13 May 2024
I got out of bed this morning feeling better than I have since I’ve been back from the trip. I can only describe the past few days as a malaise. I felt good enough to begin a walk this morning.
I noticed on the walk my left heel was giving me trouble. My left leg is weaker than the right and I wonder if I’m compensating too much for that leg. Either that or I’m getting a bone spur. I did managed a half a mile after I decided to head back home because of the heel.
I sat on the patio for my “second” breakfast of grapefruit, coffee and crossword puzzle. I noticed my pygmy date palm was in bloom.
This is the only palm that was in my yard when I bought the house. I now have nine different species in the yard and there used to be more. The pygmy date palm is native to southeastern Asia and is planted here as an ornamental. As you a see, it has tiny yellow flowers. Supposedly, the fruit is edible but mine never sets fruit. That’s because I have a male tree.
If you follow my blog, you know I have a habit of eating a half a grapefruit after my walks. I’m on a statin drug (Prilosec/Omeprazole) and generally you should not eat citrus when on statins. However, Prilosec is not affected by citrus. Anyway, my cholesterol levels are good with my dosage and the grapefruit really doesn’t seem to cause a problem.
When you order from Whole Foods, Publix, Aldi, or any other grocer, you are at the mercy of the shopper and how well they know to pick things, particularly fruit. I usually have good luck with them picking my fruit but when I got the grapefruit unpacked, I had a sinking feeling. It felt the rind was too thick.
Here’s what I found when I cut one in half and sectioned it.
I can safely say that’s the thickest rind I’ve ever seen on a grapefruit. I haven’t tasted it yet but it could be the best tasting of all but the sections are so small, it would matter. All of the ones the shopper sent me are like this one.
Pretty soon it will be too hot to sit out on the patio so I’m trying to take advantage of that while I can. We’re supposed to hit 97°F on Wednesday and Thursday with rain. That may break a record for May. We’ve already set two May temperature records and we are not even half way through the month. Hurricane season is looking ominous. Good thing they serviced my generator while I was on my trip.
Lunch today with John.
Stay tuned!
If you can get them, I always prefer pomelo to grapefruit. The husk is thicker, but the fruit is much sweeter and not as sharp. I am not sure if all citrus or only grapefruit affect medications.