12 February 2024
I usually never watch a Super Bowl all the way through but I did last night. It was a pretty good football contest in between everything else that went on. Either I am getting old or my hearing is going because I didn’t understand a word of the half time show. I like Usher and I like the music. Maybe because it was performed in a stadium and the sound engineer didn’t do a good job? In my opinion, the commercials, usually standouts, were just mediocre this time. For a lot of them, I couldn’t figure out what they were advertising. Maybe there are some advantages to getting old after all.
An eight minute trip to physical therapy this morning took me 40 minutes. I was actually five minutes late. It wasn’t the drawbridge this time (although it was up an unusually long time on my return trip). The delay was due to a freight train just before Andrews Avenue. It was moving along at a pretty fast clip at first but then begin to slow and then begin to creep by. Everyone was turning around and looking for alternate routes (by the length of the freight, there would be none because all of the crossings would be closed). I called the physical therapy center and told them I would be late. Then the train cleared the crossing and I zoomed into the parking lot. I was literally yards from the physical therapy center when I got stopped.
Shannon understood my canceling Friday’s session due to exhaustion. She put me through my paces and I was out of there 30 minutes later. That seems to be the length of time they work with you. Since Trinity bought out Holy Cross, they’ve been asked to work one more patient in a day (to the exclusion of their lunch hour).
I’m usually a little tired after each session but I seem to bounce back pretty quickly. I also try to repeat at home several of the exercises which don’t require equipment. The whole purpose is to build up my strength and stamina – both of which I need.
Tomorrow I have the day off from appointments. I think I’ll celebrate and go have a donut.
Stay tuned!