Everything Fred – Part 514

30 December 2024

I fell again yesterday. I fell in the same place I fell several weeks ago: from the utility room into the dinning room. I tripped on a box in the utility room and splattered on the tile in the dinning room. Of course, I took the brunt of it on my right elbow (again) and my left knee (again) and added a side of ribs to this time. Thankfully, Wade was there and came to my rescue. Also, my Apple Watch did what it was supposed to do and asked if I were OK, otherwise it would automatically call an ambulance.

I could tell I would be sore today so I took a gabapentin to ease the pain. When I got up at 6 this morning, I was surprised I wasn’t more sore.

I got Wade off to the airport this morning and dropped him at the United terminal at 7 am. Later I got a phone call from Joel telling me Wade was stranded. I called Wade and he told me his direct flight to San Francisco had been canceled and he was routed to Dulles with a 6 hour layover and then to San Francisco, arriving at midnight. He has a four hour wait in Fort Lauderdale.

Both Joel and I offered to pick him up and bring him back to the house but he declined. He figured by the time we picked him up and dropped him off, it would eat into the time too much and he wanted to check on alternate flights. Christmas travel is almost as bad as Thanksgiving travel.

I ordered some food from Whole Foods this morning. I didn’t need much because I had stocked up for Wade’s visit. I need to mail a package to Wade but that will wait until tomorrow. I have an ophthalmologist appointment at 1 tomorrow.

My cold seems to be better and Wade didn’t cough as much last night as the night before, so hopefully his cold is getting better also. I feel badly I infected him even though I wore a mask until he did come down with his cold.

I’m ready for the holidays to be over so I can get back to a regular schedule of events. I need to start walking again, and I hopefully will be able to restart my yoga and my swimming. I guess that can be my new year’s resolution.

Stay tuned!

Author: searcyf@mac.com

After 34 years in the classroom and lab teaching biology, I'm ready to get back to traveling and camping and hiking. It's been too long of a break. I miss the outdoors and you can follow my wanderings on this blog.

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