Everything Fred – Part 414

6 September 2024

During this morning’s walk I felt as though it was hurricane weather. It was 80°F at 7 am with no breeze and a lot of humidity. I managed 1.2 miles but was pretty soaked through with sweat and very tired. I still haven’t gotten my strength or stamina back. You’d think there’s not much difference between yesterday’s 0.9 miles and 1.2 today, but believe me when I tell you it was.

After getting my second breakfast and second cup of coffee, I showered, shaved and headed to Hollywood Memorial Hospital on Johnson St. Jim was having brain surgery today to correct a malfunctioning catheter in the vesicle of his brain. Memorial is a massive complex and the halls are maze you have to figure out. I finally gave up and saw a guy who looked like he had just come from completing a surgery. He led me left, right, repeat several times and pointed at a door and said “Go in there.” Of course, it was for personnel only but I bravely went in.

Three nurses immediately welcomed me in and took me through another maze to where Holley and Jim were. While there, I met two of the operation theater nurses, his anesthesiologist, and his surgeon (who looked very young). Hollywood Memorial is known for their neurosurgeons. Miami sends people to Hollywood.

Jim explaining why he wouldn’t let me wear his blue cap. My head was cold. Notice there were no specials for the day.

When it was time for him to go into surgery, Holley took me across the street to the Joe DiMaggio Children’s Hospital for lunch at their cafe. Several nurses told us to go there instead of the regular hospital cafe. Holley, of course, paid for my meal but not for the reason you think. In my hurry, I forgot my wallet and driver’s license.

You might ask, how did I get in to the hospital without my license? I had a photograph of it that I showed the security desk.

Anyhoo, Holley and I returned after lunch to the Surgical Family Lounge which had quite a few people waiting for their surgeon to let them know how things went. Jim’s surgeon, Dr. Buttrick, came in soon enough and told us that everything went smoothly.

By that time, Tom arrived and we waited with Holley until Jim was “officially” in recovery.

Me and Tom in the Surgical Family Lounge. Notice Tom has two badges to my one. His partner is in Holy Cross so he’s been busy traveling between the two hospitals today.

Hollywood Memorial has an interesting system to let you know where the patient is. You are assigned a number and the nurse hands your loved one a card with a color code on it. That’s projected on a tv screen in the waiting room.

Holly was allowed back to see Jim and Tom and I chatted a while. Then Holley came out and said they are ready to discharge Jim. Holley walked us down through the rabbit warren to the main entrance where I bummed three bucks to tip the valet – I didn’t realize I didn’t have my wallet until after I valeted.

As soon as I got home, I climbed into bed and read a little and then napped for an hour. Jim and Holley are home – who goes home the same day as brain surgery? The doctor said it was fairly simple and routine and he would do better at home than in hospital. Also, they didn’t have enough beds.

I wish a speedy recovery to Jim. Holley and Jim have always been there for me and Tom and Kurt and everyone in our group. It was simple enough to pay it forward – with love.

Stay tuned!

Author: searcyf@mac.com

After 34 years in the classroom and lab teaching biology, I'm ready to get back to traveling and camping and hiking. It's been too long of a break. I miss the outdoors and you can follow my wanderings on this blog.

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