Everything Fred – Part 263

14 March 2024

It’s been a busy day. Apologies for the late post but my internet has been out all day today and most of the day yesterday. I’ve been using data like crazy on the cell phone and iPad (thank goodness it is unlimited). They restored the internet sometime around 4 pm. Then I find my iPad will not log on to the internet so I need to call Apple to see what is up about that. The phone connects to the internet, just not the iPad.

My polo shirts and chino pants came in from L.L. Bean yesterday so today I started to wash them. Then John texted about lunch. We headed to Flanigans and we both got burgers. It was supposed to be a special for $6.99 but that was if you ordered their drink. To be fair, it was a huge Coke but with tax and tip, it was $16 a piece after all said and done. So much for specials.

John was nice enough to go to Walgreens with me to pick up the latest batch of insulin and Gabapentin. Then we stopped at Winn Dixie so I could restock my Tootsie Roll Migies.

After getting back to the house, we sat and talked and solved the world’s problems. I hung up the new clothes from the dryer, folded the old clothes, and whipped up some guacamole for avocado toast tonight.

One good thing is I had energy for most of the day. I flagged a little when it came time to fold clothes but after getting that done and sitting back down with John, I seemed to recover.

Hopefully, I’ll not have any fatigue tomorrow. Perhaps I’m getting used to the Herceptin treatments.

Tomorrow I need to head to the pool store to get a new filter and some chemicals. At least I won’t have to clean the filter tomorrow.

Stay tuned!