Everything Fred – Part 409

1 September 2024

Welcome to the month with the most hurricane activity! We’ve been very, very fortunate so far. There seems to be a lot of activity out in the Caribbean and the eastern Atlantic so everyone needs to keep a watchful eye. The majority of the people I know live in an area that could be affected by a hurricane.

Sunday is a lazy day for me. It needs to be if I’m going to work the Sunday crossword. I managed to fill in all the clues except for four so I count that as a victory.

After unloading the dishwasher and reloading it with newly dirty dishes, I made the bed and then crawled back up in it to read. Of course, that meant a nap a little later. I got out of bed when a thunderstorm came rolling through. You could hear the thunder bursts as it approached from the south. It was moving so fast all it did was sprinkle heavily for a few minutes and it was gone.

Somewhere in the Netherland of dozing off, I remember the first “cuss” word taught to me by cousin Jimmie. We often played in the back of her Dad’s Shell station where there was a loft. We also had a swing that would swing out over the loft and into the void below.

She told me she knew of a very dirty word but I had to never repeat it because it was so dirty. Of course, I had to beg and plead for a while to get her to tell me the word. She whispered it in my ear and I apparently misheard her. I heard it as “funk.” Sitting directly across from us was a sign advertising Funk Corn. I began shouting funk as loud as I could as she tried to shush me. Aunt Mabel was in the front of the Shell station and I’m sure she thought I had lost my mind.

Trust me, I later learned the real word. After all, I was once a sailor.

I learned a lot from Jimmie. I learned Elvis played an electric guitar. She informed me it meant Elvis didn’t know how to play guitar so he had to use an electric one. Much later, I learned one of my favorite singer/songwriters, John Prine, did not know how to read music. He mostly stood in front of an audience and strummed the cords he knew.

Then there was the case where dogs were boys and cats were girls. As a biologist, I can now confirm that is not the case, although, my major professor’s son, who has a PhD in Zoology, misidentified the sex of his Dad’s cat. No one’s perfect.

Tomorrow is gruesome day. I start the procedure to clean out my intestinal system for the colonoscopy. I don’t mind the laxative, I don’t mind voiding the contents of my GI system. What I absolutely hate is not getting any sleep Monday night because of the frequent visits to the bathroom. I hate it when I don’t get a good night of sleep and it’s kinda hard when you are sitting on the toilet.

There may or may not be a post tomorrow. Stay tuned!

Author: searcyf@mac.com

After 34 years in the classroom and lab teaching biology, I'm ready to get back to traveling and camping and hiking. It's been too long of a break. I miss the outdoors and you can follow my wanderings on this blog.

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