Cross Countrip Trip – Day 17 continued

5 April 2018

The day got better. Even though didn’t get back to sleep after the police left, I calmed myself and decided it was no use to cry over spilled milk. I got up at 5:30 am and packed the jeep after a shower and a shave (my last for 2 days). I also discarded the bike carrier since it had been giving me trouble anyway. Maybe the thief will come back for it. Before I left the Rodeway Inn, I canceled my reservations for Saturday and booked a Hilton Garden Inn in Santa Barbara.

I arrived at Island Packers a little after 7 am and they didn’t open until 8. I separated the propane cylinder and water which had to be separate from your pack and loaded the boat M/V Island Explorer. It’s about an hour and a half to Scorpion campground on Santa Cruz Island.

The seas were relatively calm but there were a lot of green people on board and you had to wait in line for the bathroom. My Coast Guard sea legs stood me in good and no seasickness for me.

It’s a short walk to the campsite and even shorter for me since I am site #1. They warn about the Island foxes and ravens. The ravens can unzip your pack and get food and shiny objects. The foxes unzip your tent and mark their territory on your sleeping bag. You need to have the tent zipper end on top and secure it – I used a carabiner.

After pitching camp and stowing food in the animal box, I started the hike to Cavern Point (0.5 miles) and that led to Potato Point. Actually I bypassed Cavern Point to hike the Potato Point trail (5 miles round trip) first and I’m glad I did. I had no sooner started the Potato Point Trail instead of hiking up to Cavern Point when an earthquake hit and caused a rock slide. I would have been in danger of falling into the Pacific.

The epicenter was supposedly 30 miles to the south of us. Park rangers were checking all the cliff faces and boats were checking the waters because a lot of people were snorkeling and kayaking. All seems OK but we did have a few after shocks.

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Both trails are spectacular. You walk the rim and overlook the Pacific while sea lions bark at you from below. The overlooks take your breath away but if you have a problem with heights, this is not for you.

Wildflowers are in bloom and I snapped my heart away. It’s a good thing digital fame along.

Tomorrow, I may try an 8 mile round trip labeled strenuous but let me see how I feel when I wake up.

Today was 5.78 miles with 693 ascent and 656 descent for a time of 3 hours and 28 minutes.


After 34 years in the classroom and lab teaching biology, I'm ready to get back to traveling and camping and hiking. It's been too long of a break. I miss the outdoors and you can follow my wanderings on this blog.

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