Everything Fred – Part 528

13 January 2025

I feel great! No idea why, but I’m going with it. I was awake at 4:30 am and got out of bed at 5, made coffee, had cereal, did the internet stuff, walked 1.45 miles, came back for my second breakfast and coffee. It’s like I felt I could do anything.

I started my walk before daylight with the temp at 56°F. It was nippy. I bundled up and by the time I finished my walk, I was unbundling. I did notice that whenever I got near the New River that I would get little areas of warmth coming off the water. That was a strange feeling.

After clearing the dishwasher and making my bed, I decided to start to tackle the unholy mess of my heliconias.

I hate the look of the dead leaves and unless you really keep up with it, it’ll get like this in a hurry.

I started in with my trusty knife and the yard waste bin. I had to stop, not because I was tired, but I soon filled the yard waste bin. I figure I’ll fill it up twice more before this looks decent.

I hope you can tell I did clean them out a little. After this bunch, there’s another on the side of the house that needs attention.

I needed to drop off a box at a FedEx drop off. It was a continuous glucose monitor that came loose when I fell. Abbott Labs wanted to analyze the monitor and perhaps see why it quit working. Duh, it fell off.

From the drop off, I headed to Wilson and Holley’s to drop off their Christmas present. Santa was a little late this year. Before I could leave, Wilson came out and we had a long talk about insurance, tree trimming, sprinkler pumps, and pretty much anything that came to our mind. It was good seeing him. Hopefully we’ll all go out for happy hour soon.

From there I dropped $600+ for pool supplies: alkalinity plus, calcium hardness, multi-tabs, and a new pool filter. I won’t have to see them for a while. They were kind enough to give me 10% discounts on every item.

As I headed home, I stopped for diesel. I don’t like to let it get below half full. The price was $3.69/gallon which is a little higher than the last time I filled up.

In summation, I spent a lot of money (pool supplies and diesel) and got my two excursions done (FedEx and Wilson) and lugged all the pool supplies onto the back patio storage bin.

I’m not going to take a chance and overdo it more than I have already so it’s nap time. Stay tuned!