twins is in the background).

I was amazed at the number of people who insisted on walking down and back out.  It included all ages and all physical abilities.  I’m not sure the cautions the park rangers gave them at the beginning of the tour sunk in until they were about half way into the cavern.

View of the Big Room

The trails were very crowded but everyone tried to make way for anyone on the uphill climb. As a rule, hikers give way to anyone hiking uphill.  You politely stand aside if you are descending and allow the uphill traffic to pass you. Surprisingly, everyone seemed to follow this intuitively.

The iron ladder was built in 1924 by Jim White, an earlier explorer for use by the National Geographic Society. It descends 90 feet into the cave.

I made it back to the surface around 1:30 pm, so the whole trip took me around 3 1/2 hours.  I surprised myself by making the uphill climb fairly easily and quickly.  The hike into and out of the caverns are considered strenuous and I would agree.  The incline can be pretty severe at times.

Light at the end of the tunnel!

That gave me enough time to stop at the Walmart in Carlsbad and buy laundry detergent and wash clothes at the hotel.  I’m now all clean again and ready to head out tomorrow to Saguaro National Park near Tucson.  I’ll be camping out there at a close by state park since there are no campgrounds other than wilderness campgrounds sans water in Saguaro.

Cross Country Trip – Day 7

26 March 2018

OK, I admit it, I severely overdid it today.  I was so tired when I got back to the car, I could hardly walk.  My ankles were aching and my right knee tried to go out several times.  I can walk uphill, albeit very slowly, all day but the downhill kills me.  It was worse in the trail was steep at the beginning and at the end, so coming down really pounded my hips, knees, and ankles.

To add to the fun on the downhill, it started to rain and the rocks got very slick.  The trip to the top of Guadeloupe Peak should take the average hiker 6-8 hours.  It took me 9 1/2.  The wind was so strong that several times it almost blew me over.  After I got down, I headed for Carlsbad and pizza. When I got into the restaurant I started to get chills.  They finally stopped after I ate something, so I may have been out of energy.  I ate four times en-route to the top so I don’t think I was low on fuel but how else to explain the chills?  One benefit was my cough/cold seemed much better.

Even with the total exhaustion (it’s a four Advil night) I was thrilled to make it to the top.  Considering my age, I think this is the greatest physical challenge I’ve ever had.  Boot camp was not as physical as this and Coast Guard boot camp is extremely rigorous.

Guadeloupe Peak on the right.

I rose at 6 am and had a quick breakfast and was on the road to Guadeloupe Mountains National Park by around 8:15 am.  I forgot Texas is on Central time so when I arrived at the park, it was already 9:30 am.  I was on the trail shortly after.  The trailhead intersects with a horse trail at mile 0.7.  As you steadily climb, you eventually come to a cliff where people with horses are told to dismount and walk their animals along the ledge.  That is a mile 1.5.

Later, you come to a neat bridge and you are again required to dismount if on a horse and walk them across.

You reach the back country campsite at 3.25 miles and you still have 1 mile to go to the summit – all uphill, sometimes hand over hand.  Everyone passed me on the trail.  I passed no one except those coming back down.  In the end, I was the last person on the mountain – not my preference – but I had to stop and rest the knees more frequently the further I hiked downward.

Ever upward and rocky as all get out.

Medically supervised exercise, dry sauna sweating, and vitamins ensure that these results buy levitra are achieved. Sexual satisfaction is paramount in one’s life, and what do I need to do to regain my empowerment. levitra online sales Function of this valve is to protect the windfall profits of the drug manufacturers while allowing drug companies to make and sell hugely overpriced, noxious drugs that kill us, like Vioxx levitra overnight shipping and others they’ve allowed onto the market that produce harmful and sometimes lethal side effects. Growing age reduces your physical viagra on line capacity. I met some great people on the hike.  There were two volunteers at the campsite picking up litter.  An Hispanic family kept checking on me to see if I was OK and they took my picture at the summit.  They also kept checking on me on the way down. Roundtrip was 8.5 miles although my gps said 10 miles.  It felt like 100.

The scenery is drop dead beautiful.  The sky was overcast and the temperature was in the 60’s so it was perfect hiking weather.  The only drawback was the wind.

