28 October 2020
God! It’s so depressing. Not just the pandemic nor the election but life.
I finally finished the deep clean of the major parts of the house when I finished off my bedroom closet. I felt so good about that I decided I would tackle the utility room after all.
Since I hadn’t heard from Dinnen Electric, I called with a gentle reminder. The owner called me back and said that he had a pretty good quality LED light similar to the one in my utility room and someone would be out today. That led me to believe I might be able to start the utility room cleansing tomorrow.
When I was doing my morning chores, I remembered that one receptacle in the utility room was not working so I called Dinnen back and asked if they carried a receptacle on their truck and I had one that needed changing out. The bottom part of the receptacle worked but the top part did not. They assured me the truck would have one and that electrician would be a little later than they estimated. He was originally scheduled a little before noon. I said no problem.
The electrician showed up around 2:30 and immediately went to assess the LED overhead light. He said the transformer was bad and it would probably be more cost effective to replace the entire light. I agreed and told him the owner of Dinnen had told me they carried a replacement. Hint: miscommunication #1.
He then went to work on the receptacle where I plug the dryer. He worried with it a while and then came out and explained that the top receptacle was wired to a different multi-breaker than the bottom receptacle. He suggested replacing the old receptacle with two new receptacles where both the top and bottom of one would be on one multi-breaker and the top and bottom of the other would be on a different. I agreed and we both agreed the way it was originally wired was weird and we agreed we didn’t understand why.
Once he finished, he started to leave and I asked if the utility light worked since it was not on in the utility room. He said he’d have to order one. I was dumbfounded. It was already supposed to be on the truck because I had already had that conversation with the owner of Dinnen Electric. It was the prime reason for the electrician to show up. The receptacle issue was one I phoned in this morning to simply not take the company unawares that repair at my place now included two issues, not just one.
The electrician said if they have one in the warehouse he’d be back tomorrow. Hint: miscommunication # 2 – the owner and the electrician apparently didn’t get to talk to each other before being sent off to work today.
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I didn’t do my exercise yoga and swim this morning because I got up later than usual and didn’t want to be in the pool when the electrician arrived. It didn’t bother me when he later told me it would be later since I had already missed the exercise period.
Now, if he comes back tomorrow, I’ll probably have to readjust my schedule again, miss another opportunity to exercise (and I need the endorphins!). I’ve lost the opportunity to start the deep clean on the utility room – not that is such a great loss.
I then discovered that in re-wiring everything, he had removed the plug from the dryer which dropped behind the dryer. I had to pull that away from the wall to get to the plug and then re-insert it in the receptacle.
It all seems to snowball: the dishwasher flooding the cabinets and flooring, the stupid mistake of hiring a personal adjuster and the cost to get out of the contract, the string of delays in getting the flooring and cabinets, the right parts to the cabinets, the ordering of the uppers, the people traipsing through my house, my palm tree dying, the possibility of another dead palm, the leak around the vent of the water heater, the electrical snafu, the pandemic and the election with all the incessant text messages, phone calls, emails, and posts on Facebook and Instagram. It’s getting a bit much. I kinda want to crawl into a hole and not come out but then I realize that’s exactly where I’ve been since March.
I have no idea what I’ll do if Trump get re-elected in November. Four more years of his administration may make me reassess my U.S. citizenship.
My song recommendation is David Allan Coe’s “A Sad Country Song.”
Stay tuned and stay safe!