Everything Fred – Part 249

29 February 2024

I made 0.99 miles today – might as well call it 1.0! Of course, my legs were like overcooked spaghetti. I made it all the way down one of our finger isles and back. It really gave me a sense of accomplishment.

I actually feel really good today, albeit still weak. I managed my complete routine of home physical therapy. I have two sessions next week with Shannon, one on Tuesday and one on Thursday. She really puts me through my paces.

Yesterday was my visit to the endocrinologist. I was early for the appointment and even though I was taken back on time at 2:30 pm, it was 4 pm by the time I got out of there. I’m not complaining. He spends time with me. He suggested I might consider an antidepressant and suggested I contact my GP which I did this morning. I’m awaiting his call to see if he wants an office visit or if he is willing to prescribe one. The endocrinologist suggested either Cymbalta or Elavil, both seem to help with neuropathy in addition to depression.

I’m not a great fan of antidepressants but as Dr. Jellinger said, there’s every reason I should be depressed with what I’ve been through.

Last night was movie night and Chris, Tucker and I saw No Reservations starring Catherine Zeta-Jones and Aaron Echhart. We picked that movie because Abigail Breslin played the young kid in our last movie and she was in a starring role in this one. That kid can act! Of course, she’s not a kid anymore. She’s 27. She was nominated for an academy award for best supporting actress for her role in Little Miss Sunshine.

This afternoon is happy hour with Jim, Holley, Tom and Kurt at the Secret Garden. I look forward to seeing them. I haven’t seen Jim or Holley in a while and it’ll be good to catch up.

I found another bloomer in the yard today. The weather is quite warm and I suspect more and more plants will begin to bloom. This one is Mexican petunia, Ruellia simplex.

The Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (IFAS) considers this invasive and wants people to not plant it. I didn’t. It just came up in the yard. I collected two species of Ruellia when I was doing my thesis at Tishomingo State Park back in the 70’s, R. strepens, and R. caroliniensis. It was strange to find the genus in my backyard. The species at the park grew along the banks of the creek in the park.

I can see why people planted Mexican petunia in their yards. It’s quite attractive. It’s a member of the family known as Acanthaceae. The family name is derived from the genus Acanthus. You can see carved Acanthus leaves in Corinthian columns and also as carvings on pieces of furniture.

Time for lunch, then to crawl up in bed and read. I feel a nap coming on.

Stay tuned!

P.S. Dr. Dunhill’s office called and he wants to meet with me to discuss the antidepressant. Remarkably, I got a Monday appointment. Usually these appointments are month in the future.

Everything Fred – Part 248

28 February 2024

I met Michel and Nancy at their house last night and they drove me to Keeses Uptown for dinner, just off Commercial and A1A. It’s a cute, hole-in-the-wall restaurant where your meals are cooked as you order them. Although they have a small sidewalk dining area, we chose to eat inside. Our waiter told us he didn’t work there but was filling in for someone. Instead, he was a deck hand on charter fishing boats (and he owns his on 40 foot boat). He is also ex-military. We learned a lot about him in a short time.

This is a pretty good Greek restaurant. I ordered an appetizer of spanakopita and Nancy ordered the grilled octopus. Both were excellent. It was probably the best spanakopita I’ve had and it looked nothing like the little petit triangles you normally get. The real winner last night was their herb rice dish that had spinach, feta, and a combination of herbs mixed in. I could eat that all day long.

For the entrée, I chose a gyro pita. Michel had “The Best Wrap” and Nancy did the chicken shawarma. We were pretty full when we left the restaurant. This place is a keeper!

It was good to catch up with Michel and Nancy. We text a good bit but we see each other too infrequently.

I chose to do a walk this morning but after starting out, I realized I wasn’t going to go very far. There’s just no strength in my legs. I did manage 0.4 miles (around two blocks) before calling it quits. During the walk, I saw a crab spider‘s web outlined by the sun. It’s difficult to get the photo right (and I didn’t) but they are a beautiful sight.

These spiders love my yard and if I do any walking around the yard, I’m going to hit every web there is on the walk. They are not dangerous and I hate destroying their webs (accidentally). I took out two in the yard this morning.

I did omit one plant in bloom in my yard yesterday. I found it after my last post. It is called the Martinique trimezia but is the genus Trimezia martinicensis. It’s a member of the iris family and is native to South America and the West Indies. Sorry for the out of focus view. I’ll blame it on the wind.