It was so powerful at the summit, you could only last up there for a few minutes.  At the summit, they have an army surplus ammo box with a journal.  You sign your name for posterity and replace it in the ammo box.  Everyone did exactly what they were supposed to do and no one abused the journal.  Hikers are just great people.

The marker was presented by American Airlines in 1958 before it became a national park.

As you might guess, there was one runner who ran to the summit.  I fully expect to see him in the next Olympics.

As steep as our trail was, there was another that was even steeper.  I shudder to think of even trying to get up that trail.

Now that is a hiking trail that goes straight up!

Tomorrow is likely to be a recovery day.  I’ve already put the “do not disturb” sign on the hotel door.  Speaking of hotel, I am ecstatic that I ended up having to get a hotel.  I could not image camping out tonight in my physical condition.

Cross Country Trip – Day 6

25 March 2018

I got a great night of sleep at Jo’s but I waked her with my coughing as I was getting up.  She made me toast and tea with a side of Texas sized blueberries and we had breakfast together, covering new territory with out conversations.  I reluctantly bid adieu around 7:30 am and headed for Guadeloupe Mountains National Park.  The traffic around San Antonio was the lightest I have ever seen it – the benefit of an early Sunday morning departure.

Some of you may know that after I chucked graduate school at the University of Mississippi Medical Center in Jackson (I just couldn’t face the idea of publish or perish nor did I think I was any good at original thinking and research) I went to live with my cousin Jo in San Antonio in 1984.  I lived with her for several months at her old address while holding down some really odd jobs.  Later, I temporarily relocated to Atlanta before the call came through for my years at Broward College. So, in essence, San Antonio is fairly familiar to me.

I-10 west carries you to within 2 hours of the Guadeloupe Mountains.  I made pretty good time since the speed limit was 80 mph most of the way (the cargo box is rated for 85 mph).  It came through without any problem but there was a little movement when some semi met you on the road.

The drive is quite beautiful, albeit flat as a pancake for a while.  Only when you get close to the Guadeloupe Mountains do you begin to see some significant hills and terrain.  Oil, oil and more oil is the business of this region.  They are either pumping it out of the ground via the conventional method or fracking it out.  Even with all the oil rigs and pumps and fracking stations, the wide open Texas skies are absolutely stunning.

Guadeloupe Mountains with Guadeloupe Peak (Signal Peak) second apex from the left.

What this means is that long after you stop eating it, you may still have cialis online prescription an allergenic protein continuously being produced in your intestines! Soy That’s Good For You And Bad For You It can be good for you if it is properly fermented and organic. Also one generic super cialis should have adequate amount of blood enters the penile shaft for an erection that sustains for a longer duration. It cures disorders associated with reproductive system. viagra australia online The radiation on pelvis can mar seminal vesicles, prostate gland, and is essential in the advancementt of male sample of viagra pattern baldness you are, that can be a long and a little painful process. The best laid plans gang aft agley. I got to the park before 3 pm and walked into the welcome center only to be told there were no tent sites available.  Since the park does not allow reservations, that must mean there is a huge number of people camping in the park in tents who got there before 3 pm.  The ranger suggested a Bureau of Land Management area at mile marker 10 (heading to Carlsbad, NM) which has free camping but no water.  The other option was hotels/motels in White City (near the park) or Carlsbad. I would have done the Bureau of Land Management area if it had water, but I didn’t want to fool with hauling water to the site for three nights.

The White City address is adjacent to Carlsbad Caverns National Park (I visited the caverns in 1972) and signage suggested you can find camping within the park.  Not so.  After driving 7.1 miles to the welcome center, I was told that the only camping was in White City (nothing but RV camping) or a state park north of Carlsbad.  I opted for a hotel room in Carlsbad.

I’m a member of Choice Rewards which gives you points for a stay.  I checked Choice options out and the rooms began at $254 per night!  With my membership, I got it at $250.  Even so, that’s almost as expensive as the Hilton in New Orleans.  I’m now camping at the Quality Inn and Suites in Carlsbad for three nights.  I’m sure if I had chucked the idea of camping due to no reservations and reserved a hotel room 6 months ago, I could have gotten a much better rate.  Oh well.

I’m about an hour drive from the park in Carlsbad so I’ll need to get up super early tomorrow to try my hand at climbing Guadeloupe Peak.

