Everything Fred – Part 422

14 September 2024

I was awake at 4:30 am and out of bed by 5, changed linen on the bed, washed, dried, folded clothes and put them away, and cleaned house, all by 9:30. Just call me the Energizer Bunny! After reading a little, I dozed for about 30 minutes and then ordered groceries from Publix.

I’ve decided to take on very small cleaning jobs. Yesterday I did the computer desk and printer table. Dust for days!

At the west window of the kitchen area I have a table with too much stuff on it. I pulled everything away from the window, dusted, vacuumed, threw a lot of stuff away, and then put it back much neater.

It was a lot of work to get everything out, cleaned, and put back. It really needed it since I had not done this since 2022.

The more I think about it, the more I’m inclined to hire a house cleaner. My only problem is I’m in the mindset of needing a weekly cleaning. Most people do every two weeks. One cost suggestion from Next Door was $110 a week. The more I vacuum, the more I think it’s worth it.

We have heat advisories today and the current temp is 92°F. A little later when the sun starts going down, I plan to jump in the pool, listen to music, and relax. There are a couple of “hot” spots in the pool but there are areas you can at least cool off. I finally got the chemicals balanced again.

Monday is my cardiologist appointment. The date and time has been changed four times. It may be changed before I show up on Monday. I’ve got a lot to tell him – the two falls, hospitalization, taken off Losartin – and then see if he’s going to put me on a beta blocker. The last time he had to change appointments, he had severe back problems. Hopefully he was at a conference, living the good life, this time.

Continuing the Jeanette MacDonald/Nelson Eddy theme, here’s an interview with Eddy on the death of MacDonald.

Stay tuned!

Author: searcyf@mac.com

After 34 years in the classroom and lab teaching biology, I'm ready to get back to traveling and camping and hiking. It's been too long of a break. I miss the outdoors and you can follow my wanderings on this blog.

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