My Getaway – Part 10

16 July 2024

We had a pretty severe thunderstorm last night. We didn’t lose power but the sister Settlers Inn did. People were not happy when the air conditioners went out. I think some of them transferred to our inn. The difference in the waterfall was significant.

This is the waterfall from yesterday before the thunderstorm.
The waterfall after the thunderstorm.

You can see a pretty significant increase in the water flow.

Breakfast was at the Settlers Inn, about a mile down the road. Fortunately, the lights were back on and the air condition worked. The Settlers Inn dates to the 1920’s and is quite attractive – unlike the interior of the Ledges.

I ate healthy and had their birdseed toast with cherries and mascarpone.

A young couple came in with a very young infant with flaming red hair. He was a toddler and loved running around the restaurant with the parents chasing him. He was amazingly cute and reminded me of a third cousin who had flaming red hair – and similar personality!

Yesterday when I was talking with Michelle, she mentioned a trip to Moka Origins that she recommended. I set out to find the place and typed in the address to the GPS. The GPS dropped me exactly where I should be but I couldn’t find the turnoff. I finally figured out my mistake and drove up to this massive old building and asked for further directions. It turns out the massive (and I do mean massive) building is a yoga retreat called the Himalayan Institute.

Once I finally found Mika Origins, I toured the facility. They let you see how to make their chocolate.

Several vats of chocolate!

Then there is the store where you can buy various types they manufacture. I decided to have a mocha latte. It was quite good! They sell their coffee and chocolate.

After retreating from the retreat, I stopped in Honesdale to see the town.

This is actually a photo of two banks. The first is the Bank of Homesdale, dated 1836. The different building attached on the right is the Bank of Wayne County, dated 1878. I bet there’s an interesting story here.
Main Street Homesdale, PA. There were several vacant store fronts but it still seems to be thriving.

From there, I stopped in downtown Hawley.

Main Street Hawley
Main Street Hawley. Most of the buildings were occupied, unlike Honesdale.
Glad to see the Ritz is being used as a play house! Not sure I care for the musical.

One thing that really impressed me is the banners they put on telephone poles. They do advertise specific events but many of the banners are dedicated to Hawley heroes. I think that’s a great idea. They were mostly military but it doesn’t have to be restricted to those.

Finally, I couldn’t not take an image of this. Warm Beer and Lousy Food. My kind of place!

I stopped at a local grocery and stocked up on fruit for my drive to Fredericksburg tomorrow. When I get into town, I hope to meet up with my friend Michael who often comes to Fort Lauderdale to visit friends in the area.

The rest of the day I intend to rest, read and relax.

Stay tuned!


After 34 years in the classroom and lab teaching biology, I'm ready to get back to traveling and camping and hiking. It's been too long of a break. I miss the outdoors and you can follow my wanderings on this blog.

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