Everything Fred – Part 437

29 September 2024

Today was dust bunny day. I did just the basic vacuuming, cleaning the bathroom, mopping, etc. but I decided I needed to clear out rugs from under the bed. For a while there, I was tripping over rugs in the living room and bedroom and finally got smart and removed them. I decided to store them under the beds.

I’ll either donate them to Vietnam Vets or put them out for bulk trash. They’re good rugs but I can’t see putting them down again. I noticed a lot of dust bunnies when I pulled two out from under my bed. I decided I needed to pull the bed away from the wall and vacuum behind the bed.

Ive had worse situations with dust bunnies. Today wasn’t so bad but I found out how weak I am in trying to pull the bed out and then push the bed back. In my defense, it is a heavy bed. I finally managed the job after a couple of rest breaks.

I think I’m going to see about a house cleaner coming in every two weeks to do stuff that I can’t get to or want to do any more. My monthly cleanings have fallen by the wayside and my weekly cleanings are getting more basic. I think I can live with dirty floors for two weeks. I can’t live with a dirty bathroom for two weeks so I’ll keep that task on an every two week basis.

I get pretty frustrated with my inability to do what I could do just two years ago. The aging process is interesting to say the least. Two years ago, I was an active 73 year old. Now I’m an old 75 year old. Maybe John Knox Village is the answer. Of course, I can hire people to do the things I cannot: mowing the yard, cleaning the pool, cleaning the house. Actually I can still do the last two but I’m less enthusiastic every week. I do like where I live and the house I live in. It’s kinda nice to walk out in the back and jump into the pool on a hot afternoon.

When I was in boot camp at Alameda, California, I remember waking up in the morning and breathing in the fresh sea air. It was invigorating. Every so often you get that experience here where I live if the wind pattern is just right. I’m constantly amazed at how important our sense of smell is. I feel for those who lost it during Covid.

I’ve also decided my hiking days are pretty much over and certainly my camping days. I’ll see if the Viet Vets can use some of my camping gear. I need to make some space in the house. Thirty years of accumulation can get out of hand.

Stay tuned!

Author: searcyf@mac.com

After 34 years in the classroom and lab teaching biology, I'm ready to get back to traveling and camping and hiking. It's been too long of a break. I miss the outdoors and you can follow my wanderings on this blog.

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