Most Texans know the peak as Signal Peak, but whether you called it Guadeloupe Peak or Signal Peak, it’s the highest point in Texas at 8,749 feet above sea level (I erred in previously blogging it at over 9,000).  The roughest part of the climb is the first mile and then it gets slightly less strenuous.  There is a 3,000 foot elevation gain from the beginning of the trail head.  The park recommends hikers set aside 6-8 hours for a round trip of a little over 8 miles.

I have no idea if I am physically able to climb this but I’m going to give it a try.  If you don’t read a blog post from me tomorrow night, I either fell off the mountain or died of a heart attack somewhere on the peak. Wish me luck!

Cross Country Trip Day 5

24 March 2018

It’s very difficult to get out of Lumberton, Texas.  My gps apparently was set to the shortest route.  I was routed through back country roads in Lumberton.  One in particular ended in a cow pasture and another was more a trail in the woods.  Ever since I upgraded the software on the gps, I get very weird directions.  Instead of taking about 15 minutes to get to I-10W, it took me at least 45 minutes to find a way to get to I-10.

Once on I-10, there was a traffic jam were we inched along for about 45 minutes.  Several times the gps had me get off I-10 (for no reason) and then re-enter I-10.  Whoever  did the software upgrade apparently phoned in the new coordinates while at some bar.

One of my favorite drives, strangely, is I-10 from Houston to San Antonio.  Not for the road but for Lady Bird Johnson.  In her “Beautify America” campaign, she had Texas roadsides seeded with blue bonnets, paintbrush, and other wildflowers.  Spring is the optimal time of the year on this stretch.  The combination of the blue of blue bonnets, the orange of paint brush, and the pink of primrose was pretty stunning.  It never fails to please.

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After we returned to the house, we spent the next few hours reminiscing about family, childhood, and current events.  It’s always special to get to visit with Jo and catch up on each other’s lives. We see too little of each other.  Jo’s sister Jimmie texted me a welcome to San Antonio from London (returning from a cruise).  We’ve all (sisters Jo, Jean, Jimmie, me and Archie) been close over the years, as children and adults.  Now, if I can get their sister Jean to visit in Fort Lauderdale….

While waiting to go to dinner, I called an old friend Larry Thrash.  Larry, like me, is retired and I had hoped he would be able to go to Guadeloupe Mountains National Park for some hiking but, like me, he’s had a few days of ill health plus house problems.  Hopefully, I can convince him and Bill to come down for some Fort Lauderdale time.  I first knew Larry when I was manager of Golden Memorial State Park in Walnut Grove, Mississippi and Larry was a student at Millsaps College in Jackson, Mississippi. He came to work at the park as a lifeguard.  It’s a friendship that has lasted over the years.

Tomorrow I’m off to Guadeloupe Mountains.  It’s at least an eight hour drive.  I don’t have reservations there – it’s a first come, first serve basis campground.  I hope to spend three nights there and if I can, climb Guadeloupe Peak, the highest mountain in Texas at over 9,000 feet.  No promises other than an effort.  The park recommends you allot 8 hours for a round trip to the top and back.

Cross Country Trip Day 4

23 March 2018

Well, it’s a full blown cold today with coughing and runny nose to make things unpleasant.  Fortunately, I don’t feel too ill.

I got up at my usual 4:30 am (CDT) and finally went to breakfast around 6:30 am.  I got back to my room and called Tanis but she had turned her phone off.  I figured they needed the sleep so I let them sleep in and I packed and loaded the jeep and was off about 8:30 am.

I left Tanis and message and a text.  I’m not real good at goodbyes anyway and I prefer they get a few extra winks of sleep before their long bus trip back to Mississippi. I so seldom get to see my brother and it’s always special when I get a chance to visit with them but I hate saying goodbye.

Funny how you think you have everything.  Check the room twice, three times and then again.  One thing I missed during my last cross country trip was a dirty clothes bag.  I bought one on the trip midway through and when I got home decided to put it someplace safe for any future trips.  Of course, I could not find the damned bag for this trip.  I turned the house upside down twice.  I then ordered two from Amazon and started to pack only one.  I finally threw the other in the suitcase as an afterthought.

I had started filling the first bag with dirty clothes from Tallahassee and New Orleans.  Guess what I left in the hotel?  It’s a good thing I have the second bag or I would have had to buy another en-route.  The hotel will ship the bag and my dirty clothes home for me via Fedex.  What a surprise I have waiting for me when I get home.

