5 January 2025
It’s another beautiful day in the neighborhood but sometimes you get too much of a good thing. The water level in my pool is dropping and the grass needs watering (the pump is out). Still, the temperatures make walking a pleasure. I did 1.2 miles today and was a little tired after the walk.
The old expression is “One step forward, two steps backwards.” I think that applies to me. I was just getting over some of the effects of the chemo and then developed a cold. Looks like I’m starting over building my stamina again.
On the walk I found an interesting looking agave plant that I hadn’t seen before. I have no idea as to the species but the genus is pretty easy – Agave. Tequila is made from one species of Agave.

A little later when I passed the yard with all the exotic vegetation, I found another interesting plant, the Canna Lily in fruit.

I thought the leaves unusual for a Canna and I had never seen the fruit before. For years, I confused Canna Lilies with Calla Lilies. It reminds me of the cartoon that had Katherine Hepburn saying “The Calla Lillies are in bloom. Really they are.” She never said that in any of her movies. The cartoon gave a great impression of Hepburn.
Yesterday, I got on a cleaning tear and attacked the bookcase in the living room. I removed all the books, sorted them in piles to donate or keep, dusted the shelves, then dusted the books and replaced them in the case.

I had to do this in stages because I was washing clothes at the same time. I haven’t dusted this case but once before in the 30 years I’ve lived here and surprisingly, it wasn’t that bad.
I have quite a collection for donation. I put word out to my neighbors that if they wanted free books to stop by. If no one wants them, I’ll try to donate them to a library.

There’s some of my science books, a large number of cook books, and then some fiction and nonfiction.
I periodically go through these throw the stuff out times. I also went through my tee shirt collection and pulled a bunch for Viet Nam Vets. I’ll add some additional clothing that I seldom wear. If I’m not careful, I could fill the house and become a hoarder. That’s why I go through these clean out periods.
Not much going on next week. I have a blood draw for a follow up Protein Serum Albumen (PSA) test since my last one was a little high. On Thursday, I take Tom to see his neurologist at Hollywood Memorial. Other than that, it’s a pretty open week.
Stay tuned!