Manatee Springs Day 2

21 March 2017

It was a cool night, as in 47F. It’s a good thing I brought my down bag. I needed it last night. The new mattress works great and I got plenty of sleep last night, a rarity for a first night out.

It was bacon and eggs for breakfast with percolated coffee and then off to do some trails. On the beginning of the Scenic Trail, I ran into a doe and her fawn. She very politely held a pose for me and then they were off.

My first bit of trouble was the way the park marked their trails. The first trail marker did not indicate any of the named trails on the map, simply pointed the direction to the youth camp and ranger station. The ranger station looked farther on the map so I chose that trail. It was a lucky guess. It did lead to the trailhead for the Scenic Trail.

The second problem came with the next split: Scenic Trail and Loop Trail. The signs looked exactly opposite from the perceived direction. I opted for the Scenic Trail and later found myself on the Loop Trail. Muttering under my breath about a stop at the ranger station, the Loop Trail did feed me back into the Scenic Trail.

The next spit was the Clay Trail. It finally dawned on me these are not the usual trail markers but akin to street signs like you see at intersections. I have no idea why they did them that way but once I figured out their system, I was OK.

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The map showed a branch road leading off Clay. I assumed, incorrectly, it would lead to the river. It simply dead ended 0.4 miles down the trail. Note to self – no more branch trails without a description of the end of the trail.

The Clay led into the Fence Trail which led into the Shacklefoot Trail, which on the map seemed to show a view of Shacklefoot Lake. It turns out that Shacklefoot Lake is a temporary lake visible only during river flooding and the rainy season.

Shacklefoot led to the beginning of the Scenic Trail and thus a return to the springs. In all, it was a little over seven miles. Most of the trail was unpaved roadbed. Along the way, I ended up picking up trash others left, including a tin can which cut my right hand and a brand new tennis ball???? Luckily, as a former Boy Scout, I was prepared with my first aid kit in my daypack. As the day wore on, it got pretty warm, but it was easy hiking.

I was warm enough that 72F water of the springs looked enticing and so I changed and went swimming. A couple of families were obsessing over some snakes they saw. One pair were water snakes, but two of the others were cottonmouths. However, they were probably so stunned from the forty degree weather, they were just trying to warm up.

After the swim, I headed to the Walmart at Chiefland to buy batteries. From there I drove to Cedar Key and drove around the town.

In 1993, Cedar Key was voted best small community in the US. It is no longer small. It reminds me of Key West just before gentrification completely took over. It has several quaint hotels and motels, a bar every 30 feet, and water everywhere. It would definitely be worth spending a week on the island in one of the historic hotels and getting better acquainted with the place.

Tonight, I am warming in the oven some homemade Jambalaya I made. The temperature is scheduled for the low 50’s.


After 34 years in the classroom and lab teaching biology, I'm ready to get back to traveling and camping and hiking. It's been too long of a break. I miss the outdoors and you can follow my wanderings on this blog.

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