Everything Fred – Part 407

30 August 2024

OK, I think I have it straight now. My procedure is on Tuesday, September 3, at 9:15 am. In my defense, the last time I used my iPhone to put in a date, it was with the neurologist who I am seeing a year from the last visit. iPhone seems to default to the last calendar entry so when I entered September 3, 2025 it was on a Sunday. When I later saw that, I changed that date to a Tuesday, September 5, 2025. I’m now back in the year 2024 and my time warp is over. Visiting the future was harrowing. It was kind of like a reverse Dr. Who.

Last night was some pretty heavy rain. And lightning. And thunder. It sprinkled this morning when I was cleaning the pool filter. The coming week is full of rain predictions. The only real problem is the ground is getting saturated and everyone is growing mushrooms in their yards which means flooding if we get a “wet” hurricane.

I’m still sleeping too much – never thought I would write those words! I think it is partly depression but it is also partly because I still feel blah from the last diarrhea bout. I still don’t have any energy. My back problem is slowly getting better but turning over in the bed is still agonizing. So is getting out of bed and the first few steps in the morning. I don’t plan any more fainting spells since that last one did my back in.

I picked up some flowers on my last in-store visit to Publix. The genus is Alstroemeria and one species is referred to as Yellow Alstroemeria and some species are referred to as Peruvian lily even though it is not native to Peru.

For years, I refused to buy these because they looked so delicate and I thought they would never last a week. My bad. These babies will last longer than any flower I’ve bought over the years. Publix had a sale, 3 for $12 so I took advantage of it. They don’t have any aroma but they certainly add a festive air to my overloaded table.

Apparently, the state of Florida has problems with their calendar also. I got paid day before yesterday which was two days early – not that I’m complaining. It used to be they never paid until the last day of the month and the only exception was if the last day fell on a weekend. Hopefully, they are better at managing our retirement funds than they are managing their calendar.

I’m of the generation – thanks to my parents who came up during the depression – that when something goes wrong on the webpage of my banking institution, I get nervous. The same with the Florida Retirement System. I remember them losing something like $850 million with the Enron scandal.

I did manage to get the pool filter cleaned but I still am having a problem with clarity with the pool. My test strip is showing I need to add calcium and when I do, it gets cloudy again. Looks like I’ve over calcified the pool. It’ll take a few more runs through the filter and another filter cleaning or two to get it back to the correct clarity.

Otherwise, the pool deck and patio were pretty much clear from the cleaning on Tuesday or Wednesday. At least the mango tree has quit shedding so much. That thing is like a long-haired dog in summer.

Stay tuned!

Author: searcyf@mac.com

After 34 years in the classroom and lab teaching biology, I'm ready to get back to traveling and camping and hiking. It's been too long of a break. I miss the outdoors and you can follow my wanderings on this blog.

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