7 December 2024
Remember Pearl Harbor!
After meeting Chris, Ivan and Gigi while taking out the bins for pickup, later that afternoon I got a call from Chris asking if I would be home. She dropped off a beautiful poinsettia. What’s interesting is I was just in Publix on Thursday and thought about purchasing one.
I put it on the patio table because I’ll see it more frequently than if I put it on the front porch. Also, it’s under the awning on the patio and the sunlight is perfect for it. Poinsettias are photoperiodic which means they have to have exactly the right amount of daylight and dark periods to “bloom.” Nurseries that raise them in greenhouses can have their entire crop become a failure if someone flips a light switch at the wrong time, resetting the internal clock.
The plant is native to Mexico and Central America and was introduced into the U.S. by Joel Roberts Poinsett, the first U.S. ambassador to Mexico in 1820. I think you can figure out on your own from whence the name of the plant is derived.
After the holidays, I’ll try to find an appropriate place in the yard to plant it. There are several houses in the neighborhood that have them planted and they will bloom down here in South Florida.
This morning’s walk was great. I managed 1.4 miles and ran into Gigi whose was dressed to the nines for an open house. She had been to Art Basel yesterday and was wearing tennis shoes for comfort while walking Milo. You can put some miles on your tootsies at Art Basel and she had sore feet. She’ll change her shoes for the open house.
I also met Mary walking her dog and we both commented on the weather at the same time. This time of year is the perfect temperature with sunny days, cool nights and mornings and the smell of salt on the air from the Ocean. It’s perfect weather for sitting on the patio for a grapefruit half and the second cup of coffee.
Next week is hectic. Sunday, A.J. comes to set up the tree. Monday is a dental appointment and Vietnam Vets are coming by for a pickup, Tuesday is an iron infusion, Wednesday is taking my Jeep in for service (no, not to the previous dealership) Friday Nancy and Michel are coming over, and Saturday is boat parade at Secret Garden with Jim, Holley, Tom, and Kurt. Sunday, I collapse in bed.
Tonight is Secret Garden with Barbara. It’s a great time of year to sit outside along the intercostal.
Stay tuned!