15 January 2025
We’re halfway through January, can December be far behind?
I walked 1.5 miles today. On the route there is a house hidden by dense vegetation in a state of disrepair. It’s been that way since I moved here 30 years ago. Today there were signs someone is renovating the place. For years it was like a spooky old haunted house that you walked by. It’ll be interesting to see what the outcome of the renovation is.
I did a light cleaning of the house today: vacuum floors, cleaned the bathroom, emptied garbage, mopped the kitchen, etc. It won’t take too long to get it dirty again.
I’ve got a call in to Eye Surgeons of Hollywood to talk costs of cataract surgery. My impression is that these people only do panoptic lenses with laser. I’m still up in the air as to whether to go with Monofocal or Multifocal lenses. There are pros and cons to both and it’s basically whoever you talk to last that determines these things because they are so confusing.
One friend told me that it cost her $1500/eye with laser and multifocal lenses many years ago. A web site suggested $5000/eye. Apparently India leads the world in developing lenses and many American companies produce their lenses in India. Maybe a trip to India would be cheaper if I got the lenses and surgery there.
I started to swim laps in the pool this afternoon but after putting my foot in the water, I decided I would wait a while – until May. Actually, I’ll try again sooner when the outside air temperature is a little warmer.
Slowly, I am getting my stamina back. I’ve pretty much gotten the strength back in my hands. My legs look like toothpicks in a maypop. My weight is constant but my waist is not. It keeps increasing. Maybe it’s due to those Klondike Bars I keep eating.
I still need to call Viet Nam Vets for a pickup and I still need to get rid of 90 books. Patience was never a virtue for me.
Stay tuned!