Everything Fred – Part 231

10 February 2024

Wow! I’m still recovering from yesterday. I’m dragging through my Saturday morning chores: change bed linen, empty garbage bins, clean the bathroom, vacuum, and mop. Then it’s two loads of clothes to wash and then dry and then fold and then put away. The Boy Scouts trained me well!

That got me to thinking how much my routine has changed over the past year or two. I used to hop in and out of the shower, shave, get dressed and out the door in minutes. That’s out the window. When I shower now, I have to remember if it is a day for an infusion at the cancer center and if it is, make sure I use Ivory soap (very little scent). That’s all while maneuvering in the shower while holding on to the grab bars. Hey, at least I can lift my legs over the edge of my pink tub still!

Shaving is different also. My beard has returned but even coarser than before. Yet my skin on my face is still a little thin and I have to be more careful of cuts. Then, if it is a cancer center day, no cologne and no aftershave. Of course, I produce hair in places now that never used to have it (and no longer have it where I once did – talking to you, testicles). When I do shave (not too frequently these days – too lazy) I also have to trim nose and ear hair. My eyebrows are getting bushy again to the point I have more hair there than on top of my head. Maybe I should start gluing the clippings up there.

Getting up in the morning is also different. I used to just hop out of bed and head to the bathroom, pee, then turn the computer on and go the kitchen. Now, I throw my legs over the bed and wait until the vertigo goes away and ease myself onto the floor. I remove the wrist braces and store them, take two Gabapentin for pain, pee while holding on to the towel racks so I don’t fall into the toilet, go turn on the computer, go back to the bedroom and pull on my compression socks before I dress, then dress. As I work my way to the kitchen, there are the morning pills to down. I think I get a day’s worth of exercise just getting to the kitchen.

I’ve timed making my coffee and preparing my bowl of fruit and yogurt with taking my blood pressure, determining my dissolved oxygen, and checking my temperature. Oh yeah, don’t forget the insulin injection every morning. Oh, and the gel I use for arthritis on my fingers. Then there’s the Metamucil. Fortunately, I’m usually awake enough not to use the Metamucil as sugar, although I have been known to sugar the coffee grounds before brewing. I’ve also forgotten to brew the coffee grounds and put them directly into my coffee cup.

Sometime around 3 or 3:30 pm it’s time for another Gabapentin for pain.

Bedtime means waiting until as late as I can to take two more Gabapentins, an Allegra to keep me from itching all night, and a Temazapam to help me sleep. After reading at bed time, I put TheraTears in my eyes, don my wrist braces and arrange the pillow between my legs before dozing off. I sleep pretty well and usually get at least 7 hours a night but that’s only after everything is arranged perfectly.

I take 8 pills in the morning and 6 in the evening in addition to those mentioned above. What’s strange is even though I take a multivitamin, various doctors have asked me to take three other vitamins: B6, B12, and D. I’m sure I’m excreting the excess through my urine all the time. Either that or I’m fertilizing the hair in my nose and ears.

Every 14 days I have to peel a continuous glucose monitor off and stick a new one on. There’s an app for that. It warns me there are “x” number of days left on my monitor and then the app starts screaming when it’s time to change. Good thing, that. Otherwise, without apps on my iPhone I would constantly forget medications and glucose monitors.

Walking continues to be painful, even if it is just around the house. I think the compression socks help a little. Because of the neuropathy in my hands, I have a real problem manipulating small objects. It’s still hilarious to trim my fingernails. I approach it like a great lab experiment and cry “Eureka!” when I successfully complete the task. You take you victories where you can.

I think what I’m getting at is my life is anything but boring. Who has time to be bored when an app on your phone is going to start ringing that it’s time to do something else? It gives new meaning to the saying “Better living through chemistry.” You gotta laugh a little at life.

Stay tuned!

Everything Fred – Part 222

1 February 2024

Miracle of miracles! I have my Jeep back. Neyma called at 1:45 pm yesterday afternoon and said my Jeep was ready to pick up. Nothing else. When I asked what to do next she said go to Enterprise and get a receipt and bring it over. No news about a sensor, no info on anything, just come get the Jeep.

The Enterprise office on SR441 was very busy. There were about six people in the building waiting when I got there with one person trying to do everything. It took me about 30 minutes before she could check the car and give me a receipt.