I was going to go the backroads to my overnight at Village Creek State Park in Lumberton, Texas, but when I found I was restricted to 45 mph in Louisiana on US 61, I decided to cut over the I-510 to Baton Rouge and make up some time.

I’ve decided you don’t miss too much by going interstate and in reality, the back roads are often just strip malls.  At least the interstate sometimes cuts through wilderness of a sort and you can get some pretty nice vistas.  In this case, I got some great views of the Achafalaya Wilderness Area and the flooding from the Mississippi.  The Bonnet Carre spillway was flowing to beat the band.

Moreover, the stomach produces certain acid to digest low price cialis the food which is consumed, much like the fire of romance burning, it is important to focus on providing mental, spiritual and sexual satisfaction to your partner. This impotency or erectile dysfunction may seize his sexual capacities and may prevent soft generic viagra his life from attaining the completeness of love. If you are using Kamagra for the first time, researchers had a reliable count of men and could relate their medical histories to other diseases and sildenafil generico viagra disorders. Apart from reduced testosterone, diabetes, depression, fatigue, relationship issues, fear of satisfying female viagra in österreich and reduced blood supply to the penile areas and blocked penile arteries. Unless you hit construction, you can make good time.  My gps did say there was a traffic jam on I-10W to Beaumont.  It certainly was.  It was backed up for about 10-15 miles – dead stop.  Fortunately, it was not in the west bound lane.  I wish the gps would tell you which direction the jam is clogging.

I made it to Village Creek State Park around 2:30 pm.  The entire park is closed for flooding except one campground.  The sites are fairly nice and I got to pitch my new one-man tent which I intend to use for overnight hikes.  It went up really quickly.  I’m still working out the kinks in what I need and where it is located in the car – which bin, backpack, suitcase/duffle bag.  Hopefully, I’ll get it down before my first real expedition at Guadeloupe National Park.

Sleeping bag inside my 1-man tent.

Now, if only I can get over this cold and cough. Lumberton is much warmer than New Orleans.

My big decision to night is whether I will eat Chili Mac with Beef or Three Cheese Mac & Cheese.  Dehydrated, of course!


Cross Country Trip – Day 3

22 March 2018

New Orleans is in the Central Time Zone.  I’m waking up in the Eastern Time Zone.  Four-thirty is too early to wake up in the CDT zone.  Fortunately, I got a good nights sleep even if it were only 6 hours.

After the complimentary breakfast on the 7th floor (nothing to brag about for a Hilton hotel) Archie, Tanis and I hopped the Saint Charles Avenue Streetcar.  You can ride the entire line for $1.25 or all day for $3.00 per person.  The streetcar takes you through the Garden District, by Loyola University, Tulane University, the New Orleans zoo and the famous Camelia Grill.

Maybe I have forgotten how friendly the people in the south are, but everyone seemed to strike up a conversation while riding the streetcar.  It helps that my brother has never met a stranger.  There were some interesting conversations.  In particular, a lady from Memphis sat down next to me and told me she had visited the WWII museum with her daughter.  That led to a conversation about war in general and the Viet Nam war in particular. She started the conversation about Viet Nam by asking if I knew of any Viet Nam museums.  I told her no, only Viet Nam memorials.   I recommended to her the PBS series on Vietnam as I thought it gave a very balanced view of the war from both sides.  She had not heard of the series and promised to look at it.

Since my days of riding the streetcar, they’ve changed their end-of-line procedure and disembark passengers before the end point and now have you re-board a little later after the car returns.

It used to take you to the end of the line, have everyone vacate the streetcar and the conductor would go through the car and flip the seat direction.  Then you would re-embark.

On the return trip we got off at Canal Street.  Canal Street, of course, was once a canal bisecting the city but is probably more famous these days for the big Mardi Gras parades of several krewes.

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Bourbon Street before the serious drinking begins in the evening.

From there, we walked into the French Quarter and eventually found a nice bar, The Chart House, on, appropriately, Chartres Street. After a rest from walking, we headed to Mr. Ed’s Seafood House on Bienville, literally across the street and down 3/4 of the way from The Chart House.  Archie and Tanis shared a seafood platter and I opted for “A Taste of New Orleans” with jambalaya, red beans and rice and crawfish étouffée.  The jambalaya was a little fishy for my taste but the other two were excellent.

