Key West – Day 2-ish

6 December 2018

…or as I like to call it, the misadventures of Fred.  Mangia Mangia will have to wait until my next trip.  Around 4 pm I took advantage of the two pools and two hot tubs at the Equator, biding my time until happy hour at 5 pm.

Since I was heading to Mangia Mangia for dinner which only serves wine, which I knew I would not be drinking there, I had a martini at the Equator bar.  Against better judgement, I accepted an offered second one by the bartender.  I remember commenting to a guy from Delray sitting next to me that I thought the second one exceptionally strong.  In addition, the first one half filled the glass.  The second one was to the top.

The next thing I knew (literally) I had lost my keys and a guy from Pensacola was walking me to the front desk for another key and then to my room.  He was afraid I would fall on the stairs.  At least I remembered to say thank you to him and then went to bed.  This had to be around 6:30 pm.  I waked around 9:30 pm, couldn’t get back to sleep until 2 am and then got up at 6:30 am.

Never has a drink hit me so hard.  I don’t know if it was an empty stomach, the lack of sleep the night before, or if someone slipped me a mickey (do they still say mickey)?  Everything after about 1/2 of the second drink is a blur.
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I saw the guy from Pensacola this morning and he confirmed I only had two drinks.  I thanked him again.  He assured me I didn’t do anything wild or crazy at the bar.  However, there are cameras everywhere on the premises so I may be a YouTube star before you know it.

I’m not going too far from the guest house today – I don’t want to be too far from a bathroom – and at 2:30 pm I have scheduled a 90 minute massage.  It will be my first this year and I need my neck and shoulders worked on from sitting in front of the computer at home for long periods of time.  I can now add to that a hangover.

My plans tonight for dinner is Azur which is within a block of the guest house.  It is Mediterranean cuisine and the place has garnered some great reviews.  I just hope I have an appetite.

P.S.  No drinking tonight.


After 34 years in the classroom and lab teaching biology, I'm ready to get back to traveling and camping and hiking. It's been too long of a break. I miss the outdoors and you can follow my wanderings on this blog.

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