I’m going to try to do my physical therapy exercises today. The question is whether or not my legs give out. After that, I’ll read a little until it’s time to get ready for my appointment with the endocrinologist. He seems to want a blood test every 3 months. Every 3 weeks, the cancer center checks my blood. Both tests ask for different things. It would be nice if he could ask Holy Cross to check my blood for his issues at the same time the cancer center is checking my blood. However, he’s not associated with Holy Cross and that would entail communication between doctors.

Actually, my oncologist at the cancer center did communicate with my endocrinologist when I was having an imbalance of cortisol. I don’t think the conversation went well when my endocrinologist challenged the oncologist about the amount of steroids I was being pumped with during the Taxol treatments.

Stay tuned!

Everything Fred – Part 247

27 February 2024

It’s another Chamber of Commerce Day in South Florida.

The palm on the left is a Sabal palm, the state palm of Florida. The one on the right is a Royal palm. The Sabal can get up to 40 feet in height and the Royal tops out at 80 feet.

All of next week we are predicted to be in the 80’s and it’s getting close to the time I’ll turn on the pool heater. I haven’t as yet simply because I haven’t been physically up for swimming but I miss just getting into the pool even if I don’t swim. It doesn’t hurt that it’s saved me a lot of money by not heating the pool this “winter.”

Speaking of heating, an article today in the Miami Herald reported the Atlantic is far warmer than it should be for February. The waters are producing May temperatures. There’s also a report that La Niña is going to be more of an effect on us this year which means less shear available to weaken hurricanes. Looks like we might be in for another record breaking season. That idea that’s been floating around to start the hurricane season in May is looking better.

Even though it’s warm and I’ve got some potential orchid blooms, not much else is happening plant wise in the yard. The Sprenger asparagus fern which is almost a pest in my yard is blooming like crazy and probably planning a coup of the other plants – a herbaceous takeover.

The only other thing really blooming right now is a native Lantana given to me by Chris. It’s doing its own usurping in the eastern part of the yard.

This thing is head high and I would trim it back but it is a natural insect repellent plant. I have my share of repellent insects.

No morning walk this morning. After physical therapy yesterday, I’m a little wiped. I noticed my foot drop more pronounced this morning and a definite weakness in the left leg. The last time, the foot drop and weakness got better the next day, so I’m as optimistic as Skeeter Davis.

Un-optimistically, we now have 10 cases of measles in the state of Florida and it has spread from South Florida to Central Florida. Florida’s Surgeon General is encouraging parents to make their own choice whether or not to send their children to school when the recommendation of CDC in Atlanta is to keep your child home if not vaccinated. The Surgeon General seems to have a laissez-faire approach to health care.

Dinner tonight with Nancy and Michel and then I finally remembered Thursday is happy hour with Jim, Holley, Tom and Kurt at the Secret Garden! Stay tuned!

Everything Fred – Part 246

26 February 2024

It was one of those out of bed at 5 am mornings. I have no idea why I wake up that early but the need for coffee got me moving. It may have something to do with having an appointment today. If I am catching an early flight out of FLL, I set an alarm but always wake about 30 minutes before the alarm goes off. Maybe it’s that way with the physical therapy appointment today at 11:50 am.

After my first cup of coffee and fruit and yogurt breakfast, I felt good enough for a walk. I did 0.7 miles along Riverland Road and was smart enough to turn back when I felt my legs getting tired. There’s just no muscle tone in my legs and they give out after a while.

Once back home and a second cup of java with half a grapefruit, I decided it was enough time to make the hoecake recipe printed in The New York Times this morning. I’m on a crusade to find a recipe as good as the ones Ruby used to make me. This one turned out to use yeast (Ruby never used yeast) and you had to let it contemplate life for 2 hours. I fried up the entire batter and put all but one in the fridge for snacks. The one I tried tasted pretty good with honey that got absorbed immediately into the hoecake. They are not as good as I remember Ruby’s but they are OK. There’s something about fried bread….

When I got to physical therapy, Shannon introduced a trainee (certified physical therapist new to Holy Cross). Her name was Kerrbi and Shannon asked permission to allow her to shadow Shannon and me. I agreed. Kerrbi was a little unsure of herself but started showing me what to do. Everything is on computers these days and she had to keep looking at Shannon’s computer to figure out what to do next. Shannon normally has me do stuff and then log it. I expect Kerrbi will soon get the hang of it and Shannon is a good teacher.