When I walked up to Neyma’s office, she said the paperwork was with the cashier. No apologies, nothing. At least the cashier was nice. The headlight did indeed cost $397 to replace. Everything else was done except the sensor. It may be that I don’t even need one. Who knows. I received no information from Neyma and there was only one item on the receipt that said no charge for parts, labor, other.

Driving back, I thought the air conditioner wasn’t cooling. Wouldn’t that be my luck that it was broken and needed repair? After further examination, someone had turned off the air button on the console. Whew! I did have to readjust the seat and mirrors. The headrest is what it should be. I’ve yet to see if the headlight works.

Today as I drove to physical therapy, the check engine light came on so that means that did not replace the sensor and I’ll have the pleasure of going back to Hollywood Chrysler Jeep one more time to get the sensor replaced. That is, if they remember who it belongs to when it comes in. And remembers to call me.

Today at PT, Shannon walked me through some exercises she wants me to do at home. They were pretty simple and I should be able to do them without a problem. My real problem is my back is getting worse. It’s particularly bad if I am on my back while in bed and also as I get out of bed or bend down to put something in the trash. Hopefully, these exercises will help.

My flow cytometry results came in today. The reason Dr. Velez ordered the flow cytometery is my monocyte and neutrophil levels were high. He wanted a better picture to make sure there was nothing more than the chemotherapy affecting the levels.

Overall, everything looks normal. Here’s the jargon. “No immunophenotypic evidence of a B- or T/NK-cell lymphoproliferative disorder, acute leukemia or circulating blasts is identified. Monocytes are mature with no significant antigen atypic. In general, a low-grade myeloid neoplasm cannot be excluded with flow cytometery.”

Here’s where I get to use a little of my immunology background while working towards a PhD at the University of Mississippi Medical Center (didn’t complete it). The “T” in the above statement refers to T cells which their immunity is conferred from the thymus gland. The “B” above is for B cells which named from their discovery in an organ in chickens not found in humans, the Bursa Fabricus. “NK” refers to natural killer cells. B, and T/NK are important components of a healthy immune system in certain concentrations. If the “normal” gets out of whack, they can indicate disease. Natural Killer cells are exactly like the name suggests. They seek out and destroy cells and viruses not supposed to be in your system.

There are five types of white blood cells (leucocytes) neutrophils, basophils, eosinophils, lymphocytes and monocytes. There are three types of lymphocytes: B cells, T cells, and NK (natural killer cells).

Neutrophils are like amebas – they engulf and digest bacteria and viruses and project on their surface proteins from the digested organism and allows other cells to recognize those proteins and begin a defense against anything with those proteins.

Basophils increase when you come in contact with an allergen or have an inflammatory response. Eosinophils become more numerous when you have a parasitic infection. Monocytes fight fungi and viruses. Lymphocytes have specific responses depending on which of the three types: B cells, T cells and NK cells.

A lot of B cells (lymphocytes) in your blood stream can indicate several types of cancers including multiple myeloma, Hodgkin lymphoma, and chronic lymphocytic leukemia.

If there is an increase in NK cells, it indicates a possible autoimmune disease or viral infection.

The good news is I don’t seem to have any real problems with my B, T or NK cells.

Tuesday was the Herceptin infusion and I can tell my energy level is lower today so it looks like it takes a couple of days for me to feel the effects. The real question is how long does it take for me to get over the effects of the infusion.

Stay tuned!

Everything Fred – Part 169

27 November 2023

It was a miserable night and a miserable day. At 1:30 am back pain waked me and kept me awake even though I took an additional Gabepentin and two more Advil. I put an ice pack on my back. I got up and did stretches. I hunted for and failed to find the heating pad. This continued until 6 am. I realized I was not going to make the 9:30 am blood draw. There are consequences for falling at my age.

Instead, I booked an appointment at the Urgent Care Clinic for Holy Cross on Federal Highway for 9 am. I called Joel and he picked Wade and me up. They dropped me off a the clinic and went to get breakfast.

I had pre-checked in online and they took me back early. The nurse and then the doctor visited and it was off to x-rays. Fortunately, there’s nothing broken. The x-rays basically said I’m an old man with degenerating discs but otherwise OK. It must, therefore, be muscular in nature.

I’m to stay off Advil. Joel and Wade drove me to Walgreens to pick up some Tylenol Extra Strength and then home. I had on hand the muscle relaxant I’ll take tonight. I crashed and slept two hours.

Wade leaves tomorrow at 6 am. Hopefully, I’m up to drive to the cancer center for a Herceptin infusion. All last-night plans with Wade have been canceled. If I’m up to it, I’ll write more tomorrow.

