Everything Fred – Part 180

10 December 2023

Wow! My endocrinologist warned me that I might experience a drop of energy while weaning me off prednisone. It hit me today like a ton of bricks. I have absolutely no energy. I’m dizzy and can’t walk very well. I tried to do a morning walk this morning and barely made it around the block.

It started yesterday, which you know by now is wash day and clean house day. It did indeed take until 4:30 pm to finish everything with multiple breaks in between. I probably over did it considering I was due for an adrenal drop.

I just finished filling out 6 pages of questions for the new chiropractor’s appointment tomorrow and I was told there would be additional paper work when I made it in to the office. The problem is I have a hard time writing with the peripheral neuropathy in my fingers. My printing and handwriting looks like the beginning efforts of a first grader. I don’t think I’ve had this much trouble writing since I was a student under Miss Berry in the first grade in Boyle, Mississippi.

I don’t remember much about Boyle except the explosion of gasoline tanks that year and the unbelievable kindness of Miss Berry. I remember one student in class trying to make fun of me and she shut that town quickly and made sure everyone understood that sort of behavior was not acceptable. I think I developed my love of reading in that class. It was Dick and Jane if I remember correctly. I saw Spot run and everything.

Yesterday I made a big pot of beef stew. I’ll nurse that all day today and try to take it easy.

Stay tuned!