Cross Country Tour – Day 48

15 October 2016

I left Birmingham around 8:45 am after bidding Lynn and a Robert goodbye. They stoked me full of fresh fruit, yogurt and coffee before I left and I admit to reluctance to leave such good friends.

The drive southward was uneventful.  The road took me down via Montgomery and Dothan, Alabama.  Dothan is where Fort Rucker is located and where my father was stationed for a period in our U. S.Army nomadic existence. I remember Dad driving my brother and me around the base  roads when soldiers were on maneuvers and the soldiers would run across diamond back rattle snakes. After they killed them, they would drape them across the base road signs.  It was not unusual to see three or four snakes draped across the signs and I’m not talking about small snakes. These almost reached to the ground and they were often as big around as a man’s forearm.  At least it seemed so to my eyes.

From Dothan it is a short drive to I-10, the state of Florida and the eastern time zone.  I made it to Stephanie’s by 4 pm.

I’ve know Stephanie for many years now.  We met through her husband’s cousin Ed. George and Stephanie were wonderful hosts when they lived in Fort Lauderdale and I admit to eating many meals in their home.  One year I won an award at the college and George and Stephanie threw a surprise party for me.

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Stephanie is amazing.  She just recently won her age group in a 20 kilometer marathon.  What she does puts my exploits to shame.  I don’t know that I would have the discipline to do what she does (nor the knees).

She welcomed me in and I got to meet Joe, her boxer.  I’ve seen photos of Joe on Facebook but  his pictures don’t do him justice.  This is one cute dog.

Stephanie and I caught up on each other’s lives while Joe was figuring me out.  We had a great dinner that Stephanie prepared and by my bed time, Joe and I had become friends.  I also like to think I brought Stephanie some rain. While we were eating dinner, it poured.

Since you are reading this a day late, you’ll know I have no phone reception in the wilds of the panhandle.  By the time you read this, I’ll be getting ready for jury duty on Tuesday.


After 34 years in the classroom and lab teaching biology, I'm ready to get back to traveling and camping and hiking. It's been too long of a break. I miss the outdoors and you can follow my wanderings on this blog.

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