Stay tuned!

Everything Fred – Part 166

24 November 2023

It was a great Thanksgiving! There were seven people and me and everything came together and everyone seemed to have a very good time. The turkey Wade cooked was moist and perfectly cooked. Everyone raved over his cranberry sauce and gravy. My dressing turned out well.

Thanks to Joel and Keith for a beautiful lemon cake, Barbara made a delicious sweet potato soufflé, Wayne brought a huge broccoli salad and Tom and Kurt furnished the wine. This is a fun group of people and there was much story telling, laughing, and discussion.

Everyone pitched in on the cleanup and everyone was gone by 7:30.

I overdid it. Not only that, but in getting dishes out of the pie safe, I tripped over a lamp cord and hurt my back. By the time everyone left for the evening, I was Done in. I got out of bed around 5:30 am but went back to bed after a cup of coffee. Then I slept again until 11:30. I’m still dragging.

I suspect tomorrow Wade will want to go early to Sawgrass Mills to the Ralph Lauren store. It’s kinda tradition for him and he sometimes loads up with clothes suitable to San Francisco’s cold weather. I’m sure we’ll go back to Rosies for more BLT’s.

The weather was perfect last night. It’s a good thing we did Thanksgiving out on the patio. Today, rain is forecast and it would have been a mess with everyone in the house. The gods of fortune looked down on us.

I plan to cool it today. I need to recover some strength and not try to do too much. Hopefully everyone had as good a Turkey Day and we did.

Stay tuned!

Everything Fred – Part 155

9 November 2023

One thing I forgot to mention in yesterday’s post was Dr. Fingado stated that a lot of people never have peripheral neuropathy abate. Instead, he said that a lot of peoples’ brains seems to accommodate and people learn to live with it. That was not good news for me.

Last night before I went to bed, I decided I better take a Tramadol and Temazapan. My fingers stilled ached so later I added two Advil to alleviate the inflammation. It seemed to work.

What a difference a good night’s sleep makes! Maybe I’ve turned the corner on the Taxol effects. I had a little more energy this morning as I got out of bed around 4:30 am. My watch says I got 6 hours and 17 minutes with a little over 1 hour as of REM and 4 hours and 37 minutes of deep sleep.

Dare I say it? My neuropathy doesn’t seem as bad. It’s not great but isn’t as bad as yesterday. Or maybe Dr. Fingado is correct and your brain corrects for it. I also don’t seem to be staggering around the house due to lack of balance this morning.

Usually, when I get out of bed, I spend the rest of the day with a runny nose and spend most of the morning clearing blood clots out of my nose. So far this morning, nada!

Maybe this daybreak is a new beginning? Keep your fingers crossed for me.

This morning is fasting for blood draw. I hate fasting. It interrupts my routine. It’s not like I’m gonna die of starvation but I like my morning routine. I also get to fight I-95 morning traffic to the doctor’s office.

The main reason for the blood test is to test for cortisol. It’s a hormone produced by the adrenal glands (they sit atop the kidneys) and it is sometimes referred to as the stress hormone. Dr. Jellinger was concerned about the amount of prednisone I was taking for chemo and wanted to make sure I didn’t go cold turkey and suffer adrenal drop. Hopefully, it’ll turn out to be normal levels. I’ll know in about a week.

After the blood draw, I’ll head back and stop by the neighborhood Publix and pick up my Declofenac prescription for my pinkies.

Well, it took two trips to Publix. I was there a little after 8 am and the pharmacy part didn’t open until 9.

My energy level is good today. I began my yearly cleaning for Thanksgiving by attacking a set of shelves that I keep canned goods. I figure if I do a little each day, I’ll have everything ship shape for Turkey Day. Even though my energy level is up, my stamina is not. I had to sit down, work a crossword puzzle before completing the task. I get out of breath and a little dizzy, particularly with the stooping down. At least I got the one lower cabinet done. Next is the upper cabinet, one cabinet at a time.

I’ll probably nap this afternoon and tackle another cabinet.

Stay tuned!

Update to Cancer Update – Part 75

17 October 2023

It’s hard to believe but I walked out of the cancer center at 1 pm. It’s a new record for the time. It was still four hours but it seemed much quicker than normal. Pat also indicated it was a slow day and she had more time to pay attention to me. That she did. She brought me a third warm blanket (actually it was two blankets each time). She’s so funny. She walked up and asked “Are you ready to get out of here?”

