A Day at the Dali and Chihuley Museums

20 May 2016

I got a good nights sleep.  It’s hard getting used to the dearth of traffic and sirens in St. Petersburg. It’s like the town is deserted it’s so quiet. You can walk across a street without taking your life in your hands.

Hampton Inn and Suites does a very nice breakfast for free.  After breakfast, I strolled around downtown before everything opened.  It was peaceful along the harbor.

Early morning stroll
Early morning stroll

Jim, Holley and I met in the breakfast room and we did a leisurely stroll to the Dali Museum, just a few blocks from the hotel.  The site is certainly stunning.

Dali Museum and grounds
Dali Museum and grounds

Holley had a coupon plus Jim and I qualified for the senior rate.  The first view of the inside of the museum is stunning.

Staircase inside Dali Museum
Staircase inside Dali Museum

The permanent collection is said to be the largest collection any where in the world. In reality,  about the same amount was on view as in the old museum I visited many years ago.  There was also a Disney and Dali temporary exhibit but I have developed a dislike of Disney so I didn’t spend much time there.

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Grazzi restaurant for lunch
Grazzi restaurant for lunch

From Grazzi,  we walked to Paciugo Gelato and Caffe, the number 1 “restaurant” in St. Pete according to TripAdvisor.  It was pretty special.  I had coconut, coffee and mocha, and sea salt caramel.

Next, Jim and Holley treated me to the Chihuley Museum. The collection was not as extensive as the exhibits at Fairchild Tropical Garden but were worth seeing. He certainly knows how to market his work and the shapes and colors of glass are spectacular.

Chihuley Museum
Chihuley Museum

Dinner was at the Parkshore Grill. Jim had steak and Holley salmon and I had the shrimp cocktail.  We’ve kinda eaten our way through St. Pete.  After dinner we walked around and ended up at the American Theatre to see a production of songs from the “drunken” American Song Book.  There was a piano player, a torch singer, a saxophonist/clarinetist and a drummer – all superb, playing to a sold out audience.  Did I mention the booze flowed freely with the songs?

Songs from the "drunken" American song book
Songs from the “drunken” American song book

The performance was held in the lobby of the theater so everyone could see and hear quite well and we were all steps away from the bar and bathrooms (not sure which was more important).  We were their initial performance with two more nights to come.  They were excellent.

Tomorrow, we do a walking tour of murals of St. Pete and then head for home.  St. Pete is a very neat city and I’ll be back.

A Visit with the Bilbrays

29 April 2016

I arose to a gourmet breakfast at the guest house.  Freshly squeezed orange juice, blackberries in a white wine-basil infusion that had been reduced with cream on top.  Next was a broccoli and bacon/egg omelet accompanied with blood orange roasted asparagus and followed by a home made bran and apricot muffin.  I never want to leave!

In any case, I programmed Reed and Sandra’s address into my gps and met the family. First up was Biscuit, the dog and then the very mature 3 year old twins, Sydney and Riley and finally, Sandra and Sandra’s mother Katherine. Unfortunately both Joyce and Alfred were down with colds and couldn’t join us.

We piled into two cars and headed for DuPont State Forest to do a short loop hike to see waterfalls and indulge my passion for photographing plants.

First up was Triple Falls, a series of three impressive falls about 0.3 miles into the loop.  The state built a series of steps down to a viewing area.  You could see the uppermost two falls and then look behind you to see the third fall cascading down.

Triple Falls, DuPont State Forest, Asheville, N.C.
Triple Falls, DuPont State Forest, Asheville, N.C.

Next was the High Falls, aptly named. The twins reveled in putting their feet in the very cool water, watching for butterflies, and making sure Reed and Sandra and Katherine and me were watching their moves.

High Falls, DuPont State Forest, Asheville, NC
High Falls, DuPont State Forest, Asheville, NC

These three year olds hiked like pros! There was some piggyback riding but they walked the majority of the distance.
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We then loaded up and had lunch at the Sierra Nevada Brewing Company, a massive facility near the Asheville airport.  They very capably cater to kids with an outdoor play area and sandbox and fountains.

From there, we went to Reed’s new enterprise Zaniac, an after school facility to stimulate interest in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math. Sandra and Reed recently held the grand opening.  Elementary and Junior high students are first pre-tested for math skills and then placed according to a 12 step program.  The goal is to get them math proficient (the 12th step) which would be equivalent to a college freshman.  Tied to that are various technology, computer, design programs to stimulate interest in STEM.  They even have a 3-D printer.  I think it’s a great concept.

I returned to the guest house and relaxed a little, showered, dressed and made it to the wine social at 5:30 pm and met a delightful couple from the UK who come to the states once a year to explore.

