Everything Fred – Part 413

5 September 2024

It was my turn to choose the movie last night and I went with Rose Marie starring Jeanette MacDonald and Nelson Eddy. This 1936 black and white movie holds up very well and is one of my favorites for several reasons.

For one, it’s obvious that a lot of the scenes were filmed outdoors (Lake Tahoe). Yes, several were filmed in the studio and you could tell because the background often was another movie screen. The green screen hadn’t really been invented yet. Secondly, it reminds me of my childhood in an interesting way – more about that later.

MacDonald plays an opera diva, Marie de Flor who learns her brother has broken out of prison and killed a mountie. She flees to the wilderness with an Indian guide to find him and becomes entangled with Nelson Eddy, who plays Sergeant Bruce of the RCMP, who always get their man. He eventually does but not before he figures out who she is and then falls in love with her.

The movie has an early role for James Stewart as the brother and David Nivens [Sic] as a suitor. Apparently, later David changed the spelling of his last name.

Two songs stand out in the movie. “Rose Marie” and “Indian Love Call.” You first hear the baritone of Nelson Eddy sing “Rose Marie” and later hear the duet with MadDonald of “Indian Love Call.”

My childhood memory is not of the movie. I didn’t see that until an adult when channel surfing late one night. It’s of the song “Indian Love Call.” My Aunt Mabel had a piano and a lot of sheet music. One sheet was of that song. If my memory serves me correctly (iffy these days) she would play it and she, Jimmie and I would sing along. Of course, after a while, Jimmie and I began to exaggerate the love call and I think Aunt Mabel gave up on us.

If you click the link on Nelson Eddy above, you’ll find out that he and MacDonald had an extended affair and she had numerous miscarriages of Eddy’s babies.

My second favorite movie with Jeanette MacDonald is with Clark Gable and Spencer Tracey in another 1936 movie San Francisco. She, of course, sings the title song.

I slept poorly last night (4 hrs and 43 mins) probably due to the two glasses of wine I had. I did manage to get out of bed around 7:30 and do a 0.9 mile morning walk.

Along the way, I saw another huge night blooming Cereus.

I was early enough these had not closed completely.
I really like the pistil of this plant with the multi-lobed stigma sticking right out at you.

It seemed to be the week for them. I found another a little further down the road.

This afternoon, I had a two hour nap. I know it doesn’t really replace lost night sleep but I surely did enjoy it. Tonight is leftover pot roast with potatoes, carrots and onions.

Stay tuned and meanwhile, enjoy “Indian Love Call” from YouTube.

Author: searcyf@mac.com

After 34 years in the classroom and lab teaching biology, I'm ready to get back to traveling and camping and hiking. It's been too long of a break. I miss the outdoors and you can follow my wanderings on this blog.

2 thoughts on “Everything Fred – Part 413”

  1. Your memory is NOT playing tricks on you. Mother loved that song and you and really did exaggerate the love call. We almost turned it into a yodel.

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