Everything Fred – Part 258

9 March 2024

I walked 0.7 miles this morning, bumped into Stacey and Bear again (at the same spot) and made it back to the house exhausted. I just don’t have the stamina to walk very far at the moment but I intend to keep trying.

It’s change linen on the bed, wash clothes and clean house day. At least some of it got done. I kinda cleaned at it instead of cleaned it. I know where the dust bunnies are and I’ll let them rest in peace for a while. When I get more energy, it’ll be bunny hunting season.

Farah called last week and told me my Vitamin B12 was within the normal range. Dr. Jellinger was concerned it might be too low. B12 is necessary for healthy red blood cells and I could become anemic if it is too low. My level was 761 pg/mL and the normal range is 180.0-914 pg/mL. I assume the “pg” means picograms.

Other than hemoglobin and hematocrit levels, my blood work looks pretty good. Tuesday I go in for another Herceptin treatment. I’ll be curious is I’m adapting to the infusion or if it’ll give me fatigue and for how many days. Add to that two physical therapy sessions and I should be tired for at least 3 days.

John is bringing over BOGO Honey Baked Ham sandwiches for lunch. For a while there, I couldn’t eat them or any pork products but I seem to have recovered those taste buds. Again, I ordered the Tavern club with potato salad. I really appreciate John driving over and fighting the Fort Lauderdale traffic.

My Suriname Cherry is in full bloom. According to the Center for Aquatic and Invasive Plants, it’s considered invasive. It came to Florida prior to 1931 as an ornamental. It produces an edible fruit and birds distribute the seeds. I haven’t planted a single on in the yard but have 3 or 4 of them brought in my birds.

It belongs in the Myrtle family (Myrtaceae) but don’t think Crepe Myrtle here. Think guava, clove, allspice and eucalyptus.

Bees like the pollen and it’ll soon produce a bright red, eight-lobed berry. I probably should uproot all of them but I like the flowers and the fruits so I leave them be.

Back to washing clothes.

Stay tuned!