Everything Fred – Part 270

21 March 2024

Wow! I was tired all day yesterday but when I got out of bed this morning I had a lot of energy. My morning walk was 1.4 miles and I made it without too much difficulty. Along the way back was a beautiful frangipani.

Frangipani (Plumeria sp.)

They have a great aroma at night and are used in making leis. I had one in the yard one year but a hurricane took it out. I tried to make cuttings of it and rooting them but it died while I was on one of my trips.

Shannon put me through my paces today. She noticed I had problems with my balance and most of what I did today was working on that. I admit to being pretty tired after the 30 minute workout.

After I got home, I got an email and voicemail that my iPad had been repaired and was ready to pick up at the Galleria. The store was a zoo, as usual but they sent me right back next to the Genius Bar and someone came out with it pretty quickly. Everything seems to work but most of the apps I had on it are no longer there. That might be a blessing. There were a lot of them on there I never used.

Tonight, John and I are treating Joel and Keith to birthday dinners. Keith’s was earlier this year and Joel’s is coming up. We have reservations at Union Kitchen and Bar in Wilton Manors. It should be fun.

Speaking of birthdays, Stephen has one today. Happy Birthday, Stephen!

I used to be eager for birthdays but not so much any more. I turn 76 in November and in those years, I’ve earned more than a few aches and pains. Oh for the days where there were fewer candles on the cake!

In case you are wondering, 5 candles.

Stay tuned!

Author: searcyf@mac.com

After 34 years in the classroom and lab teaching biology, I'm ready to get back to traveling and camping and hiking. It's been too long of a break. I miss the outdoors and you can follow my wanderings on this blog.

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