After a pretty strenuous workout, I headed to Whole Foods while in the area. The parking garage was packed and so was the store. One of the main things I was looking for was stone ground corn meal (recommended for the hoecake) but they didn’t have any corn meal. Only grits. $95 later I headed home and as I was opening the door, someone came up behind me. It was an Amazon delivery and he scared the hell out of me. He apologized for startling me and handed me the package.

After unpacking and storing groceries, I made my cousin Jimmie’s Waldorf Salad – or at least some facsimile of it. I cut up Fuji apples into small cubes, added coconut flakes, grapes, and toasted pecans. I mixed that all together with vanilla flavored yogurt. That’s my dessert tonight. I’ll probably pull out one of those tamale casseroles I froze for my actual dinner.

Tomorrow is dinner with Nancy and Michel. Wednesday is an appointment with Dr. Jellenger and then movie night. I think I have something Thursday but didn’t put it on my calendar. It’ll be a surprise, whatever it is.

Stay tuned!

Everything Fred – Part 245

25 February 2024

What a difference a good night’s sleep makes! I feel much better today, to the point that I did a very short (0.4 miles) walk this morning. It was 51° F when I got up this morning but by the time I got outside it had warmed up considerably and I was over dressed for my walk. I basically did two blocks. I could tell my foot drop was better. I’ll see if I can do my physical therapy exercises this morning.

Last night, I decided to make my enchiladas. Alas, I had used the last canned enchilada sauce and had to make it from scratch. For the filling, I sautéed onion, red bell pepper, garlic, broccoli florets, baby spinach, and black beans.

I then spread that out on the tortillas and added some vegan Monterrey Jack cheese.

I rolled them up and placed them in a tray lined with the home made enchilada sauce, added more sauce to the top of them and more Monterrey Jack.

Then I baked them at 350°F for 30 minutes.

I had two for dinner and will freeze the rest. They turned out pretty good and you could taste all the ingredients in the enchiladas. Sometimes when you prepare things like this, the flavors get lost but this combination worked pretty well.

It’s a gorgeous day and I need to tamp down the urge to get out in the yard and do some work. I tend to overdo it and I’ll probably just do my physical therapy stuff and crawl into bed with a book.

As I was returning from my walk, I saw one of my neighbors walking her dog. We got to talking and she asked if I had a neurologist. I said yes, Dr. Chamely at Holy Cross. She needs an EMG just like I recently had. I had never heard of an EMG until Dr. Chamely brought it up and now it seems I’ll be hearing it a lot more. She said the last one she had they shocked her and stuck her with needles at the same time. I tried to assuage her fears and told her it wasn’t as bad as her past experience. Hope she gets in to see him. I warned her about his ego.

I’ve run out of postage stamps. I rarely send out much of anything in the mail these days other than birthday cards so I don’t usually need many. I’ve always loved looking at stamps and got into stamp collecting as a kid. I had quite a collection of them at one time, all mounted on individual backings and sealed with plastic wrap.

While teaching at Broward College, the maintenance guy stopped me one morning and asked me if I had any stamps. His daughter needed them for school. I ended up giving him my collection and I think they were used for some school project. I still like commemorative stamps and really enjoy the ones the post office comes up with. They used to be so boring but now they are vivid and exciting.

My latest purchase is “Life Magnified.”

As someone who has earned a living using and teaching microscopes, I thought this perfect for me. My favorite is what they call “Freshwater Protozoans” but is, in reality, the genus Vorticella.

OK, time to do physical therapy. Stay tuned!

Everything Fred – Part 244

24 February 2024

It’s not been a good day. It started around 3:30 when I couldn’t get back to sleep. I finally got out of bed around 5. It’s funny how I can tell after a few minutes out of bed if I am going to have a fatigue day. Today I do. The neuropathy is back. It’s not painful for the most part but the toes are giving me what for today.

Saturday is wash clothes, change linen and clean house day. I got the first two done and cleaned most of what I usually do. Afterwards, I even managed to take a shower without falling out of the tub.

There’s nothing like the feel of clean sheets on a bed. As a kid, I remember mom hanging sheets out on the line and they had a crispness to them that you just can’t get with dryers. They also had that outdoor smell. I tried drying clothes on a line when I first bought this house but I’m too close to Fort Lauderdale International Airport and the clothes would have tiny particulates all over them from the takeoffs. I’m south of the airport and the wind direction is frequently from the south.

I did not make enchiladas last night. Instead I had the pulled pork and finished that off. If I feel up to it, I’ll make enchiladas tonight. Even if I do, I’ll probably do a canned enchilada sauce instead of making homemade.

