Cross Country Trip – Day 76

3 June 2018

I know you are tired of hearing me complain about hotels/motels.  Today, you get to hear me complain about lodges.  I assume all national park lodges are run by outside companies.  For example, Xanterra runs Old Faithful Inn.  Big Meadow Lodge is run by Delaware North.  I’ve never stayed in a Delaware North run facility and hopefully won’t again.

When I found the room, I noticed it was hard to open the door with the key. Once in the room, I kept noticing little things: the previous tenant had left some garbage in the wardrobe, the lavatory basin was dirty, the floor felt gritty, and the ice bucket was filthy.  

Then last night, the couple above me came back to the room around 12:30 am.  The good news was I went to bed last night at 8:30 pm so I got a good 4 hours of sleep before they came in.  They kept moving chairs, opening and closing doors, and in one weird experience, kept turning lights on and off.  I know because you could hear the light switch.  Apparently there is no sound proofing between rooms and floors – they even mention this in the lodge information folder.  

I immediately decided I needed to see how to run the heat (which kept turning on and off every few seconds) to run the fan exclusively.  With the fan running on high and my white noise app, I was able to drown out their conversations.  I don’t think they realized you could hear them.  I must have dozed off around 1:30 am and waked around 6:30 am.

This morning was the worse.  I prepped the coffee maker before I went to bed and enjoyed two cups of coffee.  I try to clean out the coffee pot, remove the coffee grounds, and get it ready for the next morning wherever I stay.  As I was cleaning out the pot, I noticed something in the bottom of the pot.

Upon closer examination, I discovered it was a fungus.  I had drunk two cups full.
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Before going into the dinning room for breakfast, I stopped at the front desk and let them know I was less than satisfied with the cleanliness of the room.  They called housekeeping and by the time I got back to the room, they were getting ready to go in.  I asked them to come back later.  It’ll be interesting to see if they do anything other than make the bed.

Fog and rain are forecast at 100% today, so I decided to do no hiking.  Instead, I drove to the nearby Byrd visitor center to buy the park stamp.  Just as I was about to pay for it, the rangers told the couple in front of me they couldn’t sell anything from the ranger station.  The concessionaires were flooded out and could not make it into the park.  

The northern Dickey Ridge visitor center 50 miles away is open and selling things, so I decided to drive the 50 miles.  Around 7 miles along the Skyline Trail, the fog got worse so I turned around and returned to Big Meadows.  

It was then that I struggled again with the lock for about 5 minutes.  I walked back to the office and told them something was either wrong with the lock or the key.  He gave me a new key and I’m about to try that out. 

Tomorrows forecast is sunny – for one day – and then more rain and fog.  I overheard one of the staff tell some guests that the weather had been foggy and rainy ever since they opened weeks ago.  Hopefully it will clear up enough to go for a hike.  I would go anyway in the rain but all the views are obscured by fog and all the plants are beaten down by the rain.

If it clears a little, I may walk around the area some and I’ll amend the post later today.


After 34 years in the classroom and lab teaching biology, I'm ready to get back to traveling and camping and hiking. It's been too long of a break. I miss the outdoors and you can follow my wanderings on this blog.

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