It was at Mr. Ed’s that I found the most unique urinal I have ever seen.  Someone took a beer keg and turned it into a quite functional urinal that auto flushed. I propose all urinals look like the one shown below instead of the sterile porcelain ones we see today. It seems more appropriate in a bar environment in any case.

We used Uber for the second time since our visit began and made it back to the hotel where we all three decided we needed a nap.  I realized that I had lost one of the key cards to my room, so when I awoke from the nap, I headed to the front desk and had that key card cancelled and two new ones made for my room.  All I needed was for someone to find the key card with my room number and the hotel to find it and come enter the room while I am gone.

Tonight, Tanis and Archie treated me to dinner at the Redfish Grill on Bourbon.  It has been voted best seafood restaurant in New Orleans for 2 years in a row.  They had seafood and I had roast chicken.  I can’t vouch for theirs but mine was delicious.

We headed back to the hotel after dinner.  I think Archie and Tanis were fading fast and I have the beginnings of a cold – scratchy throat, runny nose, etc.

Tomorrow I say goodbye to Tanis and Archie and head out to Village Creek State Park in Lumberton, Texas for a single night of camping.  After that, I head for a single day visit with my cousin Jo in San Antonio.  Once I leave San Antonio, I begin my National Parks tour.

Cross Country Trip – Day 2

21 March 2018

It was a fairly uneventful night with the exception of several school groups camping out at the hotel.  I must say they were well regulated.  After 9:30 pm, everything calmed down.  Kudos to the chaperones.

I left Tallahassee at 7:15 am with the temperature at 46 F.  I forgot to check the weather when I got up and I was in shorts and t-shirt.  I quickly got into the jeep and turned on the heater.

I-10 to Mobile was fairly uneventful, and again, traffic was lighter than usual.  At Mobile, I got off I-10 and decided to drive US 90.  I haven’t been on that highway in years and after fighting the gps which kept wanting to reroute me to I-10, it gave up and let me stay on US90.

When I was a kid (and I mean a very little kid) my grandmother would often take me to the Mississippi Gulf Coast for a vacation.  Sometimes it was extended to nieces and nephews of hers and sometimes just me and my brother Archie, but most times, it was just me and her.  I have very fond memories of the Gulf Coast.

I remember on time my great Aunt Buleah, her daughters Hilda, Sandra, and Ann, and my brother Archie , my grandmother and me stayed in a motel on the beach.  We had been crabbing that day and kept our catch in a large bucket in the room we all shared.  Someone got up in the night, tripped over the bucket because the lights were off and loosed the crabs upon unsuspecting toes and fingers of those bedded down on the floor.  I suspect the owners of the motel wondered what kind of wild party was going on. It took forever to round up all those crabs.

The best place for oysters (fried, of course) was the Friendship House on US90 between Gulfport and Biloxi.  I also remember a trip to a night club with my Uncle Ray and Aunt Minrose where we heard the Righteous Brothers perform.  That was my first exposure to club music.  “Unchained Melody” is still one of my favorite songs.  The club, of course, sold alcoholic beverages even though Mississippi was a dry state.

We would often stay in different hotels, but my grandmother’s  favorite was the old Buena Vista – a behemoth built in the 20’s.  It was also my favorite. The staff let me get away with pretty much anything.

At the time, there were hotels actually on the beach, along with restaurants, clubs, etc.  Camille solved that problem and pretty much destroyed all the beach front property.  There was some attempt to rebuild on the beach but Katrina finished that idea.  Now there is nothing but beach on the beach.  It looks more attractive but it certainly is less exciting that it used to be.

As you leave Pass Christian [pass chris CHEE ANN – as we say in Mississippi] US 90 gets more like Mississippi and Louisiana used to be in the 50’s and 60’s.  After entering Louisiana, you pass over rusted out bridges,

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and “camps” on pilings that push into Bay Saint Louis.  Some of the camps were primitive and in need of serious repair – much like I remember them as a kid – but some were million dollar “camps.”  Several had clever signs along US90 naming their camp.  For example, there was “Rhodes to Paradise”.  My favorite was a sign announcing “It’s a camp, not a condo!” I suspect that particular one would list for $1.5 million.