As she was unhooking me, she asked if I wanted to ring the bell to signify the end of the Taxol treatment. She then said I probably wanted to wait until it was the end of all the treatments and I said yes, I’d wait until I totally through with the Herceptin treatments.

I quizzed her about the Herceptin. She confirmed that I would no longer be given Benadryl nor Dexamethasone. I still would be given Pepsid (to line my stomach) and Zofran (for nausea). I need to talk to Dr. Velez about adding weaning doses of prednisone because of the long term effects of Dexamethasone.

Joel picked me up a little after one and we went the back way to my house in order to avoid I-95. I was home by 1:30 and I climbed into bed and slept for 1 hour and 45 minutes. I was bone tired. I still am.

Speaking of bones, on Sunday’s phone call with Jimmie, she suggested an ointment/cream/gel to use for the aching joints in my hands. She couldn’t remember the name but later texted me Diclofenac Sodium Topical Gel. Duh! I’ve been using that for several years for (wait for it) arthritis in the hands. I actually had been using the 3% solution but I ran out of that and have the 1% at the house. I started using it last Sunday night. It takes a while for it to be effective but it certainly helped with joint pain – especially the 3%. I’ll probably call Dr. Fingado (hand doctor) and see if he’ll re-write the prescription for 3%. If Jimmie hadn’t mentioned it, I’d still be casting about for something to relieve the pain. And it is very painful.

Tonight is left over meatloaf. For some reason, the idea of meatloaf appealed to me and when I made my list for Whole Foods, I included items I would need to make it on Monday night. I hopped online to find a recipe (easier than thumbing through recipe books) and found one I could use and modified it. I always like to add bell pepper to any recipe for meatloaf. I didn’t add celery but Mom always did when she made hers. I had a serving yesterday and it was pretty tasty. The recipe called for sweet chili sauce (1/2 cup) and 1/2 cup ketchup and 2 tbsp of brown sugar for the sauce that goes on top after 45 minutes of cooking the meat loaf. You add the sauce to the top and then cook for 15 more minutes. Mama Mia! That’s some spicy sweet chili sauce! Tonight I’ll cut a bigger slice for dinner.

I feel like I’ve turned a page with my last Taxol treatment. Never say botanists don’t do anything for you. It was the discovery of the drug in the bark of Taxus brevifolia in Washington state that led to effective breast cancer treatments. It’s a nasty drug but it does the job.

Photo I took of Taxus brevifolia in Glacier National Park in October of 2016. The red structure is a fleshy ovule and is poisonous. It’s the bark of the tree that is useful to derive the drug Taxol.

Stay tuned!

Update to Part 66

30 September 2023

I have no idea what happened but after posting today’s blog, I had a burst of energy. That sometimes happens when I have hydration infusions but I was so wiped from yesterday, it was unexpected.

I went on a cleaning binge. I did my monthly deep clean of the house from top to bottom and then washed two loads of clothes. Add grocery shopping to the list and you can see it’s like someone lit a fire under me. I’ll probably crash before too long.

I was so hot after cleaning, I decided to go into the pool. The humidity was intense and it was hot outside but just as I was about to jump in the pool, I realized the heater had kicked in. Perhaps it was due to all the rain yesterday but I admit the heat from the jets in the pool felt pretty good.

The pool dip was around 6:30 am and that’s not dawn you see in the background – it’s the city lights of Fort Lauderdale

I hated to get out but I eventually crawled out and had a cold water rinse to get the chlorine off me. When I looked up, I saw an almost full moon (yesterday was the full moon).

September 28-30 is the harvest moon. It was pretty spectacular.

While grocery shopping, I remembered a recipe from Chef Jean-Pierre for chicken wings so I bought a pack. I’m cooking them now and I’ll probably have a few for lunch and save the rest for either tonight or tomorrow. He uses a dry rub at first and then coats them with a sauce.

I confess to running out of sesame oil. I usually have at least two bottles hanging around the house but I compensated by adding extra of the other stuff for the sauce. I test tasted the sauce and it’s pretty good. The recipe is below.

