Cross Country Tour – Day 26

23 September 2016

There was ice on the jeep when I got up.  I headed to Annie’s Creek Restaurant for breakfast and then, with good intentions, headed to Watchman Peak to hike the 1.6 mile up and back trail. They were repaving the west rim road and I had to be escorted via 1 lane to the pull off.  When I got out of the car, it was 32F with a stiff wind, light rain and you could barely see the summit.  I decided to wait for better weather.

I had to wait again to get back on the west rim road and traveled it until I started the return trip on the east rim road.  There are several great overlooks on the east rim road and I took advantage of Cloudcap Overlook, Phantom Ship Overlook, Sun Notch, and a few unnamed ones.

At Cloudcap Overlook, east rim.
At Cloudcap Overlook, east rim.

My first “hike” of the day, if you can call it that, was a 0.5 mile loop at Sun Notch to get a great view of Phantom Ship Island.

Phantom Ship Island from Sun Notch, east rim.
Phantom Ship Island from Sun Notch, east rim.

Most people know the large island in Crater Lake is Wizard Island, but Phantom Ship (supposedly the pinnacles look like ship masts) is often overlooked.

Wizard Island from west rim.
Wizard Island from west rim.

There are several additional potential islands in the lake if the water level drops which is entirely possible because Crater Lake is formed from rainfall – it is not fed by any springs or rivers.
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At Sun Notch, east rim.
At Sun Notch, east rim.

One additional stop was Vidae Falls.  All you have to do is pull off the road and it’s there in front of you.  It is a fairly tall fall but not with a tremendous amount of water flow.

Vidae Falls, east rim.
Vidae Falls, east rim.

I returned to the cabin for lunch and then tried one more time for The Watchman – a spectacular hike.  Again the road wait but when I got to the pull out, the weather was actually worse.  You couldn’t see the top at all.  I don’t know how the road crews do it but they were laying asphalt in that weather when visibility was about 15 feet.

I decided it was a good day to curl up in bed so I started back to the cabin when Godfrey Glen Trail caught my eye.  It’s found near Mazama Vikkage and it is a 1.0 mile “easy” loop along Munson Creek Canyon. You can hear Duwee Falls as you walk the trail but the canyon is too steep to see the falls.


Munson Creek Canyon on Godfrey Glen Trail.
Munson Creek Canyon on Godfrey Glen Trail.

Tomorrow I set out for Columbia River Gorge to eventually see Multnomah Falls, the prime reason for this trip.  Everything I’ve done so far has been planned around this stop.  I hope for good weather the next day so I can get some good shots.  Then I intend to view numerous other falls and overlooks along the gorge.


After 34 years in the classroom and lab teaching biology, I'm ready to get back to traveling and camping and hiking. It's been too long of a break. I miss the outdoors and you can follow my wanderings on this blog.

2 thoughts on “Cross Country Tour – Day 26”

  1. Is the water in Crater Lake salty? I’m guessing there is no outlet and that since it is volcanic the rocks aren’t very porous, so the only way for water to leave would be evaporation, meaning it would be salty. You mentioned the water level varies with the rainfall and made me start to wonder about the salinity of the water.

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