Everything Fred – Part 404

27 August 2024

I went with a friend to a doctor’s appointment today to lend a second set of ears. The appointment was for 9:40 and we got there early only to find out the appointment had been changed to noon. When my friend checked, there was no message or phone call. Such is life. So, we had a few hours to kill.

The appointment was in Weston which is like going to another state. We received directions to the Town Center and we both agreed it reminded us of the Mizner Town Center in Boca Raton. There’s a good reason. The official name is Mizner Place at Weston Town Center. There’s restricted traffic to one lane and it’s more of a pedestrian shopping center.

Weston is aptly named. It’s 18 miles and 23 minutes away from my house. It’s so far west it buts up to the Everglades. When I first moved here in 1985, there was nothing there but Everglades. There were several mitigation deals and land swaps that allowed the town to be developed and the boundary to the Everglades got pushed a little further west.

We found a place open at Town Center and had brunch and then proceeded to kill more time by having a second cup of coffee. We both were a little stoked on caffeine. Tom refused to let me buy his brunch or coffee.

Part of the pedestrian area of Mizner Place Weston Town Center

In any case, we re-arrived at the doctor’s office at a little after 11 and after paperwork, we were shown to an examination room at 11:30. In essence, the visit was to review his issues before he could be referred to a surgeon. They make you jump through so many hoops these days for any procedure much less surgery.

I thought I would take a nap when I got home but couldn’t doze off (too much caffeine) so I cleaned the pool filter. For some reason, the pool has been cloudy lately and I’ve been trying to get it back in balance. Cleaning the filter helps.

It’s actually pleasant outside today even though the temperature is 92°F. There’s a nice breeze and I really want to get into the pool if only to move around and cool off. Today is the last day I have a restriction on the pool. The steristrips haven’t fallen off as of yet but at least I can get in the pool tomorrow!

Stay tuned!

Author: searcyf@mac.com

After 34 years in the classroom and lab teaching biology, I'm ready to get back to traveling and camping and hiking. It's been too long of a break. I miss the outdoors and you can follow my wanderings on this blog.

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