For the Dry Mix:

  • 1 tablespoon Onion Powder
  • 2 teaspoons Garlic Powder
  • 1 teaspoon Ground Cumin
  • 1 tablespoon Hungarian Paprika
  • ¼ teaspoon Cayenne Powder
  • 1 teaspoon Herb de Provence (optional)

For the Glaze:

  • 2 tablespoons Toasted Sesame Oil
  • 1 tablespoon Hot Sauce
  • 2 tablespoons Acacia Honey
  • 2 tablespoons Maple Syrup
  • ½ cup Oster Sauce
  • 2 tablespoons Worcestershire Sauce
  • Salt and Pepper to taste
  • 1 or 2 teaspoons fresh Lemon Juice
  • 2 tablespoons Sesame Seeds

For the Dipping Sauce:

  • ½ cup Sour Cream
  • 2 tablespoons Mayonnaise
  • 2 tablespoons Plain Yogurt
  • 1 tablespoon Dijon Mustard
  • 1 tablespoon Harissa or your favorite hot sauce
  • 1 tablespoon Garlic finely chopped
  • 2 tablespoons Blue Cheese
  • 1 teaspoon Parsley chopped
  • Salt and Pepper to taste


Makes: 15 chicken wings or drumettes (drumsticks)

Preheat Oven to 375°F / 190°C

Make the Dry Mix:

  • Make your dry mixture and rub the chicken with a bit of olive oil and coat them with the dry mixture.  Place on a non-stick baking sheet or parchment paper and bake them at 375°F for 45 minutes

Make the Glaze:

  • Mix all the ingredients and taste to make sure you can taste ALL the ingredients.
  • Brush some of that glaze on the chicken and return to the oven and broil them for a few minutes.  Take them out and sprinkle the sesame seeds. 

Make the Dipping Sauce:

  • Mix well using a small whisk and adjust salt and pepper to taste.

Stay tuned!

Everything Fred – Part 120

11 September 2023

Yesterday was a good day diarrhea-wise and I eventually started to feel OK towards the end of the day. This morning started with diarrhea around 7:30 am and it’s continued and I feel terrible. Not an auspicious start to the day nor a good harbinger for tomorrows double drug dose.

I called my friend Daryl and canceled tonight. I was going to see Daryl and Bill’s new place at the Vee, but I just don’t trust myself too far away from the bathroom. To add insult to injury, for some reason CVS will not refill my Losartin (blood pressure) medicine even though there is one refill left on the prescription. I called my GP’s office and had them transfer the prescription over to Walgreens. I intend to do that with all my prescriptions. Partly, it’s not CVS’s fault. The one I use is probably one of the busiest in the county and they have a pretty significant turn over in personnel, so I’m sure things get confused and lost.

Last night before turning out the lights, I watched a YouTube video of Chef Jean-Pierre cooking Beef Stroganoff (Stroganov). It’s an interesting video and he lays to rest whether the dish is French, Italian, Russian, etc. and quotes the authoritative source Larousse Gastronomique, the “bible” of chefs. It was originally published in 1938 and was recently re-issued in 2009. The dish was created by a French chef working for a Russian Count Stroganov. Somehow, the spelling evolved into stroganoff later.

I heard of Larousse Gastronomique many years ago but the 1938 version was all in French and I decided my French wasn’t good enough to think about purchasing it. I assume the 2009 re-issue is in English and I ordered it off Amazon after watching Chef Jean-Pierre’s YouTube video. It should arrive today. It’s really for professional chefs but I’ve always wanted a copy and reviews on Amazon say it is eminently readable and I do love reading cookbooks. If nothing else, it’ll serve as an excellent reference publication.

Maybe it’ll have some recipes to stop me up and help abate my diarrhea. I did Google that and found that in reality, I’m eating pretty much what I should be eating with diarrhea. I also followed the advice of Judith and boiled some eggs to add a little protein. I still do a good bit of the BRATT diet (bananas, rice, applesauce, toast and tea) along with less fiber. My two weaknesses are caffeine (coffee in the morning) and sweets.

I have no idea how long I’ll be at the cancer center tomorrow. First will be a blood test to determine deficiencies then my pre-infusion cocktail of zorfran (anti nausea), pepsid (coating stomach), Benadryl (antihistamine), and dexamethasone (steroid and anti nausea). When the blood test comes back, they’ll administer magnesium if low. The magnesium will take an hour, Taxol will take 1-1 1/2 hours and the Herceptin probably two hours. That’s if all goes according to plan.

I was scheduled to go to dinner with Nancy and Michel tomorrow but I may have to change that to a simple visit either at their house or mine. With the way I feel today, I’m unsure how well tomorrow will go. Luckily, they are flexible.

