Everything Fred – Part 417

9 September 2024

I’ve always been a little slow on the uptake. Being subtle is not a good way to approach me because I don’t catch on to the hints or the innuendo. However, after a period of time, I do catch on. That’s why I almost always let something percolate in my mind before acting. An unusual noise in the house that I hear, I investigate but let it go for a day or two until I think logically about the issue and then correct it.

Today was one of those “Aha!” days. I was not thrilled with getting out of bed today to do the morning walk. You might say I balked. Then I remember something my friend Chip said to me. “Why not swim first?” Duh!

This morning, I got out of bed, had breakfast while scanning the news on the computer, pooped (Hallelujah!) and had my second breakfast while working the crossword, unloaded the dishwasher, added the breakfast dishes to the dishwasher and made my bed.

I then proceeded to do my yoga stretches – for the most part – and then headed to the pool to do my “laps.” They really aren’t laps because I swim in place with swim cords. I managed to do 300 “strokes” in the pool. That’s far short of what I normally do (700) but it was a start back in the pool. Thanks Chip! Sorry it took me so long to wise up. Walking in this weather is not a good idea. I’ll start morning walks again when it gets cooler in November.

A few years ago, Tom and Kurt “sold” me an outdoor table and chairs for my patio. I already had something but it was cheap stuff from Lowes. What they had in storage and offered me was a very substantially built set of some very hard, and heavy, wood. It’s not teak but something very similar to teak.

When I asked Tom how much, he said ten dollars. I said sold. As you might guess, every so often I would remind Tom and Kurt that I owed them money and every so often they would remind me that I owed them money. Kurt then got on the high horse demanding payment in Confederate dollars.

I decided to honor my debt today.

I found this on Golden Eagle Coins website.

I’m not really sure it is authentic, although the price for it was. It’s on very thin paper and looks like it was cut out with scissors which the Golden Eagle Coin website says exactly happened in the later stages of the Civil War when the South was nearly at an end.

I spent some time with Kurt at Holy Cross today. He looks much better and he really appreciated I had paid him in Confederate currency. Later, Tom came in and we had some good conversation. Hopefully, Kurt will be able to come home this week. It’s got to be tough on both him and Tom.

Stay tuned!

Author: searcyf@mac.com

After 34 years in the classroom and lab teaching biology, I'm ready to get back to traveling and camping and hiking. It's been too long of a break. I miss the outdoors and you can follow my wanderings on this blog.

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