We got two rainstorms this morning. The first was around 2 am and the second was around 7 am. As usual, the lawn sprinklers came on like clockwork at 5 am so my lawn got three waterings today. The lawn sprinklers are on well water with high iron content. For years, ecologists have been predicting salt water intrusion into our area but so far, my well water has not been contaminated.

I rented Hidden Figures last night. I had seen the movie a few years ago and enjoyed it. For $3.99 it was much cheaper than going out to the movies. I haven’t done that since before the pandemic. It’s a stellar cast and shows the problems of segregation while working for NASA. I enjoyed it as much the second time around as I did the first.

My Phalaenopsis orchid is getting ready to bloom which is kind of hard to believe with all the “cold” weather we’ve been having. When I checked on it this afternoon, I noticed the second smaller plant was getting ready to bloom also.

Notice the aerial roots of the orchid that attach to the pygmy date palm. There’s a gray covering over the roots called a velamen and it’s like a sponge that absorbs water. One of the leaves of the smaller orchid has been fed on by an iguana.

Most Phalaenopsis sold in stores have a white bloom and are clones. I forget what color mine is but it isn’t white. I think it’s more purple in coloration. I’ll soon be reminded if the drop in temperature tonight doesn’t kill it. Orchids can generally withstand 50°F but anything lower can damage or kill them. One forecast predicts 49°F tonight.

I used to cover up all my plants during cold spells but gave that up years ago. My back yard seems to be fairly sheltered and I haven’t lost plants to cold weather for years.

Next week is not as busy as this week. Monday I have a 11:50 am physical therapy and Wednesday I have an appointment with my endocrinologist at 2:30 pm.

Stay tuned!

Everything Fred – Part 243

23 February 2024

I almost took a nosedive in the shower today. I was tired because of the Herceptin treatment on Tuesday and my usual Friday chores of raking leaves, cleaning the pool filter, watering plants, and cleaning the patio deck.

About the time I finished, Edgar from Dinnen Electric came to change out the old flourescent light in my closet. The old light’s ballast was going and you had to turn the switch on and off a few times to get a dim light. Edgar put in a new LED version. There’s a lot more light and at least I don’t think I’m going blind.

The new LED really shines!

For him to get to the light, I had to remove all the top row of the clothes so he could get to it. That tired me more. The only reason I wanted to shower was to get the Off, off. I don’t go outside to work in the yard without spraying down for mosquitoes and I don’t like having it on me for too long.

Anyway, I had just climbed into the shower (I’m very careful to always hold the grab bars) and had turned to face into the stream when I got dizzy and almost went ass over tea kettle. At the last minute, I recovered. It was a wake up call.

While Edgar worked on the light, I had my version of avocado toast for lunch. I had a nicely ripe avocado that I spread over the toast made with Pugliese bread and then added sliced rounds of Roma tomatoes, topped with red onions and salt and pepper. It was pretty good.

If you remember, yesterday I did Yucatan Style Braised Pork. It turned out better than I thought. First, the 3 lbs of pork butt was very fatty. That’s good in a way because I knew it would probably be tender but after trimming some of the fat, there didn’t seem to be much left.

It basically calls for a homemade Mojito sauce by calling for 1/2 cup of orange juice and the juice of two limes. Since the recipe calls for garlic anyway, that’s pretty much a Mojito sauce. The problem is even though I thought I ordered 3 oranges from Whole Foods, I must have only ordered one. I was short on orange juice by a lot.

I debated as to whether to use tangerine juice to make the two cups (too expensive) and then it dawned on me I have a sour orange tree in the front yard with sour oranges on it. I usually make orange marmalade with them but haven’t been up to it. Anyway, most orange marmalade recipes call for regular oranges since sour oranges are not common. To make the regular orange sour, you add limes or lemons to your marmalade mixture. Three sour oranges later and I had two cups. I added the lime juice to my recipe anyway because I like sour.

I cooked it for an hour and the pork definitely was pull apart tender. I made tacos.

Tonight I plan on making vegetarian enchiladas. A recipe I saw called for broccoli florets and baby spinach leaves along with onions and black beans. I’ll let you know how it turns out.

I think I can now say that my neuropathy is definitely better. It no longer feels as though I’m walking on hot coals. It’s more of a numbness than anything and I still cannot feel my toes which affects my balance (hello shower!). If the burning stays away, I’ll count it as a partial victory. I do get sharp pains in the feet on occasions but anything is better than the burning. The same goes for my hands.