I really do appreciate how my friends check up on me. I’ve never been one to talk much on the phone but Judith called yesterday to check on me, so did Ron in Miami and Joel. I spent some time talking with Chris catching up on Tucker’s escapades and goings on in the neighborhood. My cousin Jimmie and I had our weekly phone call yesterday as well. The day before I talked with cousin Jo in San Antonio. Saturday was football day and Natalie (LSU grad) texted me about the Ole Miss/Tulane ball game and asked how I was doing. Michael in Virginia also emailed me to check on me. I feel much cared for and looked after.

There was no morning walk but I did get back to my half grapefruit routine. I decided I didn’t need the Budesonide any more. Dr. Velez suggested I needed it only for a week and as it was a steroid, it was raising my blood sugar and I couldn’t eat grapefruit while on the drug. I prefer the grapefruit. Also, whenever I took the medicine, it had a very foul smell. It’s funny how some medications have a really distinctive smell.

I remember years ago as a kid that all medications were intentionally made to taste bad to prevent kids from overdosing. Somewhere along the line that requirement was relaxed and now you can buy all kinds of kids over-the-counter medicines that taste good (or at least not bad). One bad taste that sticks out in my mind as a kid was Milk of Magnesia. Mom was a firm believer in that and it tasted like a chalk milkshake. Ugh! The worst, of course, was castor oil.

Thanks for reading my blog. Today is mostly word diarrhea. I’ll try to do better next time. Stay tuned!

Cancer Update – Part 43

6 August 2023

I knew I hadn’t been feeling well the last few days. I’m very sore where Dr. Burgers probed and prodded but I figure that’s normal after surgery. There’s also the lack of appetite except for junk food.

I forgot Dr. Burgers took a sample of the congealed blood and sent it off to the lab. Yesterday, CVS sent me a text that I had a prescription ready to pick up. I logged into their web site and saw that it was for Cephalexin, the same antibiotic she prescribed me as a precaution for trying to aspirate the blood from the hematoma. I figured it was a mistake but I could check on it Sunday.

When I got up this morning, I had a voice mail from Dr. Burgers. Again, what surgeon calls you up personally? For some reason, my phone did not ring (it often doesn’t for an incoming call even though the party is recognized) and the voice mail from Dr. Burgers appeared for the first time. She said they discovered bacteria in the sample and that she had sent a new prescription for the antibiotic. Why I get very late voice mails – sometimes two or three days late – and why I don’t get a phone to ring from people in my address book is disturbing. It’s happened too many times.

Of course, my particular CVS didn’t open the pharmacy until 11 am and I was up and about at 5 am. To kill time I went grocery shopping and after returning home and unpacking groceries and stirring around the house, it finally reached 11. The drive thru was closed again due to lack of personnel so I had to go inside. At least the antibiotic is cheap with insurance ($5.90).

According to MedlinePlus, “Cephalexin is used to treat certain infections caused by bacteria such as pneumonia and other respiratory tract infections; and infections of the bone, skin, ears, genital, and urinary tract.” I’m not sure why she wanted this antibiotic since I don’t have pneumonia, respiratory tract infections, nor any of the others.

Before I left her office after the last attempt to reduce the hematoma she said she’d not keep me on it because of the diarrhea issues. Oh well. I prefer to be on an antibiotic than not after having a positive test for bacteria under the skin. I’ll start again with the Lomotil. I’m glad she called and renewed the prescription, diarrhea not withstanding.

Of course, I continue to seep. I finally figured out a routine with the bandaging. I remove all but the bandaids during the day hoping it will “air” out. At night I put on a bandage (damn tape hurts) and put on a tee shirt. So far, the only real damage is to the tee shirt and I save the sheets from blood stains. In any case, I used up one bottle of hydrogen peroxide so I bought two new bottles today. It looks like I’ll have a long relationship not only with Lomotil but also H2O2.

Surgery is tomorrow and I hope it alleviates all the pressure and uncomfortableness I’m having with the hematomas. I think the worst part will be when they put the IV in. No food after midnight tonight and only sips of water to take my standard meds prior to surgery. I’ll certainly be hangry since they don’t begin the prep until 12:30 pm. Hopefully, Holley will have a chance to get something to eat while I’m in surgery.

Since I was up and about at 5 am, I took a long nap this afternoon. I seem to be sleeping a lot these days but I feel I need it. I waked from the nap just in time for a brief electrical storm and downpour and flood warnings – again. God help us if we get a wet hurricane this year. The ground is saturated to the extreme. I don’t need two floods in one year.

