4 January 2025
It’s a beautiful day in the neighborhood with a current temperature of 65°F and a low of 52°F.

I managed a mile walk this morning albeit a little late (9:30 am). It was a little windy so I was glad for a scarf and a sweat shirt and sweat pants.
You can tell Floridians from tourists because we bundle up like we are in the arctic when we get a cool spell. Those crazy tourists actually go into the ocean with temps in the 70’s and I haven’t been in my pool this year and it is at 84°F. A friend’s pool is at 90°F.
Today is wash day. It would typically also be clean the house day but I did that – at least a little bit on Wednesday. Gravity and old age has finally won out and I clean a little bit all along instead of one daily or one monthly cleaning. Then again, a little dust never hurt anybody unless you have allergies.
My cough is better and so is my runny nose. My right elbow is slightly better but I don’t think I could swim with it in its current condition. We sure don’t heal as quickly as we once did.
Years ago scientists thought they had discovered what caused aging in humans – the thymus gland. It’s rather large in newborns in comparison to other organs in the body. The thymus confers immunity to T-cells. As you age, the thymus gets smaller and smaller to the point it’s not much left at my age. The idea is if you could reverse the degeneration of the thymus, you could not only stop aging but perhaps reverse aging. I’m not sure I want to go back and live some of those years. I’m not sure anyone wants to re-live the acne years.
Not to belabor a point, the Miami Herald had an article today about a foiled attempt to attack and kill as many people in a pro-Israeli organization in Pembroke Pines. Again, these are dangerous times for anyone who is perceived as different. Be safe.
Stay tuned!