Cross Country Tour – Day 45

12 October 2016

Today has pretty much been a travel day of six and a half hours, most of it along I-30. I have come to the conclusion that drivers in Dallas/Fort Worth are actually worse than south Florida.  I’ve never been cut off so many times in so short of a time.

The consolation was pulling into  Capital Hotel in Little Rock.  This is really nice.  The room isn’t terribly large but everything is first rate.



After relaxing a moment, I called Shawn Leary to see about meeting up with him tomorrow in Memphis.  I’ve known Shawn since I first taught at Itawamba Junior College in the early 80’s. Unfortunately, Shawn thought as was arriving in Memphis today and his schedule is full tomorrow.  We had a nice long talk and I got to speak with his partner Greg. We promised to stay a little better in touch than we have in the past.
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Next I called Stuart Sineath who I’ve known since the late 80’s from BCC.  We plan to meet in Memphis tomorrow around noon. It’ll be good to se Stuart again. Unfortunately, I’ll have to meet him at work and miss seeing his wife Nikki and their kids.

Later tomorrow, I plan to head to Hoover, AL to see Lynn and Robert Buford for a couple of days.

I finally added up my hikes and found that I hiked 68.3 miles and climbed 8,896 feet with a range of elevations of 59 feet in Florida’s Broussard State Park to 10,110 feet in Rocky Mountain National Park.

As I contemplate this, I wonder where I got the determination to hike the miles and climb the elevation.  I think it comes from my maternal grandmother, Ruby Agnew.  She had stamina.  I remember one time she was late for church but arrived late and took her place in the church choir. Later we found out she had wrecked her car on the way to church, found out she was OK and the car was driveable and came to the church service anyway.  Only later did the wreck affect her.

I don’t anticipate any more hikes, so this is probably my final total.  Once  I get home, I’ll produce a spreadsheet of the hikes and the data associated with them.


After 34 years in the classroom and lab teaching biology, I'm ready to get back to traveling and camping and hiking. It's been too long of a break. I miss the outdoors and you can follow my wanderings on this blog.

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