San Francisco – Day 6

25 June 2016

I was too tired to make an entry yesterday. Beach Blanket Babylon was its usual hoot with current political topics, popular media and celebrity bashing.  The only surprising thing was the dearth of Trump skits.  He made a brief appearance but not as much as expected.

Almost as much fun is watching the audience.  You can tell some small town Americans show up not knowing what to expect.  They have a shell-shocked look on their face after the first few skits. Eventually they figure it is all in fun and get into it but it’s an education for some of them.

Tom and I headed to the Embarcadero for lunch at La Mar, a Peruvian restaurant he wanted to try.  Their speciality was cerbiche, spelled with a “b”.  I had the halibut and it was very good. I also had one of their signature potato dishes topped with beets and asparagus.  The restaurant is on pier 1 1/2 (who knew) and overlooked the bay.

Lunch at Peruvian resturant called La Mar overlooking the bay.
Lunch at Peruvian resturant called La Mar overlooking the bay.

Before lunch, we cruised through the port building at Embarcadero and Market. It was jammed packed inside and out. All kinds of vendors were here and there was also an extensive open air market on the pier behind the terminal.

Open market at the port building, Embarcadero.
Open market at the port building, Embarcadero.

Tom managed a few purchases and I managed not to, although the temptation was great.

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Heirloom tomatoes at port building on Embarcadero.
Heirloom tomatoes at port building on Embarcadero.

Tom headed to the airport around 2 pm for his flight back and I headed to the Castro to eat my traditional hamburger at Sliders.  Just as I returned to the guest house, Dykes on Bikes roared past to Delores Park to start their own separate parade.  They will lead off the main parade tomorrow.

Over one million people are expected for the parade tomorrow and I have never seen such police presence. The Castro was blue with police officers.  The streets are packed and several pre-parades passed by the guest house.

I don’t intend to go to the parade tomorrow simply because I’ve seen two here in San Francisco and I hate crowds.  Instead, I am on my way to the Legion of Honor Museum and the De Young.

At 8 pm, I was comfortably seated in the Marion Davies Concert Hall to see Michael Tilson Thomas conduct Brahm’s Symphony No. 1.  I have now heard the New World Symphony perform this piece, also with MTT conducting and the San Francisco Symphony perform it.  The San Francisco Symphony has a more mature sound, but I like the energy of the New World sound better.

Marion Davies Hall, San Francisco Symphony
Marion Davies Hall, San Francisco Symphony

The first part of the program was C.P.E. Bach’s Symphony in D major followed by Jörg Widmann’s  Trauermarsch for piano and orchestra, written especially for Yefim Bronfman who performed the piece.  It was certainly atonal and it seemed more written for percussion than just the piano, although Bronfman certainly percussed the piano!

I made it back to the guest house by 10:30 pm, had half a sandwich and turned in for the night.


After 34 years in the classroom and lab teaching biology, I'm ready to get back to traveling and camping and hiking. It's been too long of a break. I miss the outdoors and you can follow my wanderings on this blog.

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