Cross Country Trip – Day 42

30 April 2018

A semi-disastrous day.  I made it to Hidden Canyon Retreat around 12:00 noon Pacific Time and no one was in the office.  They only open the office between 2:30 pm and 8:30 pm.  I turned around to head to town to buy groceries when either one of the owners or a staff member saw me and stopped.

He said they were still making up the rooms and I told him that was OK, I was heading into Delta, Utah to purchase groceries and Diesel Exhaust Fluid.  He wanted to know what that was.  I explained and he said Ely, Nevada was closer (about an hour’s drive) and that they had a NAPA store.  That was perfect, so I changed my direction to Ely.

I found a grocery store on the way in and marked it to buy groceries on the way out.  I also found a gas station to top off the tank with diesel for tomorrow.  I then found the NAPA store and they had the BlueDEF that I normally use.

Here is where everything went to hell.  I purchased 4 gallons and started to fill the tank with the DEF.  In essence, DEF serves a similar function to a catalytic converter but is used instead of one.  If you don’t maintain the appropriate level, the engine will not start.  I was low but not out and I thought it best to go ahead and fill the system.

Unfortunately, where you add diesel fuel there is also another capped structure for DEF.  In addition to adding DEF to the jeep, you should also add a diesel additive that keeps the system running clean.  The additive is added directly to the diesel tank.  DEF goes in a separate capped tank.  Guess what I did?

I added about 1/2 gallon of DEF directly to the diesel tank.  I at least had sense to stop and fill the appropriate tank.  I even had more sense to not start the jeep.

I used the internet to see what the consequences would be.  The answer is (1) don’t start the engine (2) drain the fuel tank (3) drain the diesel fuel conditioning module (4) flush the fuel system and (5) replace the fuel filters – two of them or you can destroy the engine.

DEF has in it urea and is very corrosive.  It is also more dense than diesel fluid so it sinks to the bottom of the diesel tank.  It has to be removed.

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Next I had to get a tow.  I have the 911 and Assist feature on the jeep (I just renewed it before I left Fort Lauderdale) and I hit the Assist button.  They took it from there and contacted a tow truck and notified the jeep dealership.

The tow truck was going to take 3 hours and the dealership closed at 5.  I wasn’t going to make it.  I talked to Carl in Service and he said the tow company was one they used and they would know where to leave the jeep overnight.

I then remembered I had platinum membership with AAA.  I’ve had this since 2013 and figured I might need it some day.  I called them and they had a different tow truck company that was free as far as costs.  I canceled the other tow and I’m now waiting for Denny’s Towing.  Apparently it is a very busy day in the tow business.  AAA said 1 hour for the tow but the text the tow company sent said 2 1/2 hours.  They are supposed to be here around 4:22 pm Mountain Time (Ely is in Mountain zone, Hidden Canyon in Pacific).

I then needed a rental car.  There are n in o rental car companies in Ely.  They all went out of business a couple of years ago.  I called Hidden Canyon and canceled the night.  They will hold tomorrow and Wednesday for me and she said she would be willing to work with me about tomorrow.

I made reservations at La Quinta Inn & Suites in Ely.  There were cheaper rooms but they were all at casinos and I don’t want to put up with that.  Now, if only the tow driver arrives, if he’ll give me a ride to La Quinta, and if they can service the jeep tomorrow, it won’t be too much of a disaster – except for the repair bill.

On a brighter note, on  my trip down US93 from Wells, I saw a jackrabbit running down the road.  It actually looked like an adult jackrabbit and a baby.  When I got close enough, it was a coyote chasing the jackrabbit.  I think I saved the jackrabbit’s life.

I also saw two bald eagles and a golden eagle.  Hopefully they had a better day than I – except the hungry c0yote.



After 34 years in the classroom and lab teaching biology, I'm ready to get back to traveling and camping and hiking. It's been too long of a break. I miss the outdoors and you can follow my wanderings on this blog.

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