Everything Fred – Part 284

5 April 2024

It’s been a very good day. I’m now 4 days out from the Herceptin treatment and don’t think I had an episode of fatigue from the last infusion. My energy level today is the best it’s been in a very long time. I managed 1.47 miles today and even had some energy left after getting back home. It was a beautiful morning for a walk with temperatures around 60°F and a cloudless sky.

On the walk I managed to bump into four neighbors and had short conversations with all four. One of the neighbors mostly speaks Spanish but we manage to make ourselves understood. She was talking to another neighbor who also didn’t speak much Spanish. However, I learned the other neighbor did speak French. My French is much better than my Spanish. That makes 4 French speakers in the neighborhood that I know.

I’ve mentioned the route that takes me by the passion flowers. It’s like a flower garden on both sides of the side walk. I couldn’t resist taking another photo of the passion flower.

Red Passion Flower (Passiflora coccinea)

Growing close to it was a papaya.

Papaya (Carica papaya)

That in itself was not so unusual but this one was in flower. I’ve never seen one flower before.

Papaya (Carica papaya)

I’ve only sampled the fruits a couple of times and I think it’s mostly been in salads. The green fruit contains a compound called papain that is often used in meat tenderizers.

After my second breakfast on the patio, it was time to clean the pool filter. As I got ready to do that, I realized the pool deck on the north end of the pool had been neglected for too long. I got out the push broom and cleaned it up.

This is what happens when you let things go too long!

It may not look like it in the photo but it was a huge pile. Next up was the pool filter and it seemed extra dirty this week. Usually it takes me about 25 minutes to clean the filter but I think it was more like 35 today. Then it was a freshwater wash down of the patio and a good watering of the plants – and I had energy left after the chores!

If you ever wonder why I keep doing a daily blog, let me tell you it has come in handy. Yesterday, I went to the “Search” function and typed in “Jeep.” Every blog that mentions the word Jeep comes up and I was able to establish a time line of all my travails with Hollywood Chrysler Jeep. No, Beatriz has not called. I intend to put it all in a narrative and send it to Customer Service at Hollywood Chrysler Jeep. I’m sure I will get no response but they need to know how poor their customer service is.

Stay tuned!