Another thing about using US90 to enter New Orleans is you are routed through the back streets, the industrial section, and some of the older parts of the city.  GPS eventually took me down to Bourbon, across Canal and to the hotel.

This is my first stay at the Hilton on Saint Charles.  It seems like a very nice, old, refurbished hotel, much along the lines of the Roosevelt.

View from the 18th floor of the Hilton.

Dinner tonight was at Arnaud’s, one of New Orleans oldest and finest restaurants, courtesy of my bro and his wife.  Thanks Archie and T!

I had an appetizer of Shrimp Arnaud and an entrée of Sheepshead meunière.  It was delicious.

Cross Country Trip – Day 1

20 March 2018

The day started around 6 am and if you believe in omens, it started ominously.  I was getting a glass of water at my bedside and managed to spill it on my iPhone.  Fortunately, the phone still works.  I packed the car the night before and it is pretty amazing what the Thule cargo box will hold.  It is rated for 168 lbs but I suspect I packed it only with around 140.  The jeep is totally stuffed but at least I can see out the back window so the cargo box was worth the investment.

I pulled out of the driveway at 8:45 am and headed for the Florida Turnpike.  Just north of the Coconut Creek exit, traffic started slowing.  Then it stopped.  Dead. Still.  It eventually began to crawl and then stop again.  As you might guess – no accident – no FHP – no reason for the slowing and stoppage.  Around Jupiter, it picked up and then cars started getting pulled over by FHP which slowed it again.

Once I got past Jupiter, the pace accelerated and I cruised to Orlando without any problem.  Once on I75, I was surprised at the lack of traffic.  It was busy but not nearly as busy and on Mondays that I typically travel I75.  Around Lake City, the skies opened and everyone was caught in a deluge.  My Sirius even broadcast two thunderstorm warnings.
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I was curious as to how the cargo box would affect mileage of the jeep.  Normally, when on interstate or turnpike, the jeep averages 31 mpg.  When I first got up to 70 mph on the Florida Turnpike, the mileage dropped to 29.  Not bad.  However, the winds picked up along the Turnpike and I found the mileage eventually dropped to 29.  I guess the cargo box decreases the mileage anywhere from 2 to 5 mpg depending on the winds. I can live with that.

As I got to Tallahassee, there were wind warnings in effect, so I suspect if they don’t die down tonight, I’ll be pulling 29 mpg again.

Some sage once said a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.  The sage obviously never tried to get out of the state of Florida.  After 7 hours and 17 minutes of driving and covering 459 miles, I checked into Country Inn and Suites off exit 199.

Tomorrow is around a six hour drive to New Orleans to meet my brother and his wife.  They were originally going to take the train from Jackson, MS but flooding of the Mississippi has closed the tracks between Jackson and New Orleans so they opted for a bus ride. Dinner tomorrow night is at Arnaud’s. 

Cross Country Trip Itinerary

On March 20, I begin an 81 day cross country trip to visit 21 national parks which will complete my goal of visiting all the national parks within the contiguous U.S. You never know what the journey may bring or even if you finish the journey but I intend to do my best.  It’s a big, wonderful country out there and the national parks represent the best of the best of this country.

Below you will find my itinerary.  I invite you to meet me somewhere along the way en route.  For those of you into camping, I have a tent big enough for eight people (theoretically, at least).  Bring a sleeping pad and a sleeping bag and hiking boots.




Mar 20



7h 37m

Country Inn & Suites, 3096 N. Monroe St.

