Everything Fred – Part 273

24 March 2024

It’s been a busy Sunday. It was a crisp 61°F when I started my walk this morning. I realized I needed a jacket. I have four regular routes with minor modifications and this morning’s route clocked in at 1.2 miles. On my way back to the house, I stopped at a friend’s yard (designated wildlife area) and took a photo of one of his flowers.

Jersey Lily, March Lily, Naked-Lady-Lily, Belladonna Lily (Amaryllis belladonna)

It’s native to South Africa but has been planted all over as an ornamental. I assume the Naked-Lady-Lily moniker comes from most of the basal leaves have withered and all you see is the flower stalk. It’s funny how many plants have been named with females in mind.

For example, Ladies-of-the-Night orchid (Brassavola nodosa). It’s a beautiful orchid which perfumes the night air and gives the suggestion of prostitutes.

Ladies-of-the-Night (Brassavola nodosa)

One could also draw the conclusion that these four are hanging out together on a street corner plying their trade.

Then there’s Butterfly pea. At first, there doesn’t seem to be any connection to females until you look at the scientific name, Clitoria mariana, otherwise known as Mary’s clitoris.

Butterfly pea (Clitoria Mariana)

Shades of Georgia O’Keeffe. Who said botanists don’t have a sense of humor?

Anyway, I digress. After my morning walk, I finally managed to do my physical therapy exercises. I’ve been negligent the past week. They aren’t hard, it’s just finding the time to do them.

After that, it was a trip to Winn-Dixie. I seem to be out of everything. After a rather large grocery bill (and two gallons of Blue Bell Ice Cream, I stopped by a FedEx drop box.

One of my Continuous Glucose Monitors (CGM) stopped working 4 days before it was supposed to. The company that sends them to me is called Freestyle Libre. They send me two at a time and I have to sign and date a letter and return to them before they will send me another two. The problem is they wash their hands if the monitor goes bad and I have to contact Abbott Labs to get a replacement. They kindly provide the number for Abbott with the letter.

I called and the person I talked to must have kept me on the phone for 15 minutes shooting questions at me about the monitor. Finally she said they would send me a replacement but I had to box up the faulty monitor and send it to the labs for assessment. They provided a mailer (with biohazard bags) and prepaid for FedEx. After packing it up (the monitor is about the size of a quarter) I dropped the box off at FedEx. I think I could get Schedule 1 drugs easier than a replacement monitor.

It looks like a busy week this week. Two physical therapies, a happy hour, a birthday dinner and a pick up from an endoscopy. I still need to see about the part for my jeep.

Stay tuned!