Cross Country Trip – Day 36

24 April 2018

Service to Stehekin by the Lady Express is Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday.  Since today is Tuesday, the town was literally dead.  The restaurant and general store are closed.  However, parking was at a premium.  For some reason, there seems to be a lot of people taking up the 7 day limit parking spaces in town and yet I don’t see any visitors.

I decided to get an early start so I was on the trail by 8:30 am.  I wanted to hike a ways on the Lakeshore Trail.  The trail is 17 miles long (to Morgan Point) but most people only hike sections of it.  I decided to walk until my ankle let me know it was time to turn around.  

For some reason, this trail is not played up too much.  I found it one of the best trails of my trip thus far.  The scenery was stunning and the wildflowers were in full riot.  

There was the orange and red of paint brush, the blue of phacelia, and white of the western dogwood.  

You could not have picked a better early morning walk.  The only drawback was the sign at the ranger station that said to watch out for the Pacific Coast Rattlesnake.  It stated that the snake was not aggressive (glad to know that) but you need to watch where you put your hands and feet.  It suggested parents make their children follow behind them.  I would have suggested letting the children go out front and scare the snakes away.  I suspect it was a little too cold for them early in the morning.
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I stopped around 1.7 miles and decided to return to Stehekin.  The return walk was equally beautiful with another “snapshot” moment around every bend.

Next I decided to to the short 0.2 mile Imus Loop.  It starts by steadily ascending and then leveling out about the lodges and restaurant, and then descending back onto the road in Stehekin.  

It was not as spectacular as the Lakeshore Trail but satisfying.  I think I’m getting into the hang of this with the elevation.  Now if my ankle will only cooperate and stop bugging me about a mile and a half, I could really get into this hiking stuff.

Tomorrow, I pack up and leave Stehekin. Check out time in the cabin is 10:30 am and the boat arrives at 1:30 pm.  It should put me back in Chelan around 4 pm.  I have a room for one night and then I travel to Coeur D’Alene, Idaho.  It’s one night there then three nights of camping at Craters of the Moon Natural Monument.



After 34 years in the classroom and lab teaching biology, I'm ready to get back to traveling and camping and hiking. It's been too long of a break. I miss the outdoors and you can follow my wanderings on this blog.

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