Everything Fred – Part 416

8 September 2024

I was up at 7 and ready to do my morning walk when I checked the weather app on my phone and it said it was raining outside. I looked and it wasn’t raining yet. Then I looked at the eastern sky and decided not to do my walk along Riverland Road this morning. It was a good call because shortly thereafter, it began to pour down.

I met Tom at his place around 3:45 and we headed 0.1 miles to the offices of Island City Stage. That was, of course, after two idiots, in succession, blocked the keypad to get through the gates to Tom. I assume they were at the keypad waiting for someone to tell them the code.

At Island City Stage, on a specific Sunday, they have Mimosa Sundays with hors d’oeuvres for season ticket holders. If you are not a season ticket holder, you can pay to come. It was quite a spread.

Tom partaking of the buffet.

They had champagne, bellinis, and, of course, mimosas. Tom forced me to drink two Bellinis and we both visited the spread several times. It was a really nice greet and meet and we met Roberto and Kathy. I ended up sitting next to Roberto during the play and Kathy sat behind us. Tom had us front row.

Die, Mommie Dearest! is what I would call a farce with overly emoted characters, often pausing for effect. To be honest, it was more entertaining than the movie that I saw years ago. There were some great one liners by the cast members and the audience really got into the performance laughing at all the right and wrong places! I’m even thinking of getting season tickets just for the Mimosa Sundays!

After the play, Tom headed to see Kurt at Holy Cross and I headed home. It was a great evening and I had a good time.

Stay tuned!

Author: searcyf@mac.com

After 34 years in the classroom and lab teaching biology, I'm ready to get back to traveling and camping and hiking. It's been too long of a break. I miss the outdoors and you can follow my wanderings on this blog.

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