Everything Fred – Part 365

29 June 2024

I know you’ve been waiting to read about my exciting day cleaning house, washing clothes, drying clothes and folding clothes. The excitement began to build after my 1.45 mile walk along Riverland. I was so early on my walk that for the first 10 minutes, only one car came down the road. It was 78°F with 90% humidity. We’re building up heat for our first tropical storm/hurricane in the Caribbean. I hope Beryl stays away.

Yesterday, I took a nap that turned out to be the best nap I’ve ever had. I was out for around 1 1/2 hours but waked refreshed, relaxed and ready for anything. I’ve never had a nap so peaceful. You’d think that I wouldn’t sleep that night but I did. I attribute that to my energy level today. I’ll be forever chasing that nap experience again.

I finally got done with the clothes and then spent some time on the phone catching up with friends. I’m still adjusting to the fact that I no longer am on chemotherapy. Well, at least not infusion therapy. I take enough pills to still consider it chemo but at least I don’t have to go in for the infusion any more.

I’m getting excited about the trip. I need to pull the suitcase down and start packing and also put together my day pack in case I feel up to hiking. As usual, I’ll overpack but the Jeep can take it.

I had groceries delivered from Whole Foods – mostly fruit. Lately, I’ve been eating vegetarian for some reason. It’s partly that hamburgers don’t taste good to me any more. I seem to have had a drastic shift in taste buds.

It’s time to go pee on a ketone strip. Stay tuned!

Author: searcyf@mac.com

After 34 years in the classroom and lab teaching biology, I'm ready to get back to traveling and camping and hiking. It's been too long of a break. I miss the outdoors and you can follow my wanderings on this blog.

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