Everything Fred – Part 343

6 June 2024

I didn’t realize my last post left some people with concerns. I had several people check in on me to make sure I was OK. I did spend most of yesterday in bed so I think that helped. I’m doing better this morning but opted out of my morning walk. I didn’t want to do too much too fast today. Thank you for everyone’s concerns!

Yesterday, Barb asked if I needed anything while she ran some errands. I was about to order from Chipotle and I asked her if she wanted anything from there and I could order it and she could join me for dinner. She suggested she stop by Chipotle after her errands. We had a feast for dinner! Yes, she refused to let me pay for my share. We then watched an episode of The Crown. I appreciated her stopping by and cheering me up.

I’ve been gathering data to give to my cardiologist tomorrow. So far, I’ve had 3 echocardiograms and 1 MUGA scan. Looks like my oncologist wants another MUGA scan (more definitive) but is waiting to hear what my cardiologist says. I should know by tomorrow.

One of the things I wish we could do as a country is connect all medical tests, medications, etc. to one central data base and allow any physician to access your records. I realize that opens up the possibility of someone hacking our medical records but that doesn’t seem to bother us too much when we order stuff online or apply for discounts for companies or credit cards. It would make my life simpler if I didn’t have to wait for Holy Cross to burn a CD and me physically carry it to the cardiologist. Who knows if he even has a CD/DVD player to access the disk? Strangely enough, both my oncologist and cardiologist are on MyChart and should have access to my records but apparently the cardiologist didn’t have access to the actual visuals.

I’m looking forward today to a delivery from Kings Loot. They have a wallet that intrigues me and I ordered one the other day. What I like about the wallet is easy access to your most frequently used card, your ID, and other credit cards. The easy access to your most frequently used card and ID is by sliding your thumb across an opening. For other credit cards, there is a pull tab. You can see a video example here.

I find myself constantly struggling to get my ID out and figuring which pocket of my current wallet contains my most used credit card. I’ll let you know how I like it.

Alas, no flowers today since I didn’t walk. Again, thanks for everyone’s concerns.

Stay tuned!

Author: searcyf@mac.com

After 34 years in the classroom and lab teaching biology, I'm ready to get back to traveling and camping and hiking. It's been too long of a break. I miss the outdoors and you can follow my wanderings on this blog.

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