A little after 6 I headed to the historic Grove Park Inn on a bluff overlooking Asheville to meet the family for dinner.  This is where Reed and Sandra got engaged and I can see why Reed chose the spot to propose.

Grove Park Hotel, Asheville, N.C.
Grove Park Hotel, Asheville, N.C.

Dinner was great and the twins got their second wind.  As the twins entered the hotel, they were each presented, by the concierge, a backpack filled with goodies: crayons, coloring book, stickers, drinking straws, etc.  What a great idea.  They colored and had a wonderful time.  All the restaurants in the hotel overlook the valley and the view was spectacular.

View from the terrace at the historic Grove Park Inn, Asheville, NC.
View from the terrace at the historic Grove Park Inn, Asheville, NC.

This was a great visit to see and old friend, meet new family, and rehash old times.  Although I didn’t get to see Joyce and Alfred, I talked to them by phone.  Reed wouldn’t let me pay for anything. It has been too long since we’ve seen each other and we promised it wouldn’t be so long next time.  Hopefully, they will plan a visit to Fort Lauderdale and I did promise to take Katherine to Key West!


28 April 2016

I awoke this morning in a cloud of fog.  Literally.  I was fogged in. I had the foresight to purchase a breakfast sandwich from the Pine Mountain Subway the night before so I zapped it in the microwave and had breakfast in the fog on the cabin deck.

I made it out of the cabin and park by 9 am and headed straight to Asheville. I stopped at the REI store on the outskirts of Asheville to have my form fitting hip belt on my Osprey pack heated and fitted.  This is some store.  There were at least 12 people waiting on cashiers when I went in.  It’s a two story affair and packed with dream goodies.  I behaved myself and walked out of there for under $30.

A guy took care of me right away.  There’s a machine they heat up the foam of the hip belt.  He took the belt off the pack, inserted it into a preheated machine and we timed 9 minutes. I then put on only the hip belt and walked around the store. I think that’s the plan all along. You tend to purchase items while you wait for the belt to conform to your shape and for the belt to cool into that shape. In any case, the heat fixing was free of charge. Better yet, he put the belt back on the pack so I wouldn’t screw it up.

I’m staying at the Carolina Bed and Breakfast at 177 Cumberland Avenue near the city center.  My room is done up in red and called the Cardinal Room.  Susan and James are my hostesses and they have gone out of my way to make me feel welcome.

Carolina Bed & Breakfast, Asheville, NC.
Carolina Bed & Breakfast, Asheville, NC.
The Cardinal Room at Carolina Bed & Breakfast.
The Cardinal Room at Carolina Bed & Breakfast.

My main reason for stopping in Asheville is to see Reed and his Mom Joyce.  Reed was a Boy Scout in a troop in New Orleans that I volunteered as an assistant scoutmaster while in the Coast Guard from 1972-1974. His Mom, and Dad (conveniently named Fred) literally adopted me during my military stay at the Coast Guard Communications Station in Belle Chase.  I think I ate more meals at their house than I did on the station’s mess deck.
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When Reed made Eagle several years later, I was teaching at Itawamba Junior College in Fulton, MS. I sent him my old Eagle pin.  It was worn and dirty but he was nice enough to use it during his Eagle ceremony.

I called Reed when I settled into the room and the plans are to meet him and his wife Sara and their twin girls along with Reed’s mom, Joyce, and Alfred, her husband, tomorrow.  As we talked, I realized the last time I saw Reed was when I was teaching at Itawamba Junior College when he and his college buddies were on their way to hike in the Smokies. That was about 35 years ago.  I’m sure we both look the same.

Joyce and Alfred stopped by Fort Lauderdale many years ago when they were catching a cruise ship. I got to visit with them for a few hours during that trip, so it’ll be wonderful to see everyone again and catch up on our lives.

James, our host, recommended Zampras for dinner.  It is a tapas place with eclectic decor, almost Moorish. The tapas were ok but the martini and wine were excellent.  Freakishly, someone came by the bar and said the bar was donating 20% of your check for AIDS and provided an envelope if you wished to donate more. I did.  Last night, Sari emailed me that her brother Rob Nathans had passed away from AIDS related complications.  Rob was a good and great friend, a talented artist, and someone who came into my life when I needed a friend.  He will be missed.  This is the second death in the last two weeks. My hiking buddy from graduate school days, Charlie Cooper passed away.  It makes me worry about the old Southern idea of death occurs in threes.

I met a young lady at the bar who was into plants.  She introduced herself after she heard me explain about Rob to the person bringing the envelopes around.  We discussed AIDS, plants, and Asheville and had a wonderful time.

I then walked to a used book store that served champagne.  What a civilized way to sell used books! They also donated 20% for AIDS. I had a glass of champagne  and had an interesting conversation with the wait staff. I pretty much staggered home and climbed into bed. I like Asheville a lot.