Cross Country Trip – Day 41

29 April 2018

What’s the saying?  “Discretion is the better part of valor.”  The last two nights were very windy.  It was pretty steady at 24 mph with higher gusts.  If I had know it was in the forecast, I would not have put the big tent up but the smaller one.  There’s too much surface area on the big tent.  A couple of times I thought I might set sail.

The wind was a harbinger.  I waked to a weather alert for a fast moving snow storm for today and tomorrow in the higher elevations above 5000 feet.  The only problem was that I was already at 5000+.  They predicted 8-12 inches in the passes, so I took Falstaff’s saying to heart and packed up the tent and camp and was on the road to Baker, Nevada by 8:30 am.

I didn’t intend to make it to Baker today.  I was looking for some place in between Arco, Idaho and Baker and I ended up in Wells, Nevada – a cross roads between US93 and I-80.  As I pulled into town, I was greeted by billboards touting their houses of legalized prostitution.  You don’t see that on Florida billboards!

The town has, as best as I can tell, two major casinos and several smaller ones.  Every small bump in the road in Idaho and Nevada has casinos.  The locals can’t possibly keep these financially afloat so I can only assume tourist traffic later in the year is where they make their money.  Tourists come for the national parks, forests, recreation areas, monuments, and state parks.  I wonder if the Department of Interior knows they are subsidizing  gambling on a large scale?
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Tonight is a Super8 in Wells.  It’s not really so super – it’s showing its age.  However, the room is spacious, the bath is clean, and as a TripAdvisor reviewer said, “no bedbugs”.  I always check just in case, but for $60 a night, it’ll do.

I really intended to stay and third night at Craters and I did miss my cave hikes, but I just didn’t like the idea of being snowed in.  As I drove south on US93, I ran into rain and snow showers and you could look at the mountain ranges around and see it was getting more than flurries.  Time will tell if I made the right decision.

Tomorrow is Hidden Canyon Retreat in Baker, Nevada.  I have three nights there for Great Basin National Park.  I’m not sure how much of a retreat it is but you get emailed instructions not to rely on GPS.  Instead, you are told to approach via Garrison, Utah, pass through the town and take the dirt road off to the right.  This should be interesting.

There is no phone service but they do have wifi but it is said to be very slow.  I’ll try to get my blog out every night as usual if the wifi doesn’t crash.


After 34 years in the classroom and lab teaching biology, I'm ready to get back to traveling and camping and hiking. It's been too long of a break. I miss the outdoors and you can follow my wanderings on this blog.

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