Everything Fred – Part 261

12 March 2024

Last nigh I was casting around for something for supper and headed to the freezer. I found a resealable container that I hoped was beef stew. I had to run water over the bottom of the container to get it to come out and I then put it in a large skillet with a lid on low heat. I started a crossword puzzle while it heated.

After a while, it started smelling pretty good and took a look at it and it appeared at first to be beef stew (carrots, onions, potatoes) but without the beef. As I dished up a bowl, I realized it did have meat in it but it was ground beef not stew meat. I swear I don’t remember making this. I usually mark freezer bags to know what is in there but I didn’t mark the resealable. I called it mystery meat after those days of the school cafeteria. I ate the bowlful and then threw the rest out. I need to start marking those resealable containers.

My day started at 5 am. I have a morning routine that really throws me off if I don’t follow. By getting up that early, it would allow me to leave the house at 8:30 for a 9:15 check in time for the infusion.

Fortunately, the traffic on I-95 was lighter than expected and I got there at 8:55. They called me back at 9:25 and Pat started the procedure. Everyone kept asking where I had been. They lose track of people when they shift regimens like I did from weekly to every 3 weeks. It was nice to be missed, though.

Pat texted Danielle, Dr. Velez’ nurse as to whether I was to go to his office or if he would stop by the infusion center (11:30 appointment). She said he would stop by. Actually, I was finished by 11:30 so Pat said to stay put in the chair.

It was a little after noon that he came around to me. He was running a little behind. I told him I was doing much better and the neuropathy was marginally better with the Gabapentin. He re-prescribed the Temazepam. He was pleased it was helping me get a good night’s sleep. He cautioned the pharmacy limit his 3 refill request – not sure why.

I made it home a little after 1 pm, had the other half of my Jersey Mike’s sandwich and then took a very long nap.

I have another container of mystery meat in the freezer but I plan to throw that out tonight. Dinner is up in the air so it may be delivery from some place.

Tomorrow and Thursday will be interesting. The last time I had a Herceptin infusion, I was fatigued the next two days. I’ve already told Shannon at PT that I may not be in on Thursday and she understands. Hopefully, I’ll be up for movie night with Chris tomorrow.

Stay tuned!