Today’s the fourth day after the Herceptin. I feel pretty good just tired and weak. Hopefully the next few days will allow me to gain back some of what the Herceptin took away. As far as I can tell, I’ve had not side effects from the Tamoxifen. Then again, a major side effect is blood clots and I’d rather not have any of those.

I called Hollywood Chrysler/Jeep this afternoon. I wanted the parts department and they answered. However, they wouldn’t give me any information and shifted me over to Neyma. No answer and sent to voicemail. I left a message and I’m 100%, absolutely sure she’ll call me back.

Stay tuned!

Everything Fred – Part 242

22 February 2024

Yesterday started out badly. Fatigue, low energy, foot drop. I wasn’t expecting that. Usually the day after a Herceptin infusion I’m pretty stoked.

Last night was movie night with Chris and at first, I texted and canceled. She was completely understanding. Then, around 5 pm I got a second wind and asked if she and Tucker still wanted to come over. She did and they arrived around 6:30. It was her time to pick and she chose the Ryan Reynolds film definitely, maybe. This was released in 2008 and is a really nice romcom movie.

In addition to Reynolds, it also has Isla Fisher, Rachel Weisz, Elizabeth Banks, Abigail Beslin, and Kevin Kline. The premise is Reynolds is trying to explain to his daughter the divorce from her mother by way of his past romantic relationships. Abigail Beslin also stars in a 2007 romcom called No Reservations with Catherine Zeta-Jones and Aaron Eckhart. She’s adorable in both movies.

Today, I feel a little better, to the point that I could do my full set of physical therapy exercises assigned to do at home. I even added a couple of my yoga stretches to boot. That’s gonna be my sum total of exercise today. I don’t won’t to push it. I probably should walk but I still am experiencing a little more foot drop today than I like.

I’m still wearing those damn compression socks and as bad as I hate to admit it, I think they may be helping – at least in combination with the Gabapentin. My feet and hands don’t burn all day like before. Just before it’s time to take the Gabapentin, they start but otherwise, it’s mostly numbness. I hope this is a sign that the neuropathy is going away.

Tonight, I’m trying another Whole Foods recipe, Yucatan-Style Braised Pork. You take a 3 lb pork butt and cut it off the bone into cubes and brown that. Eventually, you add onions (white) and brown them and dress it up with vinegar, orange juice, and lime (basically a mojito sauce). The recipe is below. I’ll let you know how it turns out.

Stay tuned!

Yucatan-Style Braised Pork


3 pounds pork butt, trimmed and cut into small chunks 
1 teaspoon coarse sea salt 
1 tablespoon canola oil 
½ medium white onion, thinly sliced 
2 cloves garlic, roughly chopped 
2 bay leaves 
2 cups orange juice 
Juice of 2 limes 
½ cup white wine vinegar, divided
½ medium red onion, thinly sliced into rings 
¼ teaspoon dried oregano 
½ teaspoon ground black pepper 


  • Step 1 Season pork with salt and pepper; set aside.
  • Step 2 Heat oil in a large pot over high heat.
  • Step 3 Add pork in batches so as not to crowd the pot and cook, stirring occasionally, until browned on all sides, about 2 minutes per side.
  • Step 4 Using a slotted spoon, transfer pork to a large plate as done.
  • Step 5 Discard all but 1 tablespoon fat from pot.
  • Step 6 Reduce heat to medium low and add white onions.
  • Step 7 Cook, stirring occasionally, until starting to brown, about 4 minutes.
  • Step 8 Add garlic and bay leaves and continue stirring until fragrant, about 2 minutes.
  • Step 9 Return pork to pot and add orange juice, lime juice and 1/4 cup of the vinegar.
  • Step 10 Bring to a simmer and season with salt and pepper.
  • Step 11 Cover, reduce heat to low, and cook for about 1 hour, stirring occasionally, until pork is very tender and can be easily pulled into shreds.
  • Step 12 Meanwhile, separate red onion slices into rings in a large bowl and season with salt.
  • Step 13 Let stand for about 10 minutes, then toss with remaining 1/4 cup vinegar and oregano.
  • Step 14 Set aside for another 30 minutes.
  • Step 15 Discard bay leaves, then serve warm pork with pickled onions.

Everything Fred – Part 241

21 February 2024

It’s a beautiful day in the neighborhood, boys and girls! It’s 71°F with a cloudless sky with the humidity at 32%. Too bad I feel wiped out.

