Everything Fred – Part 301

22 April 2024

Today has not started out the best. I don’t feel well. The neuropathy in my left had has decided to be painful and my foot neuropathy is playing catch up to the hand. My ankle is still sore and I’m limping around the house.

I called first thing to schedule Herceptin infusions. Apparently, I have to wait on a call from “infusion scheduling” in order to get anything done. I’ve begun to wonder if anyone in the world is designated to answer an actual question on the behalf of a patient. You seem to be channeled over to someone else every time.

I also called the doctor’s nurse, Danielle and left a message with her. Speaking of the doctor, chem fog is real. I ran across a name in my address book a few days ago and didn’t recognize it. It also didn’t have any accompanying information with the entry and I was about to delete the contact when I realized the name was of my hematologist/oncologist. I’ve only been seeing him for almost a year.

Hopefully they will get the infusion problem solved. I don’t know why it falls to me to schedule infusions since I don’t know how long I’m to have them other than sometime in August of this year. I certainly don’t have the authority to order more on my own. You’d think the hematologist/oncologist who ordered them would re-order any that are needed.

The reason this is important is Jimmie and I scheduled our trip to Mississippi based on my infusions. May 1 would have given me plenty of time to recover from tomorrow’s supposedly scheduled infusion and I would return to Fort Lauderdale a couple of days before my next one. If they don’t get me in rather quickly, it’ll throw the schedule off.

I also have physical therapy today at 1:50 pm. I’m not sure what I can do with two sprained ankles but I’ll see what Shannon suggests. Right now, I’m borderline canceling everything and going back to bed.

We are scheduled for some needed rain today. Otherwise I’ll have to add water to the pool. We are predicted for 100% today but when you look at the breakdown, it’s scheduled for late this afternoon and only 15-20%. I’m not sure how they predict 100% rain and then say it’s 15-20% but I’m not a weatherman.

Sorry to be in such a whinny mood today. It’s just one of those days you want to curl up in a fetal position and stay there. I promise to do better.

Stay tuned!