Everything Fred – Part 411

3 September 2024

My long personal nightmare is over. I never have to have a colonoscopy again! I have it in writing. Although, I’m a little taken aback by the wording. It says “No repeat colonoscopy due to age.” I guess I am now a geriatric case.

After the last prep at 10 am, I pretty much visited the bathroom every hour on the half hour. I was still “outputting” when I left the house around 8:20 when Joel showed up.

They took me back at exactly 9:15 and in a first, the nurse actually filled out the forms she needed for me. All I did was answer her questions.

Just prior, she coyly asked if I needed the restroom (Yes!). Her name is Christine (she goes by Casey) and she was very good putting the IV line into my hand. After she made sure everything was hooked up and running, she handed me off to a nurse who rolled me into an endoscopy room.

I met Dr. “O” who was my anesthesiologist. He ran through the procedure and soon after Dr. Feldman walked in. I get the feeling he’s not one to joke in the procedure room. The same could be said for my previous gastroenterologist in Hollywood. Maybe it is a personality trait all gastro’s exhibit.

Dr. “O” had me take some deep breaths and that’s all I remembered until I waked in the recovery room.

Both tests came back as normal. There were no polyps in my colon but Dr. Feldman took a biopsy to see if he could determine why I was having bouts of diarrhea.

The endoscopy, which went all the way to the stomach, reported a hiatal hernia (I knew about that) and he also took a biopsy of the stomach to check for Helicobacter bacteria which causes ulcers. He did find some inflammation of the esophagus but that’s old news also.

By my count, I’ve had three endoscopies and five colonoscopies. I celebrate that I will never have another colonoscopy. The prep for endoscopy is a piece of cake – not food or water after midnight.

Dr. Feldman mentioned he might want to take a look at my small intestines by camera. I’ll swallow a large pill-like device that will traverse through my GI taking photos along the way like a tourist. He said he’ll be in touch.

The only side effects of the procedure so far is a little residual pooping and gas. They pump air into your colon so they can get a good look. They actually gave me pictures!

Now you know all about the real me! The report also said my prep was “adequate.” I resent that. I usually get praise for how well I’m cleaned out. Of course, I cheated on the last prep and only drank 5 of the 6 glasses. Who knew I was going to be marked down on my clean out evaluation. Now I know how some students feel.

Here’s a tip – never mix the MiraLAX with Crystal Lite. That stuff is tooooo sweet. It’s like Southern iced tea – so sweet your teeth ache.

Joel picked me up after the procedure and we met Barbara at Mom’s for lunch. I had the country fried steak (I used to call it chicken fried steak from the Gulf Cafe in Morton) with mash potatoes and gravy with veggies. I passed on the overcooked veggies but everything else was great. It was good to catch up with Barb from her recent trip.

When Joel got me home, I tried for a nap but it doesn’t seem to be in the cards. Instead, I actually feel like cooking tonight and may make a pot roast to round out the country fried steak. I still may lie down for a nap anyway.

Right now, movie night is on with Chris. I usually am fine after a colonoscopy albeit a little more loopy than usual due to the residual effects of anesthesia.

Stay tuned!

Author: searcyf@mac.com

After 34 years in the classroom and lab teaching biology, I'm ready to get back to traveling and camping and hiking. It's been too long of a break. I miss the outdoors and you can follow my wanderings on this blog.

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