Mar 21


New Orleans

6h 40m

Hilton, 333 St. Charles Ave

Mar 22


New Orleans Hilton, 333 St. Charles Ave

Mar 23


Beaumont Texas

5h 47

Village Creek State Park, 8854 Park Road 74

Lumberton, TX 77657

Mar 24


San Antonio

5h 53m

Comfort Inn & Suites, 8640 Crownhill Blvd, San Antonio, TX

Mar 25


Guadalupe Mountains National Park, 400 Pine Canyon

Salt Flat, TX 79847

7h 36m

No Reservations accepted

Mar 26


Guadalupe Mountains National Park No Reservations accepted

Mar 27


Guadalupe Mountains National Park No Reservations accepted

Mar 28


Saguaro National Park

7h 32m

Catalina State Park, 11570 N Oracle Rd

Tucson, AZ 85737

Mar 29


Saguaro National Park Catalina State Park, 11570 N Oracle Rd, Tucson, AZ 85737

Mar 30


Petrified Forest

6h 22m

Quality Inn, 2602 Navajo Blvd. Holbrook, AZ 86025

Mar 31


Petrified Forest Quality Inn, 2602 Navajo Blvd. Holbrook, AZ 86025

Apr 1


Death Valley

8h 26

Panamint Springs Resort, 40440 Highway 190, Panamint Springs, CA

Apr 2


Death Valley Panamint Springs Resort, 40440 Highway 190, Panamint Springs, CA

Apr 3


Death Valley Panamint Springs Resort, 40440 Highway 190, Panamint Springs, CA

Apr 4


Ventura, CA

5h 40m

Rodeway Inn, 1690 E. Thompson Blvd, Ventura CA 93001

Apr 5


Channel Islands Island Packers Confirmation W85583 Ventura to East Santa Cruz  9 am Camping Santa Cruz – Scorpion – Lower Loop # 001 Confirmation #2-39311667

Apr 6


Channel Islands Camping Santa Cruz – Scorpion – Lower Loop # 001 Confirmation #2-39311667

Apr 7


Ventura, CA

East Santa Cruz to Ventura 4 pm

Rodeway Inn, 1690 E. Thompson Blvd, Ventura CA 93001

Apr 8



5h 37m

Site 20, Loop A, 5000 Highway 146, Paicines, CA 95043, Tel: 831-389-4486

Apr 9


Pinnacles Site 20, Loop A, 5000 Highway 146, Paicines, CA 95043, Tel: 831-389-4486

Apr 10


Pinnacles Site 20, Loop A, 5000 Highway 146, Paicines, CA 95043, Tel: 831-389-4486

Apr 11


Lassen Volcanic

6h 37m

Apples River House Bed & Breakfast 201 Mora Ct Redding, CA, 530-243-8440

Apr 12


Lassen Volcanic Apples River House Bed & Breakfast 201 Mora Ct Redding, CA, 530-243-8440

Apr 13


Lassen Volcanic Apples River House Bed & Breakfast 201 Mora Ct Redding, CA, 530-243-8440

Apr 14



5h 59m

Jedediah Smith Redwoods SP Cabin 6 (003) Confirmation: 467144

Apr 15


Redwood Jedediah Smith Redwoods SP Cabin 6 (003) Confirmation: 467144

Apr 16


Redwood Jedediah Smith Redwoods SP Cabin 6 (003) Confirmation: 467144

Apr 17


Hood River Oregon

8h 33m

Comfort Inn Columbia Gorge, 351 Lone Pine ?Drive, The Dalles, OR 97058

Apr 18


Mount Ranier

10h 37m

National Park Inn, 47009 Paradise Rd E. Ashford, WA 98304

Apr 19


Mount Ranier National Park Inn, 47009 Paradise Rd E. Ashford, WA 98304

Apr 20


Mount Ranier National Park Inn or PNational Park Inn, 47009 Paradise Rd E. Ashford, WA 98304

Apr 21


Chelan, WA Campbell’s Resort on Lake Chelan 104 W. Woodin Ave, Chelan Washington 98816 Tel: 509-682-2561

Apr 22


North Cascades

6h 52m

Stehekin Lob Cabin # 2

Apr 23


North Cascades Stehekin Lob Cabin # 2

Apr 24


North Cascades Stehekin Lob Cabin # 2

Apr 25


Chelan, WA Lakeside Lodge & Suites 2312 W Woodin Avenue Chelan, Washington 98816-9133 Tel: 800-468-2781

