Everything Fred Update Update

16 September 2023

Well, my first bowel movement was what you might expect – diarrhea again. The good news is that it didn’t prevent me from my morning walk. This morning was my short route (1.14 miles). It’s kinda nice getting up and out at 5 am when everyone else is still abed.

Heading back down my street to the house. The image is a little off because of iPhone’s tendency to take pictures in total darkness. The clouds were fantastic!

After my half grapefruit, second cup of coffee and crossword puzzle, I did my yoga stretches. I can do those without getting too out of breath but when I stand up, I get very dizzy – like the time I had positional vertigo. It passes but I have learned not to make any sudden turns.

Next I decided to brave the pool. At 5:30 am it’s still total darkness out.

Thank goodness I have a pool light or I wouldn’t know which was is up. I managed an almost complete set. The breast stroke is the most strenuous for me and I cop to cutting it short at 88 strokes instead of my usual 100. I had to wait quite a bit before I did my next set just to catch my breath. Otherwise, I finished my routine, albeit a little winded. The pool temperature was a balmy 88°F. It made for perfect swimming temperature.

Again, the sky is not really that light. I normally swim after the Great White pool cleaner has done its job. Today, I had to dodge it on occasion as it started working its way towards me in the pool. The cold water shower was, shall we say, invigorating!

When I first started hiking again, if I found myself on a particularly steep switchback, I would rest at the top of the switchback to get my pulse rate down. At first, it took me 2 minutes to not feel my heart pumping. Over the years, I’ve managed to work it down to 30 seconds. Looks like I’ll be back to the 2 minute mark on my next hike unless I can build up enough stamina with my walks, yoga and swim.

Now to wash clothes and clean house.

Everything Fred – Part 123

16 September 2023

It was a 2:30 am wake up this morning. Actually, I feel pretty good. I did the last time I had an hydration infusion and I think it’s a good thing they’ve scheduled me for that every Friday after every Tuesday infusion. I’ll probably get a nap in some time today but I got 5 hours of sleep even with getting up at 2:30.

Yesterday I mentioned reading encyclopedias. I made a mistake about the Encyclopedia Britanica. It was the World Book Encyclopedia I read as a kid. Apparently, they still publish it. I used to love thumbing through the pages and stopping on something that caught my interest and reading about it. Maybe that’s why I can answer some of the clues on crosswords.

I purchased my own copy of the Encyclopedia Britanica when I was in graduate school and move it with me every time I changed locations. Later, when I taught at Itawamba Junior College, I gave Mantachie High School my E.B. Their’s was so old (I think the edition was in the 50’s) and mine was in the late 70’s. They were happy to get it. I think I must have doubled their collection when I left teaching at Mantachie because I gave them my entire library of books.

Yesterday, during the infusion, one of the nurses asked if I was on magnesium pills. I answered no and she suggested I ask Dr. Velez about them next infusion. My magnesium levels are always low and they always give it to me in IV form. It doesn’t matter to me but I’ll check in with him on Tuesday.

I was dragging when I went in for the hydration yesterday. Not only the diarrhea was bothering me but I also did my usual Friday rake, sweep, clean pool filter, pool deck and patio. By the time I had sat in the chair for four hours, I was feeling pretty good.

I made a bee-line to Walgreens to pick up some glucose test strips and lancets. I did the drive-thru and the pharmacist told me she had signed for me but next time I had to come in and sign for the supplies myself. These are regulated by the federal government and they don’t want people who aren’t supposed to sticking their fingers with lancets.

As I was driving over to Walgreens, I got a text message that UPS had tried to deliver my iPad. When I got home, they had left a sticker on the door that has a whole list of options for the driver to check as well as initial his name. Nothing was checked. I have no idea what they intend to do. Previously, I had gone to the UPS web site and opted to leave the package without obtaining a signature. That’s why I asked the neighbor to keep a watch for them and take the package to her house. Apparently, that held no water with the driver.

I’ve had similar experiences with UPS. One year, they were to deliver my new (two computers ago) iMac. I was home. They never rang my door bell but did deliver it to the neighbor next door even though I had not clicked that option. Strange.

Not only did they not meet the 9:30-12:30 time frame they set for the delivery, it was after 5 pm before they attempted. UPS has provided the ability to check where the delivery truck is. From 9:30 am until around noon it was at one location on Davie Blvd. I periodically checked on it during my 4 hour infusion and it was all over my neighborhood but never delivered the package until I left the cancer center. I assume they’ll try to redeliver the package next “business” day. Of course, I have my Covid booster scheduled for 2:30 pm on Monday so that’ll be when they try to deliver.

And yes, I did make it to Winn-Dixie. I made away with three 15 oz bags of Tootsie Roll miniatures! Also, the dietician suggested coconut water as an excellent electrolyte replacement. I decided what the heck and bought two containers. I’ll see if my taste buds will accept it. If so, I’ll stock up on that. I really do like coconut. Mother would make the most wonderfully moist coconut cake icing with sweetened dried coconut. It would melt in your mouth. Thai restaurants are big into coconut ice cream and I’ve also come to love that stuff but I haven’t ever seen any in the ice cream aisle of supermarkets.

Today is clean house and wash clothes. I feel well enough (and it’s early enough) I may try to walk, do yoga and swim before I get to the household chores. That’s how good I feel at 4:07 am in the morning. Of course, my stomach is making noises since I’m upright, so there’s no telling what form that will be when it comes out.

Stay tuned!