Everything Fred – Part 285

6 April 2024

I had rubber legs this morning on my walk even though I managed 1.2 miles. I think I overdid it again yesterday. Yesterday was so unusual and I felt so good. My energy level was also down from yesterday and I only managed to put new sheets on the bed and wash and fold clothes. The house cleaning will have to wait for another day.

It was another day in paradise with the weather. The humidity was down to 36% which is pretty much unheard of for South Florida. The only problem is that everyone knows our Chamber of Commerce days are numbered and summer will soon be here with rain storms and high humidity. I won’t mention hurricanes.

I can’t tell if the neuropathy is getting better. It is, at least, not getting worse. There are some days that it causes me real problems but overall, I tend to ignore it wherever possible. Since I can’t feel my toes nor the balls of my feet, I have very poor balance. More than once I end up dragging my big toe when walking. I didn’t know I could do that. I stumble around the house and bump into every possible surface. So far, no real damages to the surfaces.

Next week I have two physical therapy appointments and Tuesday I have my monthly massage. I probably should schedule the massage after the last physical therapy of that week but I wasn’t thinking when I scheduled April’s massage.

My appetite has come roaring back. I’ve put on all the weight I lost with the Taxol treatments. The new pants I bought with a lower waist size now fit rather snugly. It’s a good thing they have some elastic in the waist like the old Sans-a -Belt pants of my youth. Looks like those type of pants will be in my future. Comfort over looks.

Stay tuned!