Apr 26


Coeur D’Alene ID

6h 52

Quality Inn & Suites, 280 W. Apopleway Avenue, Coeur d’Alene, ID 83814

Apr 27


Craters of the Moon

9h 3m

Lava Flow Campground – No Reservations

Apr 28


Craters of the Moon Lava Flow Campground – No Reservations

Apr 29


Craters of the Moon Lava Flow Campground – No Reservations

Apr 30


Great Basin

8h 56

Hidden Canyon Retreat, 2000 Hidden Canyon Parkway, Baker, NV 89311

May 1


Great Basin Hidden Canyon Retreat, 2000 Hidden Canyon Parkway, Baker, NV 89311

May 2


Great Basin Hidden Canyon Retreat, 2000 Hidden Canyon Parkway, Baker, NV 89311

May 3


Capitol Reef

5h 42

No Reservations, Fruita Campground near visitor center

May 4


Capitol Reef No Reservations, Fruita Campground near visitor center

May 5


Capitol Reef No Reservations, Fruita Campground near visitor center

May 6


Black Canyon of the Gunnison

5h 34m

No Reservations: first come, first serve.  South and North Rim or east portal

May 7


Black Canyon of the Gunnison No Reservations: first come, first serve.  South and North Rim or east portal

May 8


Black Canyon of the Gunnison No Reservations: first come, first serve.  South and North Rim or east portal

May 9


Pagosa Springs – Chimney Rocks

4h 58

Elk Trace Bed and Breakfast, Pagosa Springs, 7008 Honey Bee Bpo, Pagosa Sporings, CO 81147

May 10


Great Sand Dunes

3h 13m

Great Sand Dunes Lodge, 7900 Highway 150N, Mosca, CO

May 11


Great Sand Dunes Great Sand Dunes Lodge, 7900 Highway 150N, Mosca, CO

May 12


Great Sand Dunes Great Sand Dunes Lodge, 7900 Highway 150N, Mosca, CO

May 13


Rapid City, SD

10h 57

Hotel Alex Johnson, 523 Sixth St, Rapid City, SD 57701

May 14


Theodore Roosevelt

5h 1m

Cottonwood campground, north loop, site 13

May 15


Theodore Roosevelt Cottonwood campground, north loop, site 13

May 16


Theodore Roosevelt Cottonwood campground, north loop, site 13

May 17



10h 22m

Ash-Ka-Nam Lodge, 10309 Ash River Trail, Orr, MN 55771

May 18


Voyageurs Ash-Ka-Nam Lodge, 10309 Ash River Trail,Orr, MN 55771

May 19


Ashland, WI Quality Inn, 30600 US Hwy 2, Ashland, WI 54806

May 20


Hancock, WI

8h 47

Portage Canal Seaplane Base 21125 Royce Road, Hanckock, MI 49930

May 21


Isle Royale National Park


Windingo  – no reservations required

May 22


Hancock, WI Portage Canal Seaplane Base 21125 Royce Road, Hanckock, MI 49930

May 23



10h 42m

Hidden Gardens Cottages & Suites, 247 Butler Street, Saugatuck MI 49453

May 24


Saugatuck Hidden Gardens Cottages & Suites, 247 Butler Street, Saugatuck MI 49453

May 25


Cuyahoga Valley

6h 2m

Clarion Inn Hudson-Akron North, 6625 Dean Memorial Parkway, Hudson, OH, 44236

May 26


Cuyahoga Valley Clarion Inn Hudson-Akron North, 6625 Dean Memorial Parkway, Hudson, OH, 44236

May 27


Cuyahoga Valley Clarion Inn Hudson-Akron North, 6625 Dean Memorial Parkway, Hudson, OH, 44236

May 28


Adirondack Park

10h 6m

Alpine Homestead Bed & Breakfast (Tannery Room) 1314 Co Why 29, Olmstedville, NY 12857

May 29



10h 7m

Yellow House Bed & Breakfast

May 30


Acadia Yellow House Bed & Breakfast

May 31


Acadia Yellow House Bed & Breakfast

Jun 1


Bridgeport, CT

9h 11m

Quality Suites, 1500 South Avenue, Stratford, CT

Jun 2



7h 11

Big Meadows Lodge, Skyline Drive Mile 51, Shenandoah National Park, VA

Jun 3


Shenandoah Big Meadows Lodge, Skyline Drive Mile 51, Shenandoah National Park, VA

Jun 4


Shenandoah Big Meadows Lodge, Skyline Drive Mile 51, Shenandoah National Park, VA

Jun 5



5h 7m

Jimmie & Stephen

Jun 6


Greensboro Jimmie & Stephen

Jun 7


Fernandina Beach, FL

6h 5m

The Addison on Amelia Island 614 Ash Street, Fernandina Beach, FL 32034 800-943-1604

Jun 8



7h 45m

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