Everything Fred – Part 423

15 September 2024

I took that dip in the pool yesterday. The water was pretty warm – I ‘ll assume over 90°F. While I was dippin’, I baked some eggplants. I ran across a recipe for baba ghanoush. I ordered tahini with yesterday’s groceries so I had all the ingredients, including pita bread. I really like eggplant and I’ve always loved baba ghanoush. It’s easy and quick and tasty. I had some for dinner last night and lunch today.

I got both my flu shot and Covid shot today. I don’t normally get both in one day but CDC says it is perfectly OK to do. I went online to schedule an appointment at my Walgreens and filled out the paper work. I drove to the Walgreens to find it was temporarily closed. There was a posting on NextDoor that there was an electrical fire months ago but you never know whether to believe it or not. What was strange was they let me make an appointment at a closed Walgreens.

I headed to the one on Federal Highway and they said they would be able to give me the vaccinations. I, of course, had to fill out the same paper work that I already done online. Hopefully, I won’t have a sore arm for too long. The Covid was a Moderna version even though I asked for a Pfizer version. It’s my first Moderna vaccine so I might turn into Mr. Hyde.

While at Walgreens, I purchased another cane. I gave the other one to Archie who said he would use it – but hasn’t. I figure I will eventually need it anyway.

While getting vaccinated, there was a downpour and after I got home, there have been a couple of thunderstorms. Looks like we will get all of the 60% chance of showers today.

My next project is in the garage. I need to get rid of a lot of stuff in the overhead section which means getting up on a ladder. I have too much junk. I have a wash tub and scrub board which dated back to the time before the generator. I wanted to be able to wash clothes after a hurricane.

I also have lots of paint I need to get rid of but I’ll have to wait until Fort Lauderdale schedules another hazardous waste day. They do that about twice or three times a year. You can’t just put anything out for bulk trash pickup.

After sorting through the overhead in the garage, I need to sort through the overhead in the utility room. I think I have a large container or old computer and tv cords that could be sent to the Smithsonian.

Yesterday, in cleaning up a little, I threw away a CD mini player that had been hiding from me in a drawer. I also threw away four glass jugs with large stoppers filled with wine corks. I’m not sure why I was saving wine corks. Then again, I’m not sure why I hold on to most of the stuff that I do.

If you don’t hear from me tomorrow, it’s possible I will be buried under debris from the garage.

Stay tuned!

Author: searcyf@mac.com

After 34 years in the classroom and lab teaching biology, I'm ready to get back to traveling and camping and hiking. It's been too long of a break. I miss the outdoors and you can follow my wanderings on this blog.

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