The saga continues.

Stay tuned!

Everything Fred – Part 96

29 July 2023

I really did not want to get out of bed this morning. I didn’t want to face the day. Ugh! I finally got my butt up around 8 am. Unusual for me, I didn’t want fruit for breakfast. Instead my childhood favorite, Raisin Bran. It was a mistake. After my cereal and my coffee, I had a nasty episode of diarrhea. Apparently the antibiotic was letting me know who was boss. Dr. Burgers offered no alternative so I’m stuck with it.

Adding to my misery this morning was 45 milliliters of blood from the drain and a puffiness or swelling over what was my left breast. It also seems the hematoma is a little larger this morning.

Saturdays are, of course, wash day and clean house day. I did the barest minimum of house cleaning. I also had a stack of tee shirts with blood stains that I had sprayed with Spray and Wash. Some came clean others will become rags. There’s always a need for some rags around my house. Either that or walk around the neighborhood with blood spots on my tee shirts.

CVS and Walgreens texted me my prescriptions were ready. I paid Walgreens online. I left the house close to 2 pm and even though I knew Walgreens closed the pharmacy for lunch 1:30-2, I forgot CVS did also. My thinking was to make a run to CVS, go to the pool store for chemicals, then hit Walgreens. Luckily, humans are an adaptive bunch.

After I found the drive through at CVS closed, I headed to the pool store. It’s been a while since I’ve been there but I’ve shopped the same pool store for the last 28 years. I pulled in and it was gone. Fortunately, they moved down the street from their old location. Ninety-three dollars later I pulled out of the parking lot with 3 bags of chemicals.

Next it was to Walgreens since it still wasn’t 2 pm. I figured by the time I made it to Walgreens, I’d be just in time for the drive through to be open. It was. She asked me for money. I told her I prepaid. She said check my email to look for the QR code. After much fumbling with my phone, I found the code. I feel badly I took so much time.

Since I was close to the Winn-Dixie shopping center, I decided to do my Sunday grocery shopping today. One hundred and two dollars later I leave Winn-Dixie and I pull in to Duncan Donuts. It was too convenient. It’s in the same shopping center. The drive through told me cash only. I pulled up to the window and handed over a $20 bill. He said the machine wouldn’t accept it. I asked what it would accept. Apparently another $20. Strange. Twelve donuts later I head to CVS to pick up the last of my prescriptions.

When they told me to eat more protein, I decided fried chicken counted. I’ve never had Winn-Dixie fried chicken before but it was OK. I still have plenty of left overs to boost my protein intake. It certainly isn’t as good as my home fried chicken.

For someone who didn’t want to get out of bed I accomplished a lot. Somewhat cleaned the house, washed two loads of clothes, purchased pool chemicals, and picked up two prescriptions and did Sunday shopping. It’ll take me a week to recover.


Surinamese Stickpea (Calliandra surianemnsis)

This little beauty grows in the yard of a neighbor next to Flamingo Park. I think he must work for a plant nursery since he has some of the most unusual plants in his yard.

The flowers are monoecious, meaning the male and female reproductive structures are found in the same flower. What is showy about the flower is the stamens. There may be as many as 100 in this plant and they are whitish at the base but turn pink towards the tip. As you might guess from the common and scientific names, this plant is native to Suriname. Like the mimosa, it can grow tree size. The fruit is an elongated legume (think a flattened pea pod).

If you think this looks a bit like the bloom of a mimosa, you’d be spot on. It’s closely related to the mimosa (Albizia julibrissin). My grandfather planted two mimosas in the back yard and I thought their flowers were the most exotic I’d seen. My cousin Jimmie and I played on those trees year round but they were especially fun in the summer. Sadly, mimosa doesn’t do well in this semi-tropical climate.

My Grandfather Dated with Betsy. To the left of him you can see one of two mimosas he planted. Apparently, they had just poured the sidewalk that led to the garage.

Both mimosa and Surinamese Stickpea belong to the bean family Fabaceae. BNAP reports 154 genera in the U.S. It’s one of the largest families of plants on earth (third largest with 700 genera and 20,000 species) and, of course, contain many species important to humans as a food source. In my travels, I have photographed 45 genera and 81 species. If you would like to see photos of the family I’ve photographed, go to mylifeinplants.com.

Stay tuned!