8 January 2025
I’m getting pretty good at using 2025 as a year. My only problem is with my MoneyDance checking account where I keep making entries for 2024. Hopefully, I’ll get used to that quickly.
It’s a beautiful day again. A Chamber of Commerce Day even though the morning temperatures were in the low 50’s. I bundled up for my walk along Riverland Road but by the midpoint, I shed some clothes and enjoyed walking back in a tee shirt (1.45 miles).
I’m a counter. I count everything, from strokes in the pool to the number of cards that play in solitaire. On the Riverland walk, I count Jeeps. I had eight today. My high was 15 a few years ago. I didn’t realize it but Jeeps are one of the biggest sellers today. I still have Jeep dealerships calling me about buying my Jeep and it’s 10 years old.
Tonight is movie night and Chris and Tucker are coming over. I told Chris that unless I slip into a coma between now and 6 pm, I was doing movie night. I had to cancel the last two. Tucker will be excited, and so will I.
I was looking up something and pulled the file that said “Personal.” I found what I needed but since it is a rather thick file, I decided to go through it. One of the things I found was an envelope from Grandaddy Searcy’s store in Pulaski.

I knew he, at one time, was in business with Mr. Miles but I didn’t know when the partnership dissolved, nor for what reason. I have his ledger of debits and credits for the store and it’s interesting who bought what over the years and who was given credit. I love finding things like this.
I miss general stores. You could find just about anything in these stores. One year I asked Archie to look for a bottle of bluing agent. My gas dryer was giving my whites a little yellowish tinge. He found two bottles and some offbeat road general store and sent them to me.
Back when Granddaddy owned the store, there was an old gravity gas pump. At the top of the pump was a glass vessel that had markings for the volume of gasoline you needed. You then hand pumped the gas up to the volume you required and then took the hose and put in your gas tank to release through gravity feed into your tank. I guess that’s where they got the term gas “pump.”
One year, Aunt Sue and I were going through the old place looking at things and we ran across the original deed to the land that Granddaddy and Grandmother Searcy lived. I was very envious of the tax stamp attached to the deed which dated somewhere back in the 1800’s but knew enough not to remove the stamp. I was a big stamp collector back in the days.
My cousin Jimmie and Stephen moved into their new apartment at Carolina Pines. Moving is stressful and I should know. I moved sooo many times over the years. Hopefully everything went smoothly for them.
Stay tuned!