Everything Fred – Part 415

7 September 2024

The morning walk started with a light sprinkle. As I was heading home, it turned into rain and I had a wet hat, t-shirt and pants when I finished the walk. I made 1.2 miles but actually felt better during the walk compared to the other two days.

It’s been a busy day. I washed, dried and folded clothes; cleaned a little in the house; changed linen on the bed (still the most strenuous of my tasks) and cleaned the pool filter again. The pool had a build up of calcium and the pump is just now clearing it out so I washed the filter to rid it of the calcium it had from Thursday’s cleaning.

Since I purchased a yearly membership in Instacart, I ordered groceries from Publix again. I ordered them around 10:30 this morning and they were delivered before noon. That’s efficient. The shoppers must be running full speed through the store. I suspect the prices are higher than in the store with Publix. With Whole Foods, I think you are getting the regular price when they deliver.

I had a phone call from an old friend from Tupelo. I met Steve when I taught at Itawamba Community College (née Itawamba Junior College). His Dad ran the cafeteria and Steve was enrolled at the college. We became fast friends. I keep up with him on Facebook but we used FaceTime today to have a better conversation. He runs the Haunted House in Tupelo every year and he showed me backstage. I gave him a tour of my house.

Steve went to Europe with me in 1985. We also used to go camping while I was at the college and he’s thinking about getting back into it. He and his wife have two daughters and five grandchildren. It was great to catch up with him.

Jim seems to be recovering nicely from his surgery and I’m sure he and Holley needed a lot of sleep to compensate from the stress of yesterday.

Tomorrow I go with Tom to see Die, Mommie Die! a comedy at the Island City Stage. A friend of mine, Greg, is president of the board of directors. The play should be a lot of fun. It’s an intimate playhouse and there are no bad seats. Tom usually has front row seats there.

Stay tuned!

Author: searcyf@mac.com

After 34 years in the classroom and lab teaching biology, I'm ready to get back to traveling and camping and hiking. It's been too long of a break. I miss the outdoors and you can follow my wanderings on this blog.

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