The Herceptin treatment yesterday didn’t bother me. As a matter of fact, a friend whose oven crapped out came over and roasted a chicken last night and we dined on the chicken, my oven roasted potatoes, and his store bought salad. I finally kicked him out around 9 pm last night and was only a little tired from the day.

When I got up this morning I was dragging. I thought perhaps it was due to my lack of caffeine. I had a blood draw this morning and it needed to be fasting. Apparently it’s not the lack of caffeine. Usually when I have a Herceptin infusion, the day of and the day after are OK. It’s the third and fourth days that wipe me out. The only positive spin I’ll put on it is that it may mean I start recovering a day early.

My endocrinologist has phlebotomists at his office complex. They are excellent. They usually have no problem finding a vein. Today was different. Years ago I remember (probably incorrectly) some nurse telling me fasting meant no eating after midnight and only enough water to swallow down pills. Last blood draw, the phlebotomist told me I needed to drink plenty of water before a blood draw. I did today but it didn’t do much good.

Because of the mastectomy of my left breast, you can’t draw blood from my left arm. Nor can you take blood pressure from that arm, nor really do anything with the left arm since they removed the lymph nodes near that arm and those activities could cause permanent swelling.

That means all blood draws and blood pressure cuffs must be from the right arm. Since my torn biceps surgery on the right arm, no one seems to be able to find the vein at the juncture of the forearm and upper arm. Usually, they have success just above that juncture on the upper arm but not today. He got a dribble.

He then moved to the veins in my hand. That’s a very painful area from which to draw blood but this guy is so good he didn’t hurt me at all. Instead of one bandaid, I’m sporting two on the right side.

After I got home, I was still dragging. I called physical therapy and canceled today’s session. I knew I wasn’t up to completing anything she wanted to put me through today. I hated to cancel but knew I would be wasting her time and they might be able to fill the void with another patient.

This morning I had my last injection of insulin from the first pen. There’s still some insulin left in there but you are supposed to throw away the pen after 42 days (it’s supposed to be OK to throw them directly in the trash). I’ve gone over that time limit but don’t think it really matters if I’m off a day or two. I start the new pen tomorrow and that’s another thing I’m going to have to keep on my calendar – the start and end dates of the pens.

I was going to shop for groceries after physical therapy today. That probably wasn’t a feasible idea from the start. Since I am not doing PT today, I ordered online again. I remember when Publix started experimenting with home delivery about 15 years ago. I tried it a couple of times but was disappointed with the shoppers selections. Publix delivery died out. Then came the pandemic and now home delivery is everywhere. As I age out, it becomes more useful. Considering that Amazon delivers so quickly, others have picked up the model and it’s become more and more a part of our lives in urban areas.

It looks like I’ll be in for a few low energy days this week. Hopefully things will turn around more quickly each time.

Stay tuned!

Everything Fred – Part 240

20 February 2024

Anyone who knows me realizes I hate to be late. I’d rather arrive early for an appointment and cool my heels for 10-15 or 30 minutes than be late. That’s why for today’s 9:30 am Herceptin infusion (which they want you to arrive at 9:15) I left the house at 8:30. It was a good thing I did.

I-95 northbound was a parking lot. As an alternative route I took Davie Blvd. but quickly realized it was a parking lot too. All the people who were getting off I-95 were taking Davie and it was being held up by a very long freight train. Time was slipping away.

I finally made it to 4th Ave and headed north until I reached Sistrunk Blvd. and then made it to Andrews Ave and stayed on it until I reached Commercial. I pulled into the Cancer Center at 9:10 and reached the check in desk at 9:15 on the dot. They called me back for the infusion around 9:35.

Pat was my nurse again. I really love her. She’s friendly, open, sassy and everything you could want in a nurse – meticulous, observant, efficient. So efficient she had me out of there by 11 am. That’s the quickest I’ve gone through an infusion yet. Blood tests came back normal with one positive exception. My glucose level is usually high but today it was normal. Magnesium, as expected was low. Pat offered to run some through me but I demurred. I have some magnesium tablets at home.

I stopped by Honey Baked Ham on the way home and got a Tavern Club sandwich with chips and drink. That sandwich is big enough for lunch today and tomorrow.

Speaking of tomorrow, I have a fasting blood draw in the morning and a physical therapy appointment that afternoon. It’s also movie night with Chris. Can’t wait to